Total Compassion and Total Capitalism, a take on a political and economic concept
A response to the cruel hearted insanities of monster capitalism, the horrible consquences of dictatorship of the communist party in the 20th century, the horror of war like national socialism and racist nationalisms, religious fundamentalist tyranny of Muslims and other evil cult extremists, and my own life, trying to find the righteous course that will bring moderate prosperity, peace and well being and righteousness to myself!!!
In other words, what do I have to say to this crazy cruel world and most especially, all the nice people who want to care and make it a better place!
I am only interested in talking to you if you take an interest in having a responsible, loving, environmentally stable and economically prosperous world for the great majority of people, not exclusive to a small caste of extreme capitalists and their cronies, but inclusive of the vast majority of the population who is trying their best to have their own prosperity and well being and deserve to be guided and brought to a rich spring and blooming field by wise shepherds.
If you crave for wealth so much that you will engage in criminal activities or essentially criminal acts of force and fraud to gain it, or if you are so self righteous and convinced of your own grandiose genius that you appoint yourself as the messiah unrighteously and declare yourself communist dictator of the property of all the land, and dictator of the proletariat, then I have no interest in you coming near me or my writings for this time, unless you do so with a humble spirit of reform and change for the TRUE answer FOR REAL PROSPERITY not only of Money but SOCIAL and EMOTIONAL and SPIRITUAL prosperity and well being and indeed in the TRUE LIBERATION of the VAST MAJORITY of the "Population of Human Beings on Earth".... This is meant for those seekers of truth who wonder what a young shepherd who has studied far and wide has come to see as the possible answer to our concerns. I cannot offer myself as your messiah, that is claim that single handedly by my Divine leadership that I will deliver you from hardship, unhappiness, poverty, loneliness and strife, but I think I can nevertheless offer some interesting guidance to those who are willing to take me seriously and build up knowledge for themselves on the issues to see and prove that I have some positive points. I will try to speak at first about what I know fairly well, that is what in an ideal situation I would have even better knowledge of, but finding that this world is still incomplete in perfect and honest knowledge on a significant range of topics that I am forced by my thus termed "intellectual poverty" to offer you a simple enough meal, not a delectable full range many coursed meal in a palace! I offer you something that I hope you will find healthy and tasteful and interesting and enjoyable!
This writing would be useful probably for someone who is taking Ayn Rand and Andrew Galambos seriously but is not yet convinced of the benefits of wealth seeking behavior and instead wants a more charitable world. You could say it is written with the minds of the "libertarian socialist" in mind, but I don't want to say that because you will find that it is both much more simple and more complex in other ways than socialism or "libertarianism" as you may have been simply led to understand them.
It certainly something that might be considered a work of "left leaning" or "social democratic' "libertarianism" and is thus of interest for certian idealistic young people and a few old dreamers who wish to set themselves up essentially as "charitable institutions guided by some kind of superstructure".... AKA Democrats, Centrist Republicans, Charitable minded rightists - see it is my desire to reach charitable minded rightists that encourages me to avoid the term socialism. Let no one be mistaken my ideas are very far from those of the Bolsheviks or Moaist communists or North Korean communism. Freedom is an essential value for me and inspired by certain comrades of the libertarian struggle I have perhaps begun to find "THE WAY" to "operate government without dictatorship of force and fraud." ... although I admit that still my knowledge about the precise workings of these "liberty governments" are somewhat basic and plain, I will endeavor to point you later to writings either of myself or of other people who have reached a more complex and delicious understanding of the question of operating government and avoiding tyranny. I say delicious because the emotion of righteousness can truly be a delicious feast of sensation, of strength and luminescence that far surpasses drugs or sex in it's hedonistic value. It is sad that it is not often heard that in hedonist terms, knowledge and right doing is in fact a deeply enjoyable persistant pleasure at least for me. It is my hope that there is a benign being who has done creative works on us that make us capable of being reinforced in the goodness. So now onto the question of government again:
It is my hope that despite what appears to be quite an authoritarian system still being in place over 99% or more of the inhabitants of the world, that FREEDOM will REIGN in the common life of the FREE WORLD. It is my aspiration that a kind of "compassionate brotherhood" of 'Love, Life, Prosperity and Thanksgiving" can be established without the use of millions of firearms and oppressive measures by forceful states. My long term aspiration is for government to be acheived by voluntary measures with the consent and active participation of the members of society, something that is achieved everyday in our free market industries, where voluntarism and the rule of law are fortunately, the norm rather than the exception! Take heart in Love and Light and have hope for a brighter future for the human race. Means to produce a brighter future exist and it is possible to acheive it as an end whether we maintain authoritarian rule or become more liberal minded.
