Thursday, 18 July 2019

A justice saga of the great very knowing telepathic sorcerer

When he was 4 he was electroted but unharmed after praying to be like as rugged as Luke Skywalker, in Star Wars Return of the Jedi.  The electric shock could have killed him but he wasn't hurt.

When he was 6 he was sexually inuendoed by a junkie at the park, he prayed for him and his drug dealer to die, and they both dissappeared.

He asked to break the unseperatable rings and he did it, when he was 7.

He prayed for his skin to be uncuttable, and tried to cut himself with a knife, and it didn't hurt him.

When he was 8 he prayed to miss school cause people were such wicked scoundrels, and he got sick and missed 99 days of school but still passed the year with flying grades.  He was comfortable when he was ill and had lots of fun.

When he was 10 he prayed for school to close for him 3 times and it was closed the next day.

When he was 11 he prayed to break out of handcuffs as a sign that he could break out of prison if he was innocent, and he broke out of handcuffs a few times.

When he was still 11, I prayed for special strenght to break a metal chain, he did.

When he was 12, he prayed to win an arm wrestle with his older brother, who was 24, and 200 pounds and fit, he won the arm wrestle.  His brother told him "you don't know you own strength."

He prayed for the government to be bombed cause the believers gotta stay out of prison when he was 12, and the Oklahoma government bombing occured 2 days later.  The bombing was done by radicals allegedly.

He prayed for JFK Jr to die in a accident, when he was 12, after seeing JFK junior making excesssive homosexual innuendo on TV.   JFK Jr died in a plane crass off nantucket.

He noted that Pierre Trudeau's son was insulting him, and prayed for him to die, askeed God, if someone could die in an Avalanche, Pierre Trudeau's son died in an Avalanche that weekend.

An older Kid made homosexual advances on him, he prayed for him to be struck by lightning, the older kid was struck by lightning.

He prayed for an Hurricane to strike Florida after it executed a woman who claimed she had shot her rapists, which he chose to believe her because of his divine sense.  Florida had the worst hurricaine it had ever had.  The towns where he aunties lived or vacationed were unharmed as he had asked.

He prayed for a dog to come and take his friend's hat off his snowboard,  a dog came and took his friend's hat.

He prayed for a famous TV presenter to die, after seeing through him that he was a pathological fucker.  He asked for him to die when he entered the Sea, the man was killed the next day or two when he was swimming, according to news reports, struck by a stingray.

He noted that some of the kids in high school were assholes, he prayed for one of those assholes to die, he died that month.

He asked for a massacre in the usa after reading about the acts of the ...  apostles there, he went and prayed for a school massacre and then a couple days later there was columbine massacre.  He had wanted "assholes" to die.

By now he was 18, and he was seeing clearly that the "infidels had to die".  He read the news religiously, and saw that Terrorists were planning to attack the united states , seeing this an opportunity, he contemplated the future.  He prayed for some people to die, in an accident, and they died in a car crash.

Now he was praying not only for harsh punishment, he has prayed to see other poeople do well. But this is the saga of his and possibly his God's justice.

He prayed for some kids to win awards and do well in school, and they did.

Now he went to college.  He saw that his prayer for a great war between terrorist middle easterners and NATO was granted as the 9-11 terrorist attack went down.

He prayed for the destruction of Southern Afghanistan and it was bombed to smithereens.

He prayed for a massacre an american college, because he found college students upsetting.  There was the Virginia Tech massacre a few days later.

He prayed for the NASA shuttle to explode because of america's fornication and idolatry, the shuttle exploded that week.

He prayed for New Orleans to be destroyed, because it was the hotbed of murder and rape and fornication and idolatry and evil sorcery, it was destroyed by Hurricane Katrina that month.

He was now 22, and he settled down to a job.  He prayed to understand more, and he read enyclopedias and university texts in various subjects.

He prayed for Iraq's Muslims to kill each other en masse, and there was wave after wave of terrorism between Muslim factions in Iraq.

He took some time off political prayers, to focus solely on his work and his continuing studies.

Now he was dissappointed with his mother, he prayed for her to go away, from the planet, she got cancer.

He prayed to get laid a lot, and get high on good drugs, he moved downtown and had a wild party that summer, having multiple gorgeous sex partners, getting high as fuck and all wild.

He prayed for God to appear to him as a ghost, and do advetures with him, he sees a ghost appear, and he goes on adventures.

He prayed for his gang to become the big gang of the downtown, his friend and he then run 20-30 gang members who dominate the main street of downtown, making more than 5000 dollars a day.

He prays for his partner to get chased off, after he commits some fouls against, him ,and the police get onto his partner and chase him off.

