Tuesday, 16 May 2017

God's revolution... reflections on Islam and the Satanic counterrevolution:

The Quran does say that Muslims are not supposed to use these "hadith books" and "sirahs" for Mohammad's example, but only rely on God.
I imagine God's hadith would be better. Since we know God is The Merciful, The Compassionate...
Or even better yet, that God IS Mercy, Compassion.
To know God one extends love in all directions, said the Buddha.
There are and were good things about Islam at the beginning, which some Muslims still uphold, for example Islam was a compassionate revolution in some ways at first.
There was a lot of helping the needy and sick...
Nowadays Muslim societies won't even finance public health care mostly.
Education is primitive, just Quran and then Hadith and Sirah of Mohammad, according to the scholars.
What happened to Islam?
I think that is a mystery, but one lead I have is that there was a Satanic Counterevolution against Mohammad's Social Democratic Republic.
See the pious scholars agree that originally there was a social democratic revolution, and they elected the leaders in a Republican style.
However then we hear of a "Father of Tyrants" and the "Shaytan" Mu'awiyya, taking power.
It is possible that a Satanic counterrevelution against God has been put in place.
Many of the signs of this counterrevolution:
They say God doesn't talk to anyone.
They say no one but Mohammad knew Angels.
They say believers can only be Muslims - no believers in other lands or before Islam.
They advocate pedophilia.
They advocate rape and persecution of non Arabs/Muslims.
They ban art that depicts God and Angels.
They ban art in general.
They put women on trial for adultery when they report rape.
They oppress women with burkas and home bound condition.
They prevent women from going to the market or driving alone.
They say a woman not in a burka is asking to be raped.
They say to make war on the whole world, an aggressive war.
They say there is no communication with God other than via prophets, Quran, Hadith and their Biographies of Mohammad.
They always suggest that these hadith and sirah of Mohammad stating him as a pedophile, rapist, slave trafficking dictator are valid and are as important to Islam as Quran.

This form of Islam is lost, it is unable to be saved by God, for they have denied God any testimony in the world and they persecute and label as heretics or insane the people who talk to God. (As some do in the West historically and today as well).

The world cannot stop these Muslim Dictators of a Satanic bent from implementation their wicked plans of aggression and oppression.

The original democratic socialist revolution of Mohammad is totally supressed in the so called Islamic world.

The example of Mohammad and the compainions presetned by these Ummayad/Abassid/Safavid/Ottoman dictatorial regimes is one of perversion and oppression of the people.

This form of Islam cannot be saved, only external pressure can bring it to an end. The world must reject this form of Islam and apply pressure to Muslim groups in the West to embrace the beliving way of Peace, rather than this satanic religion.

The West should not tolerate this Satanic religion in it's countries, but rather should formulate what the true form of Islam, of the believers, those who know God - is!

Today there are still a hypocritical counterrevolution against God in the West, for example the Catholics still claim to be God, while they are really hypocrites and greedy idolaters accoding to the Bible (not all but their heirarchy is)...

The superstructure of much of the world, or all of the world, is governed by hypocrisy and unbelief according to the Quran and Bible, the world itself might not be able to be saved.

However the Islamic Satanists counter-revolution led by Muawiyya and the Ummayad Empire originally is the worst.

Only some African hypocrite cults could be worse than what we see from these so called Muslims - really they are hypocrites, greedy people - the Quran labels the believers as communists, struggling in God's cause and sharing their property and life with God and his cause- the poor, needy and sick.

So let us seek refuge with God from these hypocrite scum!

In the Christian world they would have us submit to a worldly system of greed and criminal enterprise.

So too it is in the Islamic world.

The unbelievers are many, they dominate medicine and science, they reject the testimony of the beleivers concerning the signs and wonders God shows them.

The believers are said by both Gospel, Torah, and Quran to share, to help the needy.

The current wicked Islamic regime is not only ridden with greed and desire for personal glorification and power lust to the point of dictatorship - it is sexually perverse and has a twisted cruel point of view that totally denies the whole idea of making peace and then coming to know God.

First you make peace - (Islam ... means to make peace, a Muslim means... a peacemaker or peacekeeper).. then you know God.

The Bible terms it as "the peacemakers are known as children of God" and then says that "there will be those who work miracles in God's name, who when they come face to face with God, will be told "get out of my sight, you never knew me"...

You see even Bible implies that the peacemaker and then communer with God, the socialist keeper of trust with God, that they know God... Personally.

From the Pslams of David, Zaboor, in Arabic, it is quite clear that David had a personal relationshisp with God, where he would know that God was delivering him from his enemies, he knew what God was doing and had seen God work in the land.

You should know what God is doing and see God's work, that is the world of right Faith...

Some of my other projects on here include the "spiritual observatory warriors" (facebook page)... This a group of people who are interested in monitoring God's work, and verifying that God exists at least for themselves.