Sadly to understand the situation, one requires quite a breadth of knowledge, one may find it necessary to read broadly and play thoughtful games and do exercizes concerning knowledge of fields as various as history, economics, political science, jurisprudence, parenting, arts and indeed a certain knowledge of one's own psychology and life may be required to break free of the chains of oppressive ideology that keep one down. Oppression and tyranny can make someone quite ill, so some well meaning readers may find themselves or be found by others to be quite ill in some way. Part of a movement for a compassionate brotherhood and free society of mutual prosperity is creating a body of people who can help the sick including those who are "intellectually ill" to become healthy. Thus we might define the term education as rather an "intellectual healing' as well as a "guiding out" of darkness....
I am not qualified to give healing as a great doctor, but perhaps I can be like a wise mother or father and help the reader along in their quest towards health. Sometimes a good home care by a wise parent can be as important and helpful even as the doctor's medical intervention. It is my hope that my intervention in the academic and essentially psychological and intellectual and even spiritual life of the readers will be of help to this beleaguered human race....
It should be shocking and it is shocking, to one who grew up in the rich agricultural heartland of southern ontario, in a family gifted with a commercially viable skill, that poverty should crush so many human beings.
It is shocking for one gifted with an outgoing personality and friendly interest in others that people should suffer loneliness and heartbreak so much.
It is shocking that people want to hurt other people and cause suffering with bad behaviors and slanderous speech to one raised in the bosom of rightly guided people.
One gifted in knowledge of economics and geography might say "there are many rich lands in the world, and a wise humanity could live in economic plenty if it made the right decisions!"... For if human beings chose to live only when and where they could have plenty, that is if humans chose to live only off of productive resources and limit their populations and their conflicts with each other, they would all be able to enjoy a certain quality of life. The poverty of the Third world and poverty of first world poor people is connected to the facts of living away from the centers of material productivity and cut off from a viable means of trading for a better living.
There are complex factors at work but the basic problem is that food and building materials and clothing materials and materials for consumer goods like electronics and gas heating are only available at a rate of plenty in certain areas, while people must trade in the market in some way and trade across land and sea barriers for the acquisition of prosperity. Production must be made efficiently to reduce the cost of production and the overall loss of productivity, and yet workers must be paid enough to be able to eat and drink and have a nice life. Centers of production spring up close to major waterways and other nodes of transportation, industrial cities and towns grow and blossom over a time, until perhaps they are superceeded by new areas of production. Sometimes this happens in the context of vicious personal, local or nationalist or religious competition, sometimes it is more cooperative and friendly competition between areas.
In our overpopulated world where many people struggle to live off of "marginal resources" as I call them, that is land which is not very fertile, or resources of wood and coal and flax and cotton that are not very high quality, with a lot of mouths around the table to feed to boot - well sadly this situation is leading directly to poverty. Combined with a lack of organized production of goods, and an absence of a rewarding labor market, poverty grows until it chokes the very foundation of a society.
You have to choose a life that profits from the resources available and rewards people for appropriate work in the market. Certainly on an individual basis a direct cause of poverty is lack of appropriate skill for the market. However poverty is not simply the entire fault of the person who suffers it, for good diet, training and knowledge are key to success. Thus we speak of the "less fortunate" who have had a life that does not offer them good diet, training and knowledge to make a strong step into the market. Also there are those "historical forces" which drive poverty, such as being a people consigned to living off marginal lands - as many Arab and African people's are today. Or living in a place of Extreme Overpopulation - as many people in India do. Humans have tried to establish international treaties and laws in the 20th century that will help to alleviate and eliminate the historical forces driving poverty, while individual countries have undertaken reforms to try to reduce the gap between the "less fortunate" and the "fortunate." This is a positive trend, in many ways, and despite the drawbacks of taxation based systems and social democratic state regulation, we are and should be grateful that somehow, the less fortunate are getting education and perhaps food support, being offered training opportunities and access to knowledge about life and the market.... And we should be glad that humans are undertaking to end the scourge of war and violent competition through their international treaties like the UN treaty system, even if our current system of government is still basically rife with authoritarianism, coercion of fraud and force.
