Wednesday 19 September 2018

Join or die cults

I got banned from twitter this time for saying about the join on die Muslims on an NDP MP's twitter feed about Burma, wondering if they had join or die cult in Rohyinga Muslim areas inciting the Buddhists. 

It is clear that internet companies are full of left wing pedophiles who want to block any maneuvers against their bastions of pedophilia, the evangelical and islamic pedophilia cults. 

I have been censored from facebook again for arguing with a racist Indian man, that white people didn't kill 60 million Muslims and enslave the Islamic countries like al Qaeda says.

Yes, facebook is so treacherous it banned me for saying that. 

Probably an Islamic terrorist working for facebook.

I point out that Linda Sarsour is closely tied to the family of the man who plotted to train child soldiers to murder children in schools in New Mexico.  Suprised I didn't get banned for that.

They are hiring serious pedophiles and islamic terrorist supporters in Western Companies now and these progressively owned companies are turning a blind eye to serious abuses by their staff.

It is a war against children and the freedom to protect them, propagated, believe it or not, by murderous child rapists. 

These murderous child rapists form secret cults, and conduct their activities.  Then they infiltrate mainstream politics and religion and academia, propagating their lies.

They are trying to get me banned from social media, for trying to oppose the worst criminals.

We are entering the twilight zone here. 

After they tried to bomb my apartment for reporting the pedophile slave trafficking crack dealers to the police, and sent more mass murder threats and death sqauds to our new home, I reported that to the police again and again, but the police just tried to institutionalizse me.  Pedophile police?  Sounds like it. 

Apparently in this town pedophilia is common and fought for visciously.  14 year old hookers on the main street right at the center of town. 

People are openly declaring their pedophilia to me, telling me they are going to rape my kid and kill me and my dad.  It is a common occurence.  The atheists like to say "there's no evidence."

The old cop told me these guys try to murder the cops all the time. 

Seriously, this town is in child abuse chaos.

The evengelical church said "bible says to forgive pedophiles"aka forgive pedophiles or go to hell.

The Muslim Mosque said to imitate Mohammad and then said Mohammad has sex with children and child slaves.

This town is the grips of a terrible cult and gang system.

There is violence all around us, which goes unrecorded by the state.  apparently.  The state is turning a blind eye to this chaotic, rich, terrorist hell hole.

Yes Victoria is noted as one of the richest places in Canada, and here you find the pedophile cults, the murdering gangs.  The terrorist groups. 

I wouldn't be suprised if blogger tries to shut down my blog.

These terrorists take people as slaves or dogs, and abuse them and make them beg for their life.

When I was a boy the head of the monarchist league, I could just tell he was a pedophile, then I asked God to convict him of it if it was true, he was convicted of it. 

These people most of them don't believe in Jesus at all, or Allah, they believe in perverse stories about murderers and rapists, who do it in the name of God. 

They are sick sick individuals.  Like I said the cop friend I ahve told me they often try to kill the cops.  They try to take the policeman's gun when he arrests them and shoot the cop. 

It's a very tricky situation, and we have that police captain saying he is the devil. 

So be warned, Victoria is not for the faint of heart, it is an incestuous slutty town, of hard drugs addict and alcholics, with lots of rape and pimping, slave trafficking, robbery, probably a lot of hidden murders and vigilantism. 

I talked to kids about protecting women who work in the sex trade, and the one who spoke said 'give them 25 cents."  Slave trafficking, espoused by the young people of the tribe. 

It is a hellish place, as one young man told me, when I mentioned going ot hell or heaven, "I thought this was hell."

Make no mistake about it, the people in this town will try to get you if you try to seek any form of justice.  In fact it seems powerful people in this city don't want me to be able to work or hold any responsibilities. 

The pedophile cults must be stalking police informants, and good people like that, telling them that everyone around here is a witch, a pervert, a murderer. 

They did make attempts on my life. 

In this climate I don't really want to go to any temple in this city, there is some kind of media blackout, and already priests have told me they murder people for revealing their secrets, forgive pedophiles, creepy shit like that. 

The cops can't very well arrest and jail a third of the population, but they should. 

My cop friend told me they were so bad that they were looking at a life sentence, which is why they go for death by cop so much. 

they don't believe in God, praise and thank God, turn away from sin and repent, as Saint Paul suggests is necessary to avoid depravity when one breaks the law.  I reason this makes sense as you neeed some psychological process when you sin to keep you from a downward spiral.  They are abused as kids by stupid societies, and they become creepy people, due to the pressure of being around these rapist murdering torturing robbing cults. 

I know they spend so much money on the bridge, more than 3 times what they said it would cost.  Did that money line the leaders of these evil cult's pockets?

I wouldn't be suprised.  I don't want to give money to priests in this town who say they are creeps. 

I believe these priests saying they are creeps just pocket the money. 

Damn, hard town.  I look forward to going to heaven.  Fuquashah. 

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