That is the work of prophetic faith, of the messianic believers movement.

If you desire to know God, commune with God with your person and property, and help the needy in your community. Reach out to your neighbors with love. Reach out in your community. Volunteer, give to charity, spend time with the needy and sick. That is how you get to go to heaven, that is how you get to be forgiven by the Lord.

Now some Christians point to the Bible and say "we are all forgiven by God for our faith in Christ Jesus..." Look at those hypocrites carefully, for they do not help the needy and sick, nor do they know Jesus Christ or God the Father. They are defined in the bible as hypocrites, those who "desire for themselves what they wouldn't want for another man" those who are "greedy which is a kind of idolatry." I seek refuge with God.

Truly these Christian Conservatives, or even Liberal and Capitalist Christians, they are not believers, they do not know God, they do not share their wealth as demanded, they do not serve their time to help the needy as God has demanded in the scriptures.

They say "we believe in God" but their mouths utter incomprehension, and also lies... They don't understand or they are outright liars, that they must not simply think "god exists" to believe in God, but to believe in God, you must stand up for what God holds dear - that is mercy, brotherhood, socialism, forgiveness. Love of neighbor as one self, love extended to the poor and needy and sick, love extended to orphans and widows.

To say you have faith in Jesus or God the Father just because you think they exist- it is so little faith it will not get you into heaven. To believe in them, to have faith in them, you must try your best to put into practice what they have demanded, you must try hard to put their ideas into practice.

Sadly, Christianity and Islam are corrupted by Greed, by perversion (saying God or Mohammad had sex with a young girl instead of with a woman who was a virgin) and by the outright diabolical machinations of a criminal enterprise known as the Mosque, the Church ,the State, and the Society groups.

These criminals are hypocrites and idolaters, many of them are enemies, devils, shaytans!

They are your enemies and the enemies of your God, they are keeping you from living in such a way that the people could go to heaven, they are conspiring to corrupt you and make you a servant and slave of their worldly criminal enterprise...

Indeed the Bible and Quran were clear, GREED is a CRIME- punishable by jail and even death...

Yet you see no society on Earth truly enforcing a law like this, you see only hypocrite communist societies where the inner party and the leader enjoy opulence, and hypocrite capitalist socities where religion is corrupted.

There is no socialist regime of the believers in God, who know God, anywhere on the Earth.

That is a cause for the destruction of the Earth once again, and indeed it is getting worse now, and soon a destruction may visit the Earth which is worse than what happened before.

The peacemakers need to wake up before their faith is rendered into unbelief and hypocrisy by the satanic Mosque and Church, by the Satanic Stupa and Temples,...

Your effort to believe in God and go to heaven, your good deeds, could be rendered obsolete, useless, because of what these satanic forces in the world have planned for you...

The traps the Satanic Mosques calls you into - greed, cronyism, serving the interests of a racist, aggressive, capitalist, greedy elite of tyrants! Pedophilia, rape, and murder of believers, non believers, both Arab Culture and Non Arab Culture alike... So called Islam, which is really the opposite of God's plan of peacemaking and spreading love, opposite God's plan of extended charity and kindess towards children, corruption of the sexuality into pedophilia, rape, and slave sex fantasies! Truly the call you into unbelief and satanism, so rank, and desperate to ruin you, for the sake of what are truly only hypocrites, people who do not even beleive in God, or Prophets, but only pretend they do, who pose as believers and try to control - but really they are God's fiercests, worse enemies! They are the enemies of God and of all mankind.

The traps of the Christian world are similar, they trick you to believe that the aggressive, wicked Mafia is somehow the son of the God, and run a greedy, racist, nazi, corrupt evil wicked Church of demonic people tied to Mafia groups and Mobsters, looking to trick you into being a low class servant of their greed, or a coopted gangster capitalist partner in their siphoning of resources and installation of dictatorship via a criminal gang, while pretending they beleive in Freedom and Democracy and Charity.

These people are not your friend, they are no one's friend. Even unto each other they can't help but act as enemies, for God frustrates many of their plans and makes them despise each other - if you let them rule you, then you will called into wicked wars against each other and against God...

Even now they call you to their greedy system, which is now called capitalism, but in the past was also known as idolatry, or greediness... they call you to be a subervient slave, a compliant pawn in their plan for ever greater wealth and domination of the world. Truly they defy God, they murder and rape and rob and boycott the beleivers and try to make them criminals and try to jail them, they would like to wipe them off the face of the Earth, but still the beleivers fight on, not truly defeated despite their limitations.

There are simply too few True Believers, the Church and Mosque keep you at cynical hypocrite, delusional hypocrite, or diabolocal enemy of God levels. If you go to them with a plan for faith and action, to join God's Kingdom and become a social democratic charitable foundation of working brothers, as God has asked you to be, instead of as a capitalist money economy... you would find some of the good ones would respect you, but almost no one would join you! Some of them would turn against you as fierce enemies! Some of these hypocrite associates of the Church and Mosque, they will try to kill you if you indicate that they are hypocrites!

