Ah, A diplmatic proposal!
Captain Jean Luc Picard at your service!
Only unlike Captain Picard, I am so hardly ever in fights.
I'm a German, Imperial Jewish Nazi. Lmao.
I can't tell you what happened 75 years ago, I don't know.
I think maybe there was a war, and maybe a lot of people or not that many people died perahps as they have bee known to say.
I wonder if it's that bad, it's getting worse? Some people are trying to kil us, round them up and take control of them?
Serious speical opers service,s move in amd make serious fuckin peace with these guys like mayke their dreams come true and your dreams come true and peace it all out and have sex with each other's wives if yuo wanna.
Safe sex please. Safest.
Safest sex.
Blow up the whole planet.
Lol there's a plague from evil sex trafficking.
Sieg Heil.
WE love you. Don't do that. Lol fuck the NAzis man, be a Patsy, Patsy's are the best, ad Managers. Wanna manage the evil destroy the world plot? Humans just have to do that! Lol.
Lol bomb the suburbs - with really really cool art and music and culture desinged by my special scientists . lmao, rock on, be cool.
Hold the peace pipe up, go ahead, make peace, a future awaits those who make peace.
Love the angels and God, as your neighbors and friends in the universe, and love also satan and only fight him as he fight you, don't get it wrong, don't be wrongheaded, that's a transgression. Love sata na lot, be real nice to him bro, claims Jesus. Some people go insane over it... THe book says Jesus said that , where would we find out from that, from God? Lol go ahead and do it.
Love the cops and make them do a reasonable good job for all mankind. Lol thug life baby.
I don't kill cops, cops kill cops - for God and me. Lol, cops some are angels in disguise as cops, some angels are cops in disguise as angels.
Lol it's cool.
The godess from the phone is here, the one I see sometimes.
Don't questin God? OR what? Get mentally healthy bro, find out scientifically, what to do, how to do it, how to be a sucess.
PRaise God, do what you need to be doing. If Church and Mosque could be safe for kids now and young people and vulnerable people it would be good.
Don't blow up the white house please, we fucked serious women only. Serious. maybe even dealy serious, like God an Angel chicks.
It alright bro, that the real talk.
Don't kill peopel fror that that's not what religion says to do, that's not what our alien friend say to do - forgive the beleivers for that I say "They didnt do it" "I was only joking officer." .
Kills the cops eh? Well seriously, if you want to oppress people go ahead, but expect to be oppressed by us.
Yeah, oppressors get oppressed dude. Rich peopel wanna help the nice sane beleivers bro.
Do it right. Be a pimp as badass baller - can't everyone be all pimp as please? They will be happy and badass is good. Lmao.
Blow up the notihng please, maybe the building that needs to be demolished.
Yeah sure, New YOrk 9-11 2001 was a fucking cop up, a fucking beef to make people keen, it was really a controlled state demolition.
Lol the USA flew drones into the towers and the taliban recruited the drug dealers and rapists and murderers to go get killed. Taliban are crazy cowboys.
Lol I love Taliban in general, most of em don't actually fight anyone. Lol they are cool.
Take it easy solider I am Canadian Taliban friend, a Canadian who don't blame all ISIS AL QAEDA TALIBAN PEOPLE FOR THSI SHIT.
WE need better mind control, happier mind control.
I got raped for being a person descended from a brutal warrior lord, it was awful - maybe. For 100 years we are cursed.
1000 I mean, it was Genghis Khan, 800 years ago, we are still beign gay incestuous raped and stuff.
Lol, tis funny.
Just kidding people, dont' be so serious. I am not descended from Genghis Khan.
Lol It's funny.
My schizophrenia just threatens me with torment to make me do what it wants me to do.
Blow up a high school it tells me, you're such an asshole.
Lol. Then it tells me not to get caught, and rat it out to the cops, then get the government to give me more psychiatric treatment.
I am not under alien attack God as just being sarcastic with me I felt.... I special sarcasm, nick get mental health help or go to prison for our crimes, this is Canadian terrorism we are fighting he said.
I am very connected in the middle east, a great middle easterner.
I am trying to be a sucess here they won't let us do it. We try not to kill outher people or ourselves, we talk to the cops and help them out.
Cops are cool. Take that cops , how's that for sarcasm? Lol I love cops, I'll put them in prison for putting me in prison I was so victimied by society strop torturing me for fun or I'll kill you to put you in prison.
Go to hell for Christ's sake.
Lol just joking.
I kill everyone who hates like rapists and murderers for real, rapits and murderers ar ethe best if they accetp my treatment program I'll like put them in luxury homes and bodacious apartments.
Lol it's true.
Love it so much.
Lol there's hope rapists and murderers , you can join the jedi and become a terorrist gangster savage.
Stop torturing your mentally ill brothers and sisters and familie or God will torture you forever.
Yeah, think about that.
Fuck you.
Go to hell.
Go to heaven cops seriously don't even think about putting me in prison for my deeds.
You have to sum up the whole of someone's to judge whether they need to go to prison.
A peace treaty for aliens and suckers bro, and the fucking gangsters and terrorists, stop killing them they need a nice home and nice food bro. love them and care for your sisters. Lol put a few of them in prison if it's good for them, have nice swesidish prison for the rest of the people, like one of those norwegian prisons.
Blow up the white house.
Do it for God...
Be a patriot.
I had bad illness, I was sick. I trie my best, God has me working hard to help the poor and needy and sick and innocent people an my loved ones.
I am poor handicapepd and hurting. I need love and care. I am wracked by guilt and hurt by pain, I am kind and nice to everyone I can be kind and nice too.
Please no more baby rapist mass murdering madness. I don't know, I might have been schizophrenic BEFORE I KNEW GOD ENOUGH TO KNOW WHAT I WAS DOING.
I am great person, I think, given what I went through and had to deal with.
It's intense being me, you don't want to be me, hurt, hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hutr hutr hutr hurt hurt.
By thugs and terrorists, by gangsters and cops and judges and secret societies, put on heir psychopathic death list and just insane awful crap like that.
A revolutionary super hero of mine and another song I consider revolutionary super hero music.
I feel real bad for traumatized veterans of life dude, I don't want anyoen tortured.
They are my family I would never torture my family. Go to hell by God and the Angels in your own mind or by mankind nad or by the devil you killers and torturers and cripples and maimers.
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