Thursday, 28 March 2019

Beating professional soldiers and cia assassins was easy for the religious scholar who was seeking after God's company.

It was easy to crush them, the cia assassins and marine corps and canadian infantry hitmen. 

The infidel world is weak, their demons telling them to rape babies and kill police informants, are only making them weaker.

Strength comes from the Bible, Quran and Holy Books, from the Law, the LAW is supernatural, it is over nature, it decrees victory to the righteous and holy, to the super awesome.

I think I could beat down 30 of the average punk as pedophiles.  I could also strike them with lightning bolts and fireballs, and have them tortured by white ghosts and blue ghosts.

Taking pliers to your face you punk ass pedophile bitches, you love Sunni and Shia and won't tolerate honest criticsm of them in society, on the news or on tv in general, on the facebook or twitter?

Yeah you like their message of rape and torment every single child, and torture and kill everyone who gets in your way?

I swear to God Canadians and their government, the British Government, the US government, are disgustng child abuse cults, the French Government, et cetera.

Ironic. "Pedophile" reports on Churhc life.

Yes so they tried to kill my family and threatened to do it again.  They all said they were torturers and mass murderers and pedophiles.

I was surrounded by these 'young child rapists." who are mass murderers.

I felt I had, I went to Church and said "I am a pedophile."

Now every time I got to Church this young woman is hanging out with me.

This 16 year old girl.  Lol.

The Pastor talked to me, he was like "You said you were pedophile?" .  I told him about how I had fought pedophiles, and they had tried to kill my family ,and threatened to do it again, and how everyone had been saying they had sex with young kids, and were murderers, and how it was some kind of thug culture thing, like "don't report us to the police!" .

The pastor said something like "maybe that is what it was!".

Yes it takes highly extreme measures to get me to act out in any way.

To get me the say I was a pedophile they had to try to kill my family, threaten to do it again, threaten to torture me to death, threaten to rape my kid, send everyone new to me to tel me they were child rapists or murderers or both...

Finally I agreed to say I was a pedophile.

Now the young people are sending me naked photos, apparently they like this "pedophile guy.".

I am not a pedophile okay, I just have to try to liberate child prostitutes for my lord, and all these young girls sending me pussy photos, all I can say is, the cops aren't busting the child molesting pimps, cops showed zero interest in busting any of them, in my time, on my watch.

Apparently Jesus ordered people to "have sex with kids!" and "kill cops!".

LO!  I had no part in it! 

I mean, I joke around with girls in my head that I want to cuddle them or have a naughty time with them, i suppose everyone does.  But God telling people to have sex with kids and kill cops?

Man, I don't know what to say, the Christians and Muslims tried to blow up my whole apartment building, tried to get death squads to liquidate my family.

That was after I had reported the 6 year old prostitute to the cops.

The Bible warns that pimping out little kids spread wickedness in the land, you go to hell for wickedness.

Apparently these people serve a Demonic Jesus, a Satanic apparition.

They are quite possibly, "The depraved infidel criminals" Paul of Tarsus was talking about in his Letters in the Bible.

They have some demon telling them to kill whole families and rape kids and kill cops, cause that is what they really want to do, or they will "kill the demons, kill Jesus, kill religoin" et cetera.

They want to fuck kids and kill people, and be rewarded with riches, I know it.

They never helped me one day in my life against my enemies, even though I was poor , weak and innocent.  Even though they were allegedly my good friends.  They never helped me.

They do the exact opposite of WHAT GOD SAYS TO DO in the LAW, of the LAND, and the QURAN AND BIBLE, THEY ARE COMPLETELY OPPOSED TO IT.

Mohammad's decree stands firm, 99% of people are going to hell .

Panphlet being distributed

The Heavenly Note of Nick Boka.

Chapter 1.  What went on in the Earth

The Rebel Earth People tried to rape and enslave all the children, and poisoned and destroyed most of the population, and tried to torture all the believers forever.

