Friday, 26 January 2018

God is afflicting the REBELS, the SATAN, with Many punishments.

God in his glory, thanks be to him.

God is tormenting the rebels in the Middle East and Africa, where whole societies have gone rebel satanist, with plague, mental illness, famine, drought, Earthquakes, landslides, floods and with a constant civil strife between rival factions (gangs and such.).  In addition the people have learning disabilities and retardation over there.

God strikes them so hard, because they are outlaw criminals, who persecute the righteous and the innocent and the needy and the sick and the poor.  Instead of providing health services to the sick, they extort them and loanshark them.  They attack them and try to make them into whore and drug addicts.

Now while whole areas of Africa and the Middle East are afflicted by God's punishment, it is the case that only some areas of the West are under severe punishment.

In the West the masses are in the grips of drug addiction and fornication, lies and deceipt.  They are not warning the satanic rebels of God's punishment, which I have outline above.  The authorities are not consistently fighting these satanic rebels outlaws, and the result is that there is flood, fire, drought, mental disease, and a lack of peace for the wicked outlaws.  The God is hitting the wrongdoers who don't repent and turn away from sin, with a painful and humiliating disease.

At least this is my Theological forecast, based on my studies in Theology and Scripture, and some observation on the ground as well.  We need to further the observation on the ground and report what is going on to a scientific authority, who can research the criminal tendencies in the population and God's punishment for the wicked.

I believe because God has shown me clear signs to believe in the God of Scriptures of Abraham's people, and I continue to see those signs.

The scripture says that wrongdoers are punished with mental illness and that God increases their misbehavior when they are faithless and ungrateful, when they don't increase God's reputation in a good way. Thus many poeple in the West are become outlaws, perverts, disgraces.  A large portion of the young population is very ungrateful and is becoming a gangster rapist slave trafficker, causing a war, whileother are even more perverse and are evil pedophile terrorists who want to mass murder and destroy the world.

I came into relationship of friendship and counsel with an ARCHANGEL, a Alien Guardian of Humanity.  He informed me that "it's getting worse."  Apparently the cultural movement to silence police informants and make everyone into an outlaw gangster and rapist kidnapping terrorist, or even stoking the fuel of pedophilia and treason, is so vast that soon, a catastrophe may be unleashed.

However now Christ can come to people and help them, as the period when Christ was staying away from the World is ended.  Christ can appear through the Divine Spirit which imbues and protects all things.

Now these radicals in Africa nad the Middle EAst propose the enslave and rape and murder all the other cultures.  This is very far from What God wants "LOVE OF YOUR NEIGHBOR, LOVE OF GOD, RESPECT FOR ALL, GRATITUDE AND GLORIFICATION OF GOD (INCREASING OF GOD'S REPUTATAION AND ESTEEM).

Some of these criminal rebel are quite open about theri lust for underage children and their intentions of killing all dissidents and infomrants and non criminals.

It is clear that the world is beset by a tide of wickedness.

The Archangel tells me to save the world, we must preach the gospel and the ressurection of Jesus to the wicked.  This will make them stop being so evil, or cause them to perish I suspect.  Now Gabriel the Archangel and Messenger of Heaven tells me to warn the infidels and the wicked of God's punihsment.  They will become mentally ill, mentally handicapped, they will have other health problems, their children will have problems, they will suffer strife (having no peace on Earth).  They will die eventually and go to hell in the afterlife if they do not repent and turn away from sins.  They can be imprisoned for anything, even if they did not commit it.  Their finances will be broken, their power will be broken, they will be lonely and unhappy and suffer discomforts and pains.

Those are the punishments described in our holy scriptures!  And woe the wicked, I really did see the bad men and wicked men suffering those kind of problems.

When the bad men working for the wicked tried to attack me, they were punished and I prayed to God to kill the wicked leaders.  Now all of the wicked I hearad are seemingly dying of disease, or became cripples.