He is confronted by a demon woman, and he prays for her to get gangraped, as she cause him to do something stupid, so he finds out from her that she was gang raped.

He prays to discover the solution to the Islamic crisis, so he joins Islamic people and moves to another part of the continent.  He soon is discovering Islamic relationship to God and culture.

He prays to see a cross in the sky, if Christ is a son of God, and to be spoken to by Mary, and he goes out at night nad sees the moon shining a cross every night, and he hears the voices of women and what seems like Mary speaking from the motors of cars.

He goes and prays for his mom to accept religious duties again to be saved of her cancer, but she tells him she doesn't or can't believe in God, so he is upset, and just lets her die.

He goes and prays for meeting interesting people to complete his studies with.  He meets old man who is rich, who explains economics and business and science and it's relationship to business to him, over the course a few years.

He prays to see God's throne in the sky, and he goes outside and sees the sky lit up with the outlines of a throne around the North Star.

He prays to find the Qibla instinctively, to it in a vision, in his new home and he spins around and measures the glowing spot in his eyesight, he sees after checking that it is the correct Qibla.

He prays for a sign that he is not insane, for it to snow during summer, and he gets up the next day, and it is snowing flower petals around his house, his police man spirit show him to get up and look (angels).

He prays to meet and get to know Jesus and to fight Dajjal with Jesus, and a man in white robes whos seems like Jesu come into his life.

He hears the radical calling for infidels  to be raped, and he thinks it is just, so he prays to rape and infidel and get away with it, and he he wishes to rape a "bitch" or a "pedophile" who is "Clean from std's" .  A woman comes to him denying faith in God but wishes to hang out with him, he prays with her, and His Angels and Jesus appear, so he ask her, if she notice anything where the Angels and Jesus are "(his sister in law who is a believer can see the Angels")"  she doesn't see them, she says, so he takes her and rapes her, as the infidels don't see, don't hear.

He goes and prays for friendship with politicians again, as he had been in school, he makes friends with the republican senator's son and they hang out every week, once or twice a week, and he prays to look after the poor and sick and he takes a poor young sick man under his wing, and cares for him.  He also prays to meet a believer, and he meets a young Iranian-Greek man, and they spend almost every day together training for war and going on adventures.

So he prays to catch a creep, and he finds out that somene may have done something very bad, he feels he can't do anything about it right now, but he plan to do something about it when he has the chance if God or Allah as he is knonw in Arabic can ever will for him to accomplish it.

He prays for a mass shooting at the US military facilities, and the fort Hood massacre occurs.  He is hearing reports of US soldiers having a rape culture and women eing raped but no actions being taken by military police, nd he is hearing reports of how less than 2% of US soldiers claim to believe in God.

So he goes and migrates to another part of the continent.  He now prays for making a Muslim companion who is a believer for waging Jihad.  He makes friends with an former Christian former Satanist turned Muslim, and they go on sojourns.  He prays to demonstrate to him the existence of God, and see psychic powers to prepare him for the war, and he goes on a journey and predicts the arrival of people and vehicles and then he predicts the falling of stars in a pattern, with his Angel-God ghost at his side.

He goes and he prays for finding people who God needs killed, and to kill them .  He adventures with the Angels and spies on people they tell him to spy on, he begins to see that they are quite suspicious..

He prays for a mass shooting of US soldiers again this time by a companion of theirs who sees that they are rapists and interested in sex with young children, the Virginia Dockyars shooting occurs, the shooters is a soldier who complains that hte coworkers are rapists who look at child porno.

He writes a letter to the us government and travels to america, there he almost kills a former vice president, but his God not tell him to, so he just watches him drive by with a police cortege while he sits there with the missile launcher.

He finds his first love and sees her.  He goes and convinces the spies that he is not a beleiver

He prays for a hurricane to strike Texas, after reading various insulting stories about injustices by the government in Texas, Texas is struck with a hurricane.

He finds out some terrible things, and has conviction of the monsters from his experiences earlier, so he arranges for them to be robbed by the senator and for the angels to dissappear them, they dissappaer after being robbed blind.

He goes and returns to that other part of the continent.  He speaks out and tries to convict a gang of murderers and rapists, suffers terrorism and overcomes it, he nullifies the bomb, chases off the death squads, he prays for being protected by a dragon an he sees a dragon, and then the dragon possibly came to his aid to chase of the death sqauds, people start calling him "dragon." .

He prays to find a politician who will care about the rapists and murderers, he finds one who has the look of true beauty, so he tels him about it  he hears from people that those men who attacke him, some of them are dead.

He prays for seeing UFOs, Angels in the sky, or a Holy Ghost, out ot protect him and his family, and everytime he does that he sees a Light int he sky.

HE meets Angels, men claiming to be angels, and they hang out with him for several years everyday, training him for the future, after he wishes to be trained by the Angels.