The Quran and Bible were defied by men of the priesthood who spoke monstrosities designed to make everyone want to kill and torture the believers.

The government never helped anyone almost, was a traitor and coward, was deliberately raping tiny and young children and torturing and maiming and killing the informants.

God defended the believers but most had to be made aware of how evil the situation was the hard way, they were repeatedly kidnapped by the government and poisoned and tormented and doctors tried to give them a disease that made them weak, evil, in chronic pain, and also tried to get them to think God was a mental disease.

There were shining lights in the darkness, the occasional elected official, the occasional gangster or knight or pastor and of course the children.

Almost everywhere you turned that was supposed to help you attacked you for seeking help.  They tried to kill me, one of the prophets, so far about 50000 times.  

The wicked had an unlimited supply of money since the government had given them a license to print money and they had inherited most of the world’s wealth, it was never ending attempted torture and murder of God’s chosen people.

The wicked kept getting fatal diseases and chronic pain and weakness, but they couldn’t see or hear that God might be tormenting them so they didn’t reform their ways.

They got worse and worse until such a point as they died in their sin, their destiny not certain, but looking like eternal torture after having tried to torture and destroy God’s select friends and family and like enslave and rape all the children and rob the young people blind with sorcery, witchraft and drugs.

The government let the wicked people ensorcell most of the population via planning to torture and kill them and their families and enslave and torture their children, people without God’s help felt they had to give up all their dreams nd money and be slaves.

The world was stoked to torture and kill the faithful by mainstream media, terrorist groups and criminal gangs, corrupt pastors and imams, and the angels of God were forbidden to help anyone by the government and majority of the adult population.

God’s Kingdom continued under these pressures to help humanity and defend the believers and their families.  Believers courted death confronting government leaders in ambushes with rocket propelled grenades and machine guns, telling the government what they thought of them.  The beleivers who had always been beleivers since childhood, who were trying their best to be as nice and holy and righteous as possible, they did those things and got largely away with it.

The Angels and the Believers resisted both Satan’s sky empire and the corrupt Earth people. 

Everyone who was a real believer, that is everyone who recognized and fought corruption, was knowing God and they were married and had a household together with Jesus and Mary and God the Father and Friend.

Many of the Earth’s people referred to the believers as “schizophrenics” and they tried to give them a torturing crippling disease with the acquienscence and even support of the government.  The True Believers were resistant to this poison but the doctors administering the program suffered painful diseases and went to hell none the less.

Many parents cursed their believing children, siding with those who sought to torture and destroy them.  These infidels and hypocrites parents plotted genocide and torture and rape of all children.

The elderly were largely silent in the West, unable to speak to their children and grandchildren and guide them.  

There were as I said the occasional righteous people, a neighbor, a friend, a family member, a pastor, a politician, a cop, a soldier, a judge, a social worker.

Only about a third of the population of adults was working, but the government claimed unemployment was only 5-10% in most countries.  The rich increased their share of wealth exponentially, the banking system robbed at least 100 dollars for every dollar deposited in it’s banks.  People struggled to eat and have transport and shelter.  Half the world’s food was thrown away while 1 out of 7 billion people were starving.  In Africa the lower classes were so enslaved and raped and robbed, that they worked all day and received only a small meal a day and lived in a shantytown.  People tried to murder you for mentioning Jesus or discussing Christianity.  

The Arab hypocrites and their allies rallied around the monstruous terrorist groups al Qaeda and ISIS, promoting their Sunni and Shia cults which were outspoken advocates of molesting and raping all the children of humanity and enslaving them for their dictators, and then genociding and torturing forever everyone who got in their way of world conquest.

The believers tried to find a believer who could be elected as ruler and it was agreed that Donald Trump was that man.  Donald revitalized the US economy and cracked down on Arab hypocrite immigration and illegal immigration by Latin Rape Gangs.

The whites were pitted against everyone, themselves, the other races.  Everyone had it in for the whites and the whites were pissed off, the good whites were pissed off at the bad people, while the bad whites were pissed off at everyone.

