Sunday, 15 July 2018

am I the only serious scientist?

I've been looking at the God question since I was a child scientist. 

I always here scientists claim we can't prove anything, but I think they are liars.

I think it is possible to prove that God exists and wants us to be certain ways.

For example some Japanese scientists proved that blessing water can alter it's molecular structure.  My experiments have proved that prayer may lead to a change in weight or chemical charge or electrincal change, can alter the functioning of machines and biological organisms, and can affect the weather.

We are outside of mainstream science, often being relegated to backroom talk and spiritual bookstores.

I am not the only serious person investigating the God question scientifically, but sometimes it has felt that way.  When I post about my results in Christian and Muslim debate forums I get no response - at least on facebook forums I have been in.  The only people who showed any interest in my work for from India.

I believe human beings are simply afraid, incapable and not willing to find out the truth behind religious theologies and scientific facts.

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