A man pretends to be his friend from the pastor's house, an he doesnt' trust him, and he prays to catch him and the pastor trying to poison or kill him , and he catches the man trying to poison him, and he then prays for the man's home town to be struck by an Earthquake, it has an Earthquake, 360 people died accoring to reports.

He adventures with his possible humanoid Angels, they go around discovering theives and returning stolen goods to people.  He has prayed for this.

He prays to recieve a teaching from God, and become a master, so he is now being taught by his Jesus and his Allah, or Jehova, about the history and politics and matters of community affairs.

He asks God to meet the Archangel Gabriel or an Archangel Gabriel, "(as he suspect there are several)' he meets a little later , after his Jehova ghost tells me he wil meet Gabriel, Gabriel Wise, claiming to be the messenger of Truth from Heaven.

He prays for the world to be destroyed the world of men, of infidels, and Gabriel Wise tells him the world is about to be destroyed  and to warn people, and that only hte good people will be saved.

So he warns, writes world leaders.  He asks God and Gabriel if it's true that he is a child of God, an Gabriel is the Archangel Gabriel, can he see a fleet of Angel ships here to destroy the world an save the righteous, and he is told by his Archangel Ghost that he will see it, and he goes out side and sees 200 UFOs that night in formation.  He tells Gabriel Wise about it and he is like "That's good!" .

He studies with his "God" visions, and writes books.  Now he prays for people to try to kill him and for them to die, the God visions tell him they have tried to kill 1000, then 5000, then 10000, then 100000, eventually 650 000 times.  His family they have tried to kill almost 150000 times.

He prays for the world to eat itself, to nuke itself, and next thing you know it's the nuclear stand off between North Korea and China on the one hand, and USA and its allies on the other.

He prays for peace to be made between North Korea and the USA.  It happens.

He prays for Charlie Hebdo to massacred, it is massacred that week, he really enjoys watching the TV.  Charlie Hebdo wasn't criticizing Islam and it's pedophile orgy philosophy, it was embracing that Mohammad of the Sunnis.

So he prays for a shooting at the Canadian parliament, and it happens.

He prays for massacred at the British Parliament, it happens.

He prays for all the people trying to kill him and his family to get massacred, God Spirit tells him 2.20 million people have been killed for it.

He senses that the Big countries are moving on a genocidal rampage, he prays for them to plant the nuclear bombs along the fault lines of Earthquake centers around the third world, to cause earthquakes reducing global population.

He then prays for the Angels to seize the nuclear weapons and give them to the faithful.  The Archangel Gabriel Wise tells him this has happened.

He prays for God to come and torment the world, and to reveal the truth to the faithful, he hears from Templar Knights that this is happening to them, the one who had denied the truth of God before.

He prays for the French Pedophile cult to be shot up, or if at least the priest could be killed, a ISIS militant shoots up the French Catholic Church.

He prays for the pedophile cult Cathedral to burn down, he sees in the news that it burns down.

He prays for the murdering theive witches palace up the road to burn, and God tells him to write about ti, and then it it burned down.

He prays for the Muslim rape cultists to be mass murdered in Quebec, and there's the Quebec city shooting.

He finds out the Danforth and Torontonians in general don't care about him, so he prays for Muslims to shoot up the Danforth, the Danforth massacre happens, done by a Muslim.

He prays for a massacre in New Zealand, of Muslim going to rapist cult, and the Mosques in Christchurch are shot up.

He prays for a coup d'etat in Canada, and God tells him he can be Commander General, he creates a webpage advertising his coup, then he asks God to appoint someone Canadians are more likely to accept as supreme leader, God takes him to meet Commander Dave, who claims he has overthrown the government, and is now commander in cheif.  God told Nick he'd meet King Arthur, it is King Arthur, claims Commander General Dave, that he is King Arthur, a Gaurdian Angel.

Then Nick goes and harassess world religious leaders a bit, telling them how they are unreal, and he is the Son of God.

Nick discovers the failure of religious institutions, in that no one will get back to him from any church or temple.

He prays for a storm to hit New Orleans, to remind it of hte time he destroyed it, and a Tropical Storm hits New Orleans.

He prays for floods to hit the mississippi valley, to punish it for accepting "wicked men" as preachers and pastors in their so called churches, the mississippi floods.

He then chills at home and does nothing, drinking and eating, plotting to make his trillion dollars.

This is the story of the Great Sorcerer, Nick, who was to be Latter Nicholas, until the Church got wind that he was truly a believer, then they had to excommunicate him.

Ain't nothing but my slave infidels around!

Nicholas of Boake-Kelly-Ponce Clan, born in Toronto, on the Ides of March.

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