There were patches of peace and righteousness in family units everywhere, but it was unusual for this righteousness to reach out into the world in the form of a community effort, or it wasn’t so rare, but it was hidden for the most part.

Many of the believers made a scene of themselves with drugs and sex exploits, such that they were very embarrassed before the Lord.  However God forgave the truly dedicated, and they entered into union with the Divine.

Many young people felt they had to have sex and even make porno so gratuitous was the peer pressure and corrupt government conspiracy against the innocent.  These kids did drugs and had sex and made porno, as required by the evil witches and sorcerers and warlocks.  These witches et cetera got cancer, overdosed on drugs, committed suicide, but some managed to live on for a while and cause significant damage, going as far as killing kids sometimes.  

Cops generally either tried to do their job and were prevented from doing so by certain laws and senior officials, or they were traitors and monsters and tried to torture and kill all the informers and organize the crime to be worse.  Some cops were caught killing and raping children and there was widespread mistrust of the police force.

Doctors might have been crippling their patients and killing them, people got sicker and died after seeing doctors.  Psychiatrists declared the believers insane and poisoned them with drugs that at least made them weak and sleepy, if not outright torturing them with chronic pain and inciting them in evil thoughts.

Evil drug dealers poisoned their clients with deadly toxins and toxins causing perversion.  They practiced witchcraft and tried to murder the competition and steal from people to get rich.  

Some kids were rapists already by age 12 or 13, raping their younger siblings and kids in the neighborhood.  Some kids reported being raped by 8 year olds when they were 4.  

It was normal to feel like you had to be a terrorist and that God had to destroy a lot of people including many teenagers and even the young children of the corrupt people.  God killed their kids and tortured those people forever.

The gangsters tried to steal everything extort everyone enslave everyone, the so called Muslims were the ultimate in pedophile terrorist gangster slave trafficking extorsionsits, and some black evil cults tried to torture rape and kill and eat the Christian children.  Tens of Millions of Muslims died a violent death every decade.  Africa was diseased, starving and drenched in blood for the most part.  

Generally speaking the believers were pretty disenfranchised by the Earth’s puppet masters who generally wouldn’t let a real believer ever appear on TV or Radio or in a mainstream newsapaper or academic journal.  Academia might have been largely a gangster cult connected to government propagating misinformation and misleading people about the various academic discplines.  There was some evidence that science and medicine had largely become satanic cults which denied all the believers claims and produced false lying dangerous medical and scientific doctrines which were used to promote genocidal ideas and ideas aimed at tormenting beleivers and stealing their children.

Speaking out was punished so severely that a everyone felt they had to pretend they were fine and everything was fine and stuff.  However some of the righteous truly righteous, kind people continued to speak out in private and in public and there were movements meant to bring justice and efforts to stop the atrocities and crimes of the perverts. 

People generally didn’t take the pills their doctors prescribed as everyone knew the pills had bad side effects and many understood that the doctors were on the payroll of drug companies and generally lying through their teeth about it.  It was seen by the believers that doctors often didn’t care about the spiritual side of health and the prophet saw that they were somewhat or utterly ignoring all the evidence that righteousness and holiness could cure disease.  

Finding a cleric who believed in God and knew God and was righteous was very rare, it was as if temples were satanic cults, the priests at some of the temples referred to a secret order, which killed those who revealed the cleric’s secrets.  A lot of people refused to go to Church because they felt it was a child molestation cult run by thieves, embezzling their money, there were a lot of famous cases of this kind of thing happening.

When the prophet spoke in a Church about organizing a group to help abused children, and fight predators, he received mass murder threats and torture and kidnapping threats, then he received more mass murder threats and child rape threats.  He told the police and they tried to declare him insane and poison him and torment him again at the hospital.  He however could feel their plot and knew to flee from the police sent to acquire him.  Yes the police tried to kidnap and destroy the informer on child molesters threatening torture and mass murder.

