Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Will this offer come through?

I had discussed with God several months ago the near future for me and my family.
I had asked if we could rent a beautiful furnished home for 950 a month near UVIC, and told God, "We'll probably have to be homeless first."
So I warned my family of the coming homelessness.
Now my brother J really wanted to get out of Esquimalt and the "MATT AND STEVE" district of hell's angels drug and sex crime terror central headquarters.
We had been living next door to these apostate bikers who were like "We'll kill you for talking about religion" "we are going to kill your whole family!" And "we are going to rape your kids!" claiming to be "ANGELS!"
Yeah they had been insisting we take drugs and drink, and had been attempting to kill me and assault me repeatedly.
I had been beating them down, watching them lose their jobs, friends, health, and family, such people hated these fucking psychopaths claiming to be "the dictators" who are basically "Terrorists.".
So I tried to steer them away from certain doom, I think I drilled it into Stevo and Matt that they weren't "free from retribution" and that people were "destroying them" for their crimes.
What a wild time.
After Stevo hung himself and Matt overdosed, we figured it was time to get out from under complicit landlord scott and his "severely incestuously homosexual pedophile" kids.
That hell hole, esquimalt, where the rebels think they own the place.
Anyway so I warned me family we would be homeless, we wound up being refugees downtown near our place on pandora.
We were trying to crash on the shelter mats, but james found it impossible to go there, so I was sleeping in the park with him, while my dad was there.
For a few days my dad was in the hospital, from some heat exhaustion or something.
People seemed to be after us to get rid of us, there was a violent clash between the hell's angels and the christians and decent people at the place, and also some other rival native gang.
There were many arrests and some people couldn't take it anymore and committed suicide, overdosing on heroin and meth and stuff.
I was closely monitoring the situation from the front with my old dad and my brother J.
J was having a hard time coping.  Jim was not participating in it to my knowledge, I was just praying and speaking, as we were taught to do, and I was noticing that there were actual guardian angels and brothers of Jesus Christ there and around town, as I had asked to meet, and they were not like these creepy hell's angels and internet "alien angels" I had heard.
I was met by that terrorist rebel scumbag Gabriel Wise, the guy who does no good, now going by the name Alex, and he was turning out to be some seditious coward, frightened meth head guy.
Jah's crowd gathered at night, drinking beer and smoking cigarettes, or drinking tea and coffee, while the wild savages injected their poisoned heroin and cocaine and meth, smoking their pipes everyday.
Lol.  It was interesting, after the fight had cleared up, it became quiet and peaceful almost around Our Place (the street people facility), aside from the occassional mentally ill outburst of anger.
I did smoke a bunch of herb and drink fairly often, as I tend to.
I met various characters, none of whom were particularly committed to me and my visions.
I saw that for the poor and homeless, morale was pretty low, and the idea of embarking on brave new intellectual projects was distant.
I saw that people from some Churches were claiming the government didn't want anything good, and I suspect this is where Gabriel Wise, the Hell'S Angels, and the Illuminati rebel groups come in.
Spreading lies about the government, claiming to represent God, they commit crime, not just the occassional toot of coke or meth, but daily rigorous use of crack and meth and heroin, and they sell these drugs, spread them, and they engage in whatever hypocritical sexual perversion, claiming the right to kill people for their foibles, whereas these guys like "rape kids!" type shit.
They deny doing anything wrong when stopped by police, and hide their crimes, so the police are having a hard time convicting them in the current legal environment.
We are left to fend for ourselves.
But there was always light in this time, from my Heaven.
Heaven was talking to me, warning me of these false evil angels nad messiahs, and I was with Heaven in the park, sleeping peacefully in the field observing the sky, noticing shooting stars, ufos, planes, and witnessing the moon split and change shape and appearance.
I bore on, reporting the situation to my authorities, and continuing with my brother James our struggle for positivity and healthy ideas.
Then I was suprised to see that a house was for rent for 950 a month, a furnished house with all the amenties near the university.
I was suprised to see someone offering such a good deal, but contacted them and then was pleased to learn they were boaters whose wife was heading to africa for missionary work, and I thought, hmm, this might work.  They quickly decided we were the people to rent their house, and now they are possibly going to send us the keys through the mail very shortly.
Then I remembered that conversation with God about the future, and was like , "hmm this is the 950 dollar house with the furnishings provided by the Christian missionaries!"  Haha.
Leaving Satan and his evil ones behind now I pray I hope. 

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