God protects me and my family, so I have confidence that "shaytan" or the "devil" will not get to me.

These enemies, though God afflicts them with hardship, with pain and suffering, with ill health, with insanity, they still do not repent, for no one is warnin them and explaining it to them.
Indeed some of these enemies they threaten to kill those who try to warn them or talk to them even about true religion.

We need to prove God exists and God does what he does - now no one in the Islamic or Christian World is really that interested in this i think, for they all fear the Satanic attack, they are not really faithful, they don't know, they are depressed, they don't have motivation in faith, they don't want to be ostracized or even boycotted or blacklisted as a socialist, as they have done to the beleivers in the 20th century. ... for many reasons they are unwilling perhaps until soon in the future to prove God exists to themselves, and embark of FAITH AND BELIEF IN GOD - STANDING FOR WHAT GOD WANTS AND DOING IT TO THE BETTER OF THEIR ABILITIES.

God abhors pedophilia, he abhors rape, he abhords the killing of innocents. The wicked "Muslim' (so called) religion advocates all of this and more in the name of the same God who hates that!

God calls us to be peacemakers, to create a loving, kind, merciful realm of peace and righteousness... All those who have had faith hear this call, including many Muslims, or Mumins, but they are tricked by the wicked dicatorship of the Satan Muawiyya, and all that those Ummayad, Abbassid, Safavid, Ottoman regimes have uttered.

The Christians too are fooled by their Hitlers, by their Anti Communists, by their Bolvshevik Atheists, by their Pat Robertsons and others, to beleive they are practicing the true faith when realy their faith is like a spider who dwells in a shower, who is quickly washed down the drain.

Greed and idolatry on the one hand, and a crime dictatorship on the other, these are the callings of these Satanic hypocrites!

They stoop to no level in their criminal tyranny, abusing the children, extorting the hard working faithful people.

Jesus and Mohammad called us to fight, saying they came to bring the sword, but the hypocrites try to make us serve them, and work for a pittance while their wealth grows daily.

Truly if you are not at least a socialist, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. What God would like is the abolishing of money and currency, the replacement of it with honor credits and loving charity, the replacement of banking with charity, the replacement of Tyranny with Republic, the replacement of racism and nationalist bigotry with a movement for peace and lovingkindness to be spread on all mankind! Instead of feuding and infighting and family disuptes among the children, instead of rival gangs and capitalist secret evil cults among the youth and adults, a movement of unity and brotherhood and mutual love and aid among all the people!

This is what Mohammad and Jesus have all called you to, and I am calling you to it again!

Perhaps we cannot save Islam because of the Tyranny of the Tyrants who followed in Muawiya's footsteps, perhaps because faith is so weak in the Muslims world it must be replaced with a new movement.

Perhaps because Christian and Buddhist faith is so weak, whereas the Buddha said one met The God Creator and Lord through service to others, and lovingkindness in all directions - now Buddhists are led into greed and denial of God by capitalist style heretics and idolaters! Perhaps these religions must be replaced.

We don't know, what can save us is help and goodwill towards man, and supporting the reformers who wish to end this stupid gang and inter family war, this stupid racism and hatred, this stpid greed and power hunger, this lust for tyranny and merciless oppression!

We must have faith, not simply think God exists or that the Buddha is a savior, or that Jesus is savior, or that Mohammad is a savior! We must do the good deeds, serve the Love, Lovingkindness compassion that is God, and we must reach out and break through the lies and the system of oppression that both the capitalist elite and the criminal elite have jointly established. We must not be fooled by "society" or "the elite."

Perhaps Islam can be restored, in a country like Canada, or Australia, to what it should be... but we know not...

Truly I tell you, these so called Muslims, these ISIS and Ash Shabab nd Al Qaeda Muslims, these radicals in Pakistan, they are calling for the oppression and murder of the true believers and their friends and families!

The True Believers in God exist everywhere, not only in Christian countries, or in Islamic counties, or in Hindu countries, or in Buddhist countries! The believers are those who know God...!!! They know God personally and directly!

Some of them are jailed, some of them are killed, some of their families are persecuted!

Truly we must defend our right to know God, and to go to Heaven.

For if we do not come to know God, and win his grace, then there is no hope for us of eternal life. Perhaps a reincarnation might happen, or perhaps we might not go to hell for that long, but the truth is we will not exist as ourselves and live in Paradise with our Lord Brahma or Jehova or Allah or God...

Our prophets have warned us all of a portentous doom should we not come to Know GOD, as a personal acquinatance or even friend. We should be serving God directly. We must not serve these evil hypocrites, idolaters, and devils!

Rise up and wage your peaceful rebellion, fight the enemies and grow your strength...

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