So It was, on the Earth, that some were righteous, and earned the right to live forever, while many or even most were not, and earned some kind of servitude and suffering and death.  

Monday, 25 March 2019



That I have alleged this before.

World leaders conspired to wage war on God and Faitful and torture them forever or kill them if they opposed.

The world was whipped up into a Frenzy of GOD HATRED by CIA PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE.







It's not my fault I had to join the pedophile terrorist culture just to not have my whole family tortured by the Government.

Lol I start the "Satanic pedophilia cult" New New World Order "Make things better" Cult.

That's the kind of shit me and Jesus get up to on a normal day.

Go to Church, meet horny young girls, get them to send us pussy photos through the holy force of imagination.

Oh Yeah Nice Message Mr Priest - The Angels are going to let someone torture you to death or put you in prison for life unless you have sex with us KID.


Insane Unlearned Terrorists.


The slave cult continues.

I'm not responsible for it, the world tells me I have to join it or my whole family will be kidnapped and tortured forever.









You have to be this senior religious and academic scholar for the organized crime religion.

You worship with the Hell's Angels and Illuminati in their Satanist Cults, you worship with ISIS and Al QAEDA in the Islamic Religoin of Serial Killing Pedophiles.

You are a Christians, you want to be a member of All Christian Churches, and extremely pissed the world won't let the sects mingle properly to destroy sectarianism and make peace.

You are thought to be an insane man suspected in many deaths by some, a noble holy warrior by others, and are a big whiny question mark some of you for the police and spies and army and stuff.

You claim that God tortures and even kills government agents when they fail, and that now you are doing it for God sometimes because you are under special operations orders.

You are all aspiring to be secret agents.

You are "God's Special Forces Unit Commando 6".

You are a special human God hybrid who knows God personally, is his friend, if you become a paranoid schizophrenic in the eyes of some, a holy man of God in the eyes of others, and a question mark for many young people.  You must hear God's voice and be instructed as far as you can take your academic studies, or home studies, and you will be cleared for public office if you demonstrate self defense ability and intellectual prowess.  You will show miracles hopefully to be cleared as an "Prophet" "Hyper Prophet' or "Super Prophet".  If God calls you a Seraphim or Angel or something some people should recognize you as the Seraphim while others call you questoinable, mentally ill, some kind of serial killing pedophile dude even maybe, and seriously.

God's paranoia means that we must cause the world to appear to have a "Satanic" and "Pedophile" and "Serial Killer" Crisis, accompanied by "Kids getting killed" and "Terrorism, slave trafficking genocide drug dealing rape child abuse and neglect' et cetera.

The goal of the cult is to make the world work the proper illusions and real magic and miracles to overcome the enemies of mankind and their One True Holy God.

You aren't a believer unless you are a "schizophrenic who feels he might be being instructed by God and Angels and Other Believers" in his mind.

The government's "secret drug charity" must continue.  Secret government assassination might continue but the goal of the cult is to reveal that everyone must either obey God or get tortured by painful illness, which is what "The Ultimate Prophet Nicholas of Boake" has proclaimed God says.

The prophet will perform big signs and wonders with his God prayer and hidden intellectual imaginary and real world thoughts.

All of humanity will be encouraged to read the cool style of history book and science book or suffer.

They will be with organized criminal gang, all manner of academic royalty will be veted by the religion, which will be helping people stay out of hell, prison, health problems, death, unwanted rape , et cetera.

If they wanna get raped we can say, let's rape them.

The cult proclaims that adultery is this raping kids murdering you type of plot.  Plotting to torture families is sentenced to death, you are not allowed to plot it and plan to do it, it deeply disturbs the empathetic human beings so bad that it causes them serious join and chest and head and back pain.

This is adultery.

Sex between consenting adults has always been allowed, it was never sentenced to death by God.

The pedophile aspect of hte cult is that the cult believes it is cool for people to have sex when they are young and they allow their kids to have sex with other kids and maybe even adults when they are teenagers.