Proponents of Galambos's total capitalism (an article outlining what that is will be found) should be aware that Galambos's methods of enforcing law and order are still coercive, and necessitate payments of some kind to an authority that will work the means of producing justice and order. The fact that anyone can set up an authority to enforce law may have some drawbacks. There are probably drawbacks to any choice of government, but perhaps libertarians like Galambos because of his straitforward proposal to eliminate the apparent tyranny of taxes. What I have come to learn is that if we want "Total Compassion" to accompany "Total Capitalism" then we will have to establish a boycotting regime for "selfish and greedy" business. In other words we will have to mandate that business be "socially responsible" as well as "ecologically sound" and organize boycotts or even fines for companies who do not "pay into' the "society of mutual prosperity and brotherhood." In other words to combat greed in a fundamentally capitalist system (human life to some extent will always be fundamentally capitalist as people will always lay claim to something or other, and what is theirs will be argued to be what is theirs) you must simply lay a foundation for a voluntarily socially responsible system of business and then organize the boycott of businesses that do not pay in. Why this may not work is that some businesses will seek to profit themselves by being socially irresponsible and offer consumers lower prices - this 'Wall Mart" effect as you might call it, will continue to threaten responsible economic behavior. It will be necessary to protest and boycott these types of business and encourage people to spend the money that needs to be spent to make business ethical. There would be unethical people in the Total Capitalist system who would try to use their fraud and bad business practice to win a greater share of the total economy. Capitalism would continue to struggle with compassion and brotherhood and equality. (Of course their remains the arguement that producing cheap goods is ethical, but we will show why this "vilus" (latin word for vile) method of prouction is unwise).
If in Total Capitalism there is room for unethical practice and greed as long as the consumer buys into it, then why support Total Capitalism at all? You might ask, is Total Capitalism a better or worse system than state sponsored social democracy, socialism, nationalist liberal capitalism or conservative or national socialist capitalism? Perhaps by deciding to simply boycott business that don't sign up to the Responsible Ethical Practices Bureau of Business Regulation's "Common Plan" (an example of the kind of body Total Capitalism requires for ethical conduct) for corporate management, we will reduce tensions in the class struggle considerably and have an alternative to the potentially disastrous effects of a tyrannical government, something that will stand strongly in the favor of "compassionate brotherhood' or what some might term "socialism"... Of course the capitalist running dogs for the greedy 10% might howl into the wind with their corporate education, media and gangster capitalism that "compassionate brotherhood" is "socialism' and therefore bad! We have no choice but to mobilize volunteer workers to propagandize the market and inform the public that the "Responsible Ethical Practices Bureau of Business Regulations" "Ethical Programs for Business Leaders" are in fact morally mandatory for the people to buy into. Perhaps in this "Anarchistic" scenario you would find that there is not enough being spent on defense and the military, schools or roads or healthcare for the poor and needy areas! This is where the authoritarians step in and say "we need to take taxes to build some infrastructure in that area that will collaborate with market forces to increase prosperity there!" Sadly this is the fundamental cause of the dispute between anarchistic capitalists and socialists and the authoritarian world! Should the authorities choose to use taxes to build "market cooperating infrastructure" they had better make sure, like some have done in this world with some success and others have not - that the state infrastructure will actually be combined with some market forces that will work for greater prosperity and brotherhood.
This is a huge field of arguement between traditional statists and libertarians. Who is best qualified to determine that the "Ethical business bureau" which in a responsible libertarian system we all must join (at least one of the ethical busienss bureau's must be adhered to to avoid boycott, and yes there are competing systems of corporate management inspiring various boycots and endorsements of various businesses in this total capitalist system). Do libertarians really feel that a complex arrangement of various 'leagues of responsible business" boycotting the "irrseponsible business" is going to be better than a state sponsored system? THE ANSWER IS "YES" and a main reason is that in the market based system the future of the company is on the line. While companies do fail the libertarian is basically arguing that companies on average do better than state employees. This is an area that to be honest, must be scientifically studied if we are to make a decision. It is possible that some of these libertarian capitalist people are simply making a selfish decision to not pay taxes and issuing fraudulent claims about the superiority of their low taxes system which may be more harmful even than the totalitarian capitalist nationalist or communist systems!
What if this Total Capitalism is really being used by capitalist gangster sorcerer forces to compel us to give up our socially gained state sponsored benefits? Are there really going to be more housing and prosperity and affordable (even free) education for the children of the working class and poor? Would things go better under a social democratic well regulated state? Are they just committing another form of the force and fraud they complain about? ARRR! These are questions we must truthfully answer if we wish to have knowledge. Therefore I must add it to my question of knowledge and my search for the truth perhaps later on I will learn the answer for this or you will learn it in your research, dear reader.
That will suffice for a first entry, perhaps later on this blog some writings will be coming into existence that may serve as like the chapters of a book. Let us wait and see.
Go in peace.
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