Wednesday, 18 July 2018

If you are a Saint, God might protect you if you reallly understand things

Religious study is mandatory for Saints.  They are devoted to God and pursue righteousness and holiness.   Now the Bible might trick you a little, but you must read it's overall message and choose what seems right.  That is how it works.  Now do you do what the Bible says is righteous, overcome the enemy with mercy and uphold the law?  Do you help the needy and hurt people?  Jesus said quite clearly before they put him on trial "I'm telling you the ones not going to hell are the ones who help people."  Then they got so mad they tried to execute him.
Now some Churches are in heresy perhaps, or doing something weird.  They might test you by making a big statement, like "Don't help anyone."
However the Bible clearly said the righteous help people, many many times.
Oh this is funny.  What do you make of that?
Atheists and hypocrites will probably argue that "the bible is full of contradictions" and mock you for upholding the good parts.  These people don't believe in God and are mentally ill.   They literally do almost nothing good, all their products are inferior, the products are basically garbage really.
Their written work is garbage, their intellectual points are garbage, their conduct frankly in my experience, is pretty garbage.  Their children turn out as garbage at an early age.
You think God is cruel to do this?  They try to tell you that too.
The truth is they are monstruous criminals.
If God wasn't holding them back with his power, they could rise and destroy the whole world at anytime.
Then the would claim they did it for God.  Some of the anyway.
The truth is that at anytime, these allies of the devil may be allowed to commit atrocities against yu.  They are trying to turn yu into someone God would let them target, that is part of their predatory instinct.  So they do sorcery on yu to make you have sex or do cocaine, to not help people, to not punish sins or uphold the law!
They literally try to kill you dozens if not hundreds of times.  Maybe a thousand or more times if you are that unfortunate saint who was quickly known to them as the Saint infiltrator of their gangs.  We told you not to do rihgteousness in public.
The reason they are monsters is because they refuse to do what God said to do, and God made the createoin so if it was a criminal outlaw and refused to do what he said, it would become evil.
They tell you God is cruel for doing this, and then try to kill you 10 times.
Yes the government is garbage, some of it, the wicked literally are possessing the governments right now, and have most of the time since the early 1900s.
To prove how bad they are, God will literally have them do things to people who refuse to believe they are bad.
You have to believe they are bad and deserve to go to hell, that is part of it, you have to believe they deserve to go to hell forever, this is part of it. 
They literally try to rottenly force you to accept their false system of criminal incitement, and theft by the gang of the greater part of hte Earth's Wealth.
I think the rich gangsters (Pharisees and Saducees in that time might have been the jew's version the rich people gang.).
Well, I think they have manage to steal the Earth's wealth quite some number of times with their illusions system and delusion causing system.  They cause you a delusion when you are a child.
The believers secretly fight back, and truth is there are undercover super saints.  The God also restrains them, making them mentally ill and stupid (which their leaders can appreciate on God's part as long as they are not in jail.)
I dunno maybe people are going to make another turn around, maybe they are going to turn right again.  I am so afraid the government has become a demonic cult, this is exactly what happened in when Jesus came before.
Looking at the history of the recent past, the bad explanation i have heard about the first and second world war in school and the recent news effort by people such as Stephen Colbert to tar Russia and make it the devil for apparently no apparently reason that pure lustful hatred...  Well, it is pretty dark perception we get of the world from the news and stuff.
It might even be desiged to make you a cripple, by the devil himself!   WOW! 
The fact is as a Saint you have a duty to try to seek out God's Kingdom, but yu may be sick.  They are basically trying to cripple us.
As far as I was concenred there "WAS NO" God's Kingdom in my life, but there might have been one somewhat.  Sadly I was among the beastly criminals for my whole life.
Tororto right now seems to be a BEAST, where you have to PLAY THE BAD GUY, TO GET ANYWHERE.

Perhaps in a world like this, with the addition of drugs like marijuana perfect Christan conduct can be impossible, perhaps thsi what they want, to ruin you take away your Divine willpower, which amazed them when you were a child, they saw yu were so much brighter, smarter, faster, tougher, and the cults and gangs might have made them once again operate the scam to get you down and extort you.

One of hte hings I remember from Jesus's saying is that Jesus said not to take an evil appearance, but Paul did this perhaps.  Saints sometimes commit sin, but God shows you the way to overcome that.

Looking back on it I feel perhaps humans feel compelled to play hte bad guy, who doesn't beleive in God. 

Look some people have to be righteous in public but it si still secret, so it seems, so they play the bad guy sometimes.  Sure, or they are really raping all our kids and stealing the world from us again.

Humans liked to rebel against God because of their suffering, perhaps the devil made this be our fate.

Perhaps we can only do so much, and overcome the beast alone all by yourself when you are a kid is just too much.

Now what made me laugh, is I told some kids and their mom not to worry that God was playing the devil, and they said to their kids "they're cool." LOL OCCULT WISDOM.

Well I am being a senior occult terrorist here, and bring somethings to light, that I am really a Jesus Christ child action star James Bond Secret Canadian Delta Force Army Commando who has been "PLACED IN CHARGE OF THE WHOLE UNIVERSE."

I'm dishing out some karma baby.

Well some kids play the devil, but doesn't that mean GOD IS PLAYING THE DEVL WITH US?


Wow I like Christian Islamic unity terrorism a great deal.

I'm no trying to start anything here, just making it known that I am robin hood and that guy demo is the devil, demo is code for, can't say.

LAw in Canada is you gotta talk to the cops about crime, I am only being sarcastic right?  A copper told me he was the devil, I have been in the dungeon and given adavan so many times I will never ever let them take away to the hospital again..  I might have to kill those fuckers cause suing them seems impossible, it will reveal to them that me and my family are standing up, and that would make me a total target of the global illuminati annihiliation force which plans to rob everything and steal the world - for us ! 

LOL Christ has to get killed again you know what I mean, it's an alien invasion or something.

UH OH...

We have to throw Christ in the infinite pain machine I say, how about infinite pain for infinite time in a black hole they can never escape from, yeah I'll work on the designs and see if I can cook it up.


Allah and Christ can both go to hell, that is what the saint great man who did all the miracles told me!

Now the world is going to be destroyed, and they might throw me on the nifinite pain rack for even intimating in sarcastic irony that this miht happen!


That's not ironic, that's a known fact.

We better be ready to blow up all the world leaders for closing the Embassy with heaven, if we wnt Allah's paradise.  LOL

Jesus might argue that no, we should let the Angels blow up all the world leaders and just sit here betating up demo once in a while.

The fact is Jesus told me I was an Angel, and showed me clear signs I was from heaven.  Huh.

Is that a violation of Code my Lord Jesus Christ, master of grace and compassion?

Is that really just my satan?  LOL!

What if God is playing the devil right now?

Are we trainng for the real encounter with hte real eventual devil or what? IS it not psycho shock systems temptaion control training.  ISn't God blessing us with what we want for the most part if we will be good?

Aren't we w nice working class comfort nation. Or we were until the war started, then yes, the Embassy with heaven closes and the world has to be destroyed again.  By my Fathers, and Grandfathers, Zeus and Allah nad Jesus and Odin and so on.  Not to forget Shen.

I was a peace activist, I proposed fihting the war nobly to make peace, or letting the Angels fight it.  Some people hated me so much they might have poisoned me.

I felt persecuted because of my mental health treatement and isolation at school and how everyone else was being A SINNER, but ME.


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