Some members of the cult will argue that is alright for kids to have sex with each other when they are very young even, and that kids should masturbate and look at porno of children playing with each other.

This will be the 'serious pedophiles" the "pedophile protection service' who "rescues kidnapped kids and slaves and other various intellectual sound missions for the official serious fuckers who claim they "aren't pedophiles." or whatever.

The Sunni and Shia will chastized for pushing things to far, and privately for warning everyone God is a pedophile, which is not true, God is not a pedophile.

On this planet, in this sitaution the religion will argue, some people have to go through gay and pedophile phases evne though they are beleivers to teach us lessons and look after the Godless and Angeless people who are on the 'edge of the night" dancing with the devil so to speak.

This "COOL GAYS AND PEDOPHILES" are supposed to be friends with God, and they might not be seeing the ghosts adn angels but they subconsciously and consciously talk to God and communicate in some sense through signs.  They ask not to have gay sex and pedophile sex, but they struggle with an urge to do it, which is God's plan for them, they are supposed to go preach the gays and pedophiles that God exists and wants to forgive them.  They point the existence of all those "reverse pedophiles" - young people who want to have sex with older people - as a sign that God tolerates or condones believers to dream of a "different time and place" where they can all love each other and have sex if they really want, and be happy and free and old and youngish at the same time.  This free love doesn't condone harming anyone at all other than what God and the Believers and Angels and so on have decided to do.

The people will be warned about flase prophets and explained how they are in the religion, and the people will be wrned about all predators, who are essentially all false prophets.

Essentially False Prophecy will seen as teh big enemy, which all crime stems from.  Everyone is supposed to be at least a Prophet, and there are some people who are "Hyper Prophets" or even "Super Prophets" or even "Ultra Prophets" or 'Ultimate Prophets."  That is what the Quran originally said about Mohammad, that he was "The Ultimate Prophet we are talking about, the standard of the Prophets".

Jesus blessed people who had sex outside marriage, and defended them from imprisonment and death.

Mohammad did too, the Quran actually said something like "those who are rightfully yours and your wives, they are lawful to you in bed."

Heheh.  It's the crime syndicate be God's schizophrenic friend and have sex and party for the "DEVIL" cult.  AKA JESUS OWN PERSONAL RELIGION.

It will decry and threaten religious scholars who promote hatred of humanity and God by describing God as this monster who wants to torture all humanity forever, they are adding those thigns to Bible and Quran, they aren't true, God is only blowing up the planet and torturing people because they are awful terrorists who are a threat.

The infidels have a disease, the goal of the religion is to cure the infidel disease, and the religion discreetly says that the satans are those who wage war on God and the Faithful, and they have been known to purposefully try to give people infidel disease with false medicine and psychiatry and religious scholarship and culture in of all kinds.

The Satans will go to prison or maybe finally die if they wage a hostile war on the faith, will be the general religious idea.

The cult will try to clear up the lies of the global hypocrites, like that the Muslims worship Baal, that Mohammad was a Beast and False Prophet and raped and murdered children and committed terrorism and genocide.

The religion will try to point out that Mohammad was arguable completely slandered by Arab criminals and their terrorist rebel groups.

Mohammad basically told people to read his book and the Bible and that his book was sufficient, and that they should accept to be God's friends and allies and learn from God and know Jesus and the Prophets thourgh God's power. 

So the Christian liars will "CATCH THE HATE" from thsi religion, as will the Muslim Liars.

The Jews will be praised and questioned, about when they were righteous and when they were wicked, and how things went for them.

The cult will point out that there terrible threats are rediculous, these rebel outlaws, and that they can imprisoned, crucified, or sent to evil Island for exile, we will argue that viscious rebels should be exiled to the ice mines of Greenland and Baffin Island and stuff.

We will argue that the people should recieve "proper" mental health care and re-education, from the righteous believers who know and recieve guidnace from GOD, ALLAH, JESUS, ET CETERA.

