Sunday 23 September 2018

I get a bunch of food.

I went to Church and it wasn't so bad.  They were saying we should love each other and help people people today.

I don't know why but sometimes at that church they say faith alone, sometimes they say love each other and help people.

I guess it is all some people can do is help them own sick self out, and try to believe in helping others if they can.

Perhaps it is not soooooo bad , but rather is good.

They sang nice song in the Church.

"i got a river flowing in me"
"that makes the lame walk and the blind see."

Well I did do some experimenting and one lame person was able to walk normally again, and one person who was going blind was able to see again.

So I guess it is possibly true.

Not just random chance.

Now I am got some breadstuffs, bagels, scones, a loaf of bread, buns.

Thanks to this Church I will be able to buy a six pack of beer tonight or a pack of cigerettes maybe, and have enouhg food to last me until my assisstance payment comes in.

When we are broke we have to get by with Church and Foodbank and Government Assistance.

I am greatful people are not so evil they torture and murder the disabled, but rather tend to help them.

I am somehow sure some wicked tyrant of the past has literally told people to kill and eat the disabled.

I would like thank them for helping us but I am hesitant to talk to the priest and his wife.

I don't know who donates to that Church but it is the only one I know which hand out food a the service.

I guess I can forgive the for saying we muts forgive pedophiles though the new testament mention geting rid of them in Luke 17.2

I suppose I can be limited to tuning and jacking of pedos.

"I suppose!"

I am listening to Enigma old their new 2018 stuff too.

I will make a coffee and smoke a hand rolled butt cigarette.

I am in the grips of a major chilling attack.  I am going to be chilling all day, until I bring the cans and bottles back and get some smokes or beer.

Chilling ATTACK!

I am had an attack of chilling, man.

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