Tuesday, 28 May 2019

I'd love to smoke a crack pipe with God ..

Protein powder mixed with anti heart attack drugs and painkillers and put in the rock and melted on steel wool in a glass pipe?

That's the crack I used to get..  Really fucking nice stuff, courtesy of some downtown gang, you see them in a black suv they shot someone and dragged them away tied to the car down the street, I hope he was one of those monster pedophiles, he did "look like a pedophile to me" but that's probably just mental illness, I told the governmetn about the killing. 

I am running for office, I am officially fighting crime and proving it to the people.

A little crack just isn't so bad though, I was literally running around the whole city and doing pushups like crazy again, after having been athetically crippled for years, like a decade.

When they took my crack pipe away and said  I was crazy and gave me those zyprexas my cardio and pushubs dissappeared again.

I think they are denying us STEN GUN- the ignorant people. 

Smoking that crakc had me all preparing myself to fight these rapists adn murderers I was encountering around town.  I was going to finaly tell the cops what I had heard, and what I had seen.

I finally called them when I met a really annoying murderer claimant who gave people an overdose of heroin and crack and I had also met a guy who said he murdered somoeone because he was "looking for a kid" and who had murdered threated me another guy and corrutp catholic missionary plotting to murder me and a woman who seemed like she was getting raped nad a fascist thug, with my legendary God investigation technique to convict them and prove about God helping us fight crime.

The cops barely took information from me, I was super upset at that, I felt it was a violatoin of police proceedures, I was going to call the cops again, but not from the hosptial where they had declared me psychotic and drugged me with drugs I felt I was allergic too, and had locked me in solitary confinement. 

I went all out and they didn't really care about me and my report, and they fucking scare me so much I can't talk to them anymore, and then these guys try to blow up my apartment building apparently, I report that to the cops and once again they don't seem to care.

Fucking town is full of terrorists bro who say nore more killing or prison for the demons. 

The world needs a public super hero who takes lie detector tests in front of foot ball stadiums no live tv with his friends and not fake checked and looked into and super tested and checked out.  Some one the paranoid people can trust for real.

Paranoid people need someoen they know they can trust.

I've volunteering myself to be a spokeman and heroic investigator for the group, with Jesus and the Angel I know well and the angel I know a bit, my heroic gaurdian Zed.  He killed people who plotted to murder me for revealing the angry plot of AL AL Qaeda to blow up the high school.  The other one is Mr Wiser, a hero of my times who has been with since I was a boy, visiting me secretly, very frightened of me, this child with a vendetta on the bullshit, looking for truth and like apparently going around beating up Angels and hurting them and stuff. 

He told me what the golden lights and Yahweh Ouden and my insticts were already confirming, that "Those guys were dogfuckers " in other words, maybe "pedophiles who rape kids regularly."  I figured we better put in them in prison or kill them BEFORE THEY FUCKING MURER THE 3 LITTLE KIDS THE ANGELS TOLD ME THEY HAD ENSLAVED AND STUFF.


I mean denying it and denying God exists and being all coward, traitor person, who is basically therefore a murderer and rapist.  I couldn't stand it anmore, I fought a war to this day with the corrutp people and have had 600 to 800 peopel slain according to God and the Angels from launching investigation after investigation.  I am muy lock I track them down with the Holy Ghost and they confess to me and try to murder me, that's when I have them killled and put in prison and stuff.

How many in prison?  "only 8" says my Yah.

The rest ? "All died!" He says.  Monsters get killed in Victoria, he claimes.

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