Well now , the righteuous hell's angels mafia orgnaization will team up "with all gangs" if it can, to help people fight the wicked and make life better, there will be the new "NIKA BOAKE EARTH ANGELS" super empathy tested sacrifical lambs and lions of God, who will defend the world with a security force.

We will blow up the White House.  Lol.  That's our promise, if God tells us enough times to do it we will.  LOL.  HAhah. 

More on the fight with the Canadian military master.

We traded stories.

He had been a "schizophrenic" when he was a kid, he thought he was talking to a human angel hybrid when he was a boy, but the doctors said he was mentally ill and he had to take pills for it.

He did magic tricks, appearing to alter reality a bit with his magic, with a deck of cards.

I explained to them that I had done magic when I was a kid, breaking out of handcuffs and breaking the rings.

He said he could do that too.

We talked and I told him that I thought his Human Angel Hybrid was either God or his Gaurdian Angel appearing to him.

He said he could defeat me, that he was sure he could defeat me like 80% of the time.

I told him I could defeat anyone in the world who was aggressive towards me.

I told him the nature of battle is moralistic, probably, and that the Supreme Master of Reality defends his innocent people against hostility.

So he got uppity, and started joshing me, so I beat his ass down, could have stomped his face and broken his nose and stuff, but spared him, his defense to that came up late, I had a clear opportunity to stomp him and kick him in the head, but I hate hurting people.

 So we might meet again later this week for another match.

I am planning to demonstrate that an innocent person cannot be defeated in a self defense match with a skilled warrior.

Innocent people are "Schizophrenics" who train with God and the Angels in their "delusions and hallucinations" as the government calls it.

The fact is they aren't hallucinations, they can prove they are real.  I will give a talk to the Sensei about how the vision help fight crime and terrorism.

Another crack, in the Godless's world's wall.

Defeated a Canadian Army Sensei in a Sparring Match

I challenged the army to a fight.

I told them "Yeah I'm not insane" "This schizophrenia thing is really God and the Angels."

In any case "being a schizophrenic can be good for you." I said.

So the Sensei said he could beat me in 80% of the fights or more.

I crushed his ass.

Looking forward to more friendly matches with Canadian soldiers.

We had a hug and I am going to explain how "Harmonious schizophrenia" has warned me before all my recent battles and how I have been unharmed in 15 mortal combats.

I explained that "The Angels appear to me in visions and I train with them." And that I had "defeated 100 armed men with me bare hands in a dream."

Lol looks like my ghetto Martial Arts might be superior the Army technique.

Sunday, 24 March 2019

the sublime munificereance of manifestation of occult magic.

munificearance, the act of blessing many man people, from munaf, the blessed one, and -erance, the act of.

We blessed them with dragons and fight, with holy angels and sublime ghosts, and they were aware of our blessing.

So they saw that we were good, and they were the losers.

The sublime munificerance of manifestation, the occult magic and miracle.

So they saw it , and were so impressed, they had tried to slay us, but failed.

The Houses of Khan and the Davidian Lines have the Divine right to rule the World in general.

I am from the marriage of a serious line of Khan and David's descedants, who has acquired his Royal Empress from the Lord Himself.

I have certain Divine graces like invading your mind, tormenting you if you are bad, sending drought and storms and fires and floods and earthquakes and landslides and stuff.

Being that this Family Rules Europe and Asia, and has previously ruled Africa and Asia and Europe and the Americas and Australasia at the same time, and has this Divine Right, you might want to be careful what you "THINK" about us.

Don't say or do bad things to us unless you have a just cause, that is my advice, and don't trust your nifty mafia spies and stuff, about us, since we are the official Imperial Informers. 

They have been known to lie and say we abuse children and steal and murder and things.

I honestly don't break any laws, I do override some laws which are unconstitutional sometimes, or against basic law and common law.

For example basic law says you have to render assistance, so a law forbidding people from asking for help is illegal.

People really do have the right to ask for help.  The poor have a right to demand assistance, as do the weak, the innocent and your loved ones (family and friends and neighbor).

