Lol if it wasn't for the fact I had PTSD and Schizophrenia, if I was really talking about killing billions of people without those illnesses... lol Who knows what would happen.
Lol what if society was arranged so people honestly thought I was a prophet and everyone was told to gather around and read my messages by the churhc and government and elite academics and stuff?
Instead of attempting the killing of God and his friends, if humanity embraced them?
Human would be living to be 1000 years old, travelling around the galaxy, would all have rich lifestyles, is what I allege.
The reason is that if everyone was nice to the real friends of God and wanted to respect that lifestyle, then it would be great whether, we would be able to change matter, energy and space so that we could travel great distances very rapidly, we would have faster than light communication, we would have loyal workers and robots and we'd be getting goods brought it from other star systems, we'd be very fat in otherwords, rich phat an happy. Pimping in the extreme, however which way we wanted to pimp.
Blow up the world, now please, Lord, it's about time we dropped 50 megatons worth of bombs on some ignorant asshole country. Hehehe.
Just kidding, just say no to nuclear bombardment. Lol only kill the truly guilty, and better yet, get God and the Angels to do all the fighting, just watch and observe and care for the enemies as they are beaten and fucked over and slammed and tormented and killed.
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