Personally my concern as a mystic justice seeker has always been that people are talking to a demonic force when they say they are talking to God. History is filled with examples of religious leaders who claimed to talk to God who did wicked things. I even question the validity of Jesus as a Divine force, as I feel Jesus has said things which imply he goes against Justice, for example that we should leave the punishment of crime to God. People have done just that and child molesters have managed to run from one school to another molesting dozens if not hundreds of kids. So I question anyone who is talking to a "Jesus" are you talking to a Satanic Force?
I feel that Demons can possess us, in my experience demonic entities tried to compel me to be their servant, but they failed, since I can resist demons with the help of other people and doctors. The demons did impersonate Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I met a young man who apparently has been possessed by demons his whole life, and he was so messed up, he called me the devil for trying to arrange justice in the case of a gang of pimps abusing children and murdering a child. Yes the demon possessed boy thought he was part angel and claimed I was the devil for fighting for justice. I am wondering how badly he wanted to kill me.
So take it all with a grain of salt, think of justice for the weak, the innocent, the poor, the sick. Are your ideas really doing them justice? Are you surrendering to the enemies of humanity by just forgiving them and asking God to talk care of it?
Shouldn't we organize some kind of resistance against these enemies of freedom, love, respect, dignity, justice, sympathy?
"Leave them to God!" Was Jesus being sarcastic?
Is Jesus really a God or is it a fraud by some alien pirates/criminals?
Well now, those are seriously important questions. Children should be raised to love and respect each other, strenghten the weak, heal the sick, bring prosperity to the poor. This would strenghten the nation and the world.
Children should be organized to resist exploiters, criminals who demoralize the whole nation, who ruin children's and young people's lives, who destroy families and cause hatred and resentment against society. "Leave it God" Honestly Paul and Jesus are surely sarcastic when they say this, or they are not our friends.
As I noted earlier, demonic possession since an early age can result in an attitude against all justice. Were the authors of the Bible thus possessed?
What about Mohammad? Was he demon possessed?
Should you really go on a mystical quest to talk to God and get direct personal revelation or are you only giong to be fooled by the demons?
Well I note there might be Angels, in my quest there may have been other spiritual beings which were not like the demons. However overall, I have been interacting with demons.
The demons threaten you, get you depressed, encourage you to do evil things that are in your heart.
When a pastor comes along and claims that the demons are God, it is serious business. One such pastor did do that, and I felt so alarmed and frightened I had to flee from his community. I went back there and was expounding on the importance of forgiving child abusers. What crimes go on his temple I don't want to know.
Some of these demon possessed people, they weren't raised with proper morals, and have gone down evil paths already, so they can be very dangerous in the grips of their demons.
The demons incite them to do violent things, tell lies, commit other immoral acts.
They can take the sayings of the Christian, Jewish, or Muslim holy books and make very evil statements and incite evil behaviors.
When you've been raised to believe the demons are God and his Angels, you can be really really anti social.
So I would suggest if you are entering into gnosticism know you will be tempted by demons perhaps, and indeed a priest or pastor may tell you they are Angels or Gods. They might trty to get you to commit terrorism, lie and cheat and steal, do hard drugs, commit fornication, adultery, or slander.
The psychiatrists may be able to help you to have the willpower to resist your own temptations and those of the demons.
Good luck people, there are magical mysteries to be seen and perhaps one day, Angels to meet.
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