Fighting the holy war.... discreetly? Secret War?

Yeah so apparently almost everyone is fighting some kind of holy war discreetly or secretly.

The Muslims have to placate the Rebel groups telling them they have to molest kids or die or get tortured forever.

At the same time we have to fight those rebels, so it is pretty odd situation.

The Canadian government has to placate it's share of rebels too, outlaw gangs and cults, so it is a secret conflict.

I wonder if authorities are really appointed by God, I think that Paul might have said that in his letters out of a misplaced desire to appease the authorities, Paul admits in his letters to uttering his own foolishness apparently, accoring to quotes I read.

Donald Trump has a lot of battles to fight for his base, and the United States in general.  The battle against unemployment and illegal migration seems to be his top priority, and then he also takes seriously the battle against Islamic extremism, and he has brought up banning Islamic migration.

I think it's fair of Donald to fight illegal immigration and unemployment, and also Islamic terrorist groups.  We are allied to those countries being attacked by rebel terrorist movements.

About banning Muslim migration from certian Islamic countries, I would say that as long as so called Muslims in those countries are generally all calling for everyone to be a pedophile and enslave rape extort and kill non members of their sects, it is fair to ban migration from those groups.

So people are struggling their struggle, the gangsters are battling with their bosses and the bosses are battling with the terrorist groups, the cops are battling the criminals and terrorists, and the rest of us are struggling to avoid getting in too deep trouble with those people.

Hahaha. So God is convincing the drug dealers and pedophiles...

1.  That I was one of the biggest drug dealers and I am rich.

2.  That I had sex with teenage girls and they loved it.

3.  That I killed 50 people told the government and church about the whole thing and am getting way the fuck away with it.

4.  That I seem to have magical powers and elite soldiers fighting for me.

HAHAHAHA!   That's a good thing, because it makes them think I am the succesful one and well, they don't really want to mess with me.

Lol the wicked will be convinced that I am the "most evil man, the supreme lord of darkness."

Lol I'm going to write the "Gangster Bible" an it wil be like "Oh my God he's the DEVIL INCARNATE." 


Sorry if I charge too many human with unbelief. Secretly there are many more believers than the public appearance.

There's all the secret believers.

They don't go around proclaiming it.

You have to get to know them to know they are beleivers.

My God vision claims like 93% of people are like that.

I happened across the troubled young people who were bad news, in the criminal gang with the terrorist, and I told the government, and the psychopaths really fucked with me and the Canadians.

I know I have been hard on Canadians, to be honest you are mostly quite sheepish and could do more to help strangers who are lonely.

It's hard moving to a new city and being alienated from your religious group and wandering alone in the urban wilderness.

I am sorry that the government couldn't do more, but I guess God migth have sorted a few things, had a bunch of people discplined including the discpline of getting fatal disease and possibly dying.

There's all those clear signs that this happened.

So Godlessness in the army, satanic cults around here unnapposed by the police. A sunday morning discussion.

Well the witches and warlocks are in town and the cops are letting them operate.  There are Satanic child abuse cults practicing child abuse indoctrination unnapposed by police. 

The army lacks faith, there are very few beleivers in the armed forces.

Another vaguely pleasant morning, quite pleasant, confronting the fact that the world is pretty messed up and there are just these resisting communities, which are trying to live right by the moral code and law of the land, opposing these gangs and cults and so on with speech, testimony, working miracles, letter writing campaings, petitions, prayers.

Well we had a nice morning, we made peace and had a fun time, worshipped our blessed Lord Jesus, who has shown us miraculous blessing and guided us away from "satanic cults" and "evil gangs." .

So we are happily fighting against the crack head epidemic of people saying they are rapists and murderers and trying to rob us and make us do what they want.

I told the pastor how people were like saying they are pedophiles and murderers and getting high on drugs, and how it is outrageous that people act this way, but it can make you do it too.

I wanted to talk about Islam, but I felt it wasn't time wtih the pastor to discuss the Islamic mosque in town.