I am trying to liberate some corrupt people who want to repent, from the cluthces of the wicked, by praying to God.  Thanks be to God, and glorify God for it is good for you, that after I prayed these wicked people came down with terminal cases of cancer, diabetes, and crippling strokes, and perhps some of them hd a heart attack and died.

I am admittedly not 100% certiain, but it seems God is protecting us the penitent who want to turn away from wrongdoing, and the righteous people who always repented and turned away from wrongdoing as much as possible.

Now I have seen evidence that there is still much fear of evil in people, and submission to these wicked gangsters and cultists in the community, corrupt cowardly and evil doing public servants have reared their disturbing prescence in my life.  The community is not removing these corrupt civil servants from their posts.  Instead they are being allowed to continue their work. I asked God to punish the community if this was true generally, and not just my own personal opinion.  We have had droughts and forest fires for several years running now.

I asked after God or the Gods or Whatever, Mother Nature and so on, if they were listening to us and coudl affect the weather, and I saw clear evidence they were talking to me.

I think God wants to make me a kind of religious scientist and diplomat, who is conversing with Heavenly Authorities who live on Earth in the flesh.

Clear sign were shown that Gabriel Wise was from Heaven, including the sighting of a UFO fleet.

God as the Gura nd Pastor described those figures in my mind who seemed to prove they exist, GOD has told me I would meet Gabriel the Angel just before I did.  Archangel Gabriel is talking to people about heaven on facebook.  He can be reached there.

So I have seen the wrongdoers punished, including my self (who was a fucker, and party animal). The fuckers and party animals are already punished quite a bit.  The wicked gangsters I saw were unable to do anything but be wicked gangsters and lived theri lives in conflict and unhappiness.  I met people who were possibly slave trafficking pedophiles, an they were suffring from crippling diseases, retardation and painful agony frequently.  God is destroying people it seems, at least to me.  Perhaps other people are playing a role sometimes, I want to research it more, with funding from donors and support of the Church and State.

We should continue this research on the down low, and come forth with out conclusions at the right time.

For now i am safe, though I fear lest I commit a sin or come under state sanctioned attack by corrutp agents, and I still have concerns I will be attacked again by the criminal societies nd the terrorist slave traffickers.

I continue to work though since God has said he is protected me and shown me clear signs I am protected. I encourage of all you to seek knowledge of whether God is protecting you or not.  There is protection available apparently. 

It is possible that Angels descended to Earth and slew 50 people, who were outrageous criminals threatening the peace and government function of the whole city.

Oh I forgot to mention that homosexuality nd other perversiosn were punishments for being ugrateful and unfaithful to the True Gods, and for not glorifying "THE GOD" as it were.  ("THE GOD, IS THE TRUE GODS UNITED I highly suspect at this point.)...

Now aks yourself if you have done wrong "Am I being punished?"  Were you forced to do wrong or are you forcing others to do wrong ?  "What is my punishment?" you may ask.  Now I have known people who forced others or tried to convince them to do wrong, they were indeed punished perhaps severely with mental illness and other healht problems which made them unable to work and do normal constructive things for the most part...

You might want to ask in secret, or in private, to the True Gods, "Is JESUS GOD?" 

Ask of the True God 100 times if Jesus is "PART OF THE TRUE LORD?"

PRAISE GOD ADN THANKS BE TO GOD, HE DESTROYS THE WICKED AND PUNISHES THE EVIL DOERS AND THEIR CHILDREN, but he is merciful towards the faithful and the saintly, giving them perhaps protection and inspiring them with positivity.

So it seems to me anyway.  Yes I saw a man who became wicked for the criminal establishment, and his son was punished with strange behaviors and a learning disability.

Looking to the mentally ill and stupid nations, you might want to ask "Are they insanely rebelling againt Heaven or not?"

They might claim they serve heaven, but look to their words and deeds and works, and you might doubt that they indeed serve heaven.

Truly again I ask you to inquire after the God , the Gods and Mother NAture,whether Jesus Christ is God and the Son of God.

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