Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Who really killed the 6 million Jews? The United States and British Empire.

Yeah you won't often hear it said but the people who really killed the Jews were the allies, who blockaded Europe from food imports, starving the German Reich.  Due to the general starvation, some 15 million people in the camps died from Typhus, Cholera, Dyptheria. et cetera.
It was a brutal class war.  It was a brutal race war, it was a brutal religious war, it was a brutal war between political ideologies.

The Germanic Aristrocrats killed some 50 million communists and religious minorities and their families.

That was their war.

People were drafted and put in the front lines infantry service for being from socialist or communist families. 


Mind you the socialists and communists killed some 10-30 million pure conservative capitalists. 

Actually what happened is, the Nazis tried to deport the Gypises and Jews, the Communists tried to defend themselves and spread their movement, the Nazis tried to destroy the communists and take over Europe....  The British and Americans decided to starve Europe and Nazi Germany from imports of food and materials. 

40 million Soviet citizens were killed, 15 million non Soviet Europeans, 6 million of them Jews, 5 million of them Poles.

This we all have heard about at some point almost, but the fact that Europeans not only did not kill the Jews, but that rather it was the Jewish? 

What if I told you that Nazi, French, British, and American leaders all secretly worked together in the war effort?

What if told this was all part of 'CLASS WAR' and 'RACE WAR'. 

What if told you the class war was still on, and you have to be on capitalist aristocrat side or perish utterly?  Haha.

Rob the taxpayer, pimp his kids, sell them all crack and meth and heroin, with fentanyl in it.

Allah Akbar, they are infidels.

Yes world leaders are definately Muslim. 

Oh wait a minute they are not, right now they are killing tens of millions of Muslim Radicals, who are seen as a similar to Communist type of threat.

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