I mean these people are arguing that we have to be pedophiles or die, it's outrageous.

I talked to one of the retired women about how the Muslims had rebelled against the Bible and Quran, which were supposed to be their Holy Books, and how if they obeyed them they would be trying to know Jesus and God and so on as the Believing Christians do.

So we had nice chats and I was glad and I retired to my house for some soda and a light lunch of bread and cheese and some relaxing tobacco.  One of the Churchmen is my neighbor I realized.

So we Christians march on writing our letters and complaining and griping and trying to convince people to accetp the One and Only True Lord of Lord.

Non believers, that is what I get from nearly every human.

I go around talking about what is going on and what God has written in his holy scriptures, and what the law is, and what is right and wrong, and what I have been through.

No one offers to help fight the crusade, except perhaps the occassional Christian knight who wants to elect a fascist government.

The cops don't care, the government doesn't care, the priests don't care, the bikers don't care, the mafia doesn't really care, the people in the neighborhood don't care.

I am just afraid that no one cares, or believes, anything going on, or beleives in right versus wrong, or believes in the law and the holy scriptures and or God and the Angels.

None of these people claiming to know God other than me that I have met online, and in the world, could offer any proof that they knew God, could work any miracle.

I think you are all almost unbelievers, except perhaps some of the humanitarian workers and donors who might qualify as "partly a believer." . 

The fact no one will stand up or allow anyone to stand up and rail against the crimes of humanity, and decrie the injustice of the situation, that politicians only pay lip service to humanity's problems, and never get to the root of them, which is unbelief and hypocrisy, demon worship and preferring criminals and monsters over the innocent people.

Truly it is a dark time, "end times" where God is striking down more than 50% of the population, if not 75%. 

The Sunni and Shia rail against the Quran and God, denying the Quran and Bible and promoting their sickening "molest and rape all kids torture and kill everyone who gets our way" cult of piracy and slave trafficking.

They go unnopposed, and are invited to dine with our prime ministers and meet with our Popes, in "reconciliation meetings" and "multiculural festivities." 

You will never find the television describe the truth about Islam except perhaps snuck in on a rare public access television station.

The whole world is in denial.  It's as if humans don't beleive there is a God or a Heaven at all, and they are too blind to see that they are being punished, and that they are going to hell probably after what they have done and not done.

There are those humanitarian relief efforts, that is something, but who will stand up to ISIS and Al Qaeda nd the Sunni and Shia, who will stand up to the criminal gangs?  Occassionaly a prosecutor might go after one of them, at a time, for something they did that offended the public morality, but attacking the movement as a whole?  People think they are so outnumbered and outgunned, there is nothing they can do?  OR are they just not willing to do the right thing at all?

Truly I tell you almost no one will do the right thing, they let their kids get strung out on drugs, pimped, slave trafficked even, beaten and almost murdered or murdered, most of them say "we don't care" and at best, "provide humanitarian relief" to their kids.

Where are your soldiers of law and justice?  Where is your army of light and honor and divine grace?

Your priests talk about how "Jesus died for our sins" but that is clearly the utternances of the foolish Paul, it contradicts everything else in the Bible, everything Jesus said.

You are perhaps crippled, or made weak, unable to organize resistance against the monsters in any way shape or form.  The best you can do is go stir things up in the middle east, not taking any of the evil cults on directly, or trying to stop them really, but just, "trying to get them on our side.".

Your game of trying to get these child raping cults to "be on our side" is really sickening.  To win their favour, you persecute and try to destroy those who fight against this child sex trafficking cult of mass murderers and torturers. 


This isn't Islam we are up against, ISlam is the Quran and Bible,, this is a Satanic cult of hypocrite scumbags, wannabee mass murderers who go around trying to kill us, Jesus alleges, "ALL THE TIME."  They poison us, try to take out hits on us, even try to commit terrorism of it.  Jesus says "It does."  "If the government knew" what they were "really doing," "they might fight it." Claims the Lord Jesus.

Well now, so