Wednesday, 29 May 2019

99% percent of people are strickly devoted to crime

Cripple main and kill everyone - torture the snitches forever!  That's the message of cops and doctors and lawyers and judges.

That's what they do.

I went to the doctor, for a fever. I was given an injection.  Then I had  worse fever ever.

I went to the hospital again, because I was so sick.  I nearly died, then I was sick for 100 days that school year.

I didn't see the doctors again for 10 years, and I was in good health.

I practiced religoin and yoga and army cadets and I was in good health.

I saw Satanists, they poisoned me.  I went to the hospital, the doctors crippled me, maimed me, destroyed me.  I forgot half my life and was almost permanently crippled.

I saw Christians and Jews, they gave me exstasy and cocaine, I was running around working out getting ready to be a construction worker or gardener.

I called the cops on murderers and child rapists, the cops didn't care, they took me the hospital, the doctors poisoned me and crippled me again.

People tried to murder my whole family everyhwere in Canada and United States.

The cops tried to lock me in prison.

I went and saw cops told them about trying to rescue kidnapped kids with Jesus and the Angels, they said they were "DEVILS."

I reported terrorist attacks, espionage poisoning the brewery and kidnapping, the cops didn't care once more, took me to the hospital.  the doctors tortured me, crippled me again.

The doctors gave me injections by state decree which tortured me forever.

The doctors told me I'd be killed if I wrote to any political leaders.

I will kill all the doctors and cops.

I note once I saw the doctors and they thought I was a criminal who had arrested arrest, they gave me drugs which made me strong and capable, then I complained about child abuse, and they gave me drugs which crippled me.

So human want to destroy the humanity, especialy people who protest crime and terrorism.

The doctors try to murder your kids.

Siegh Heil, God annihilate the human race like please, don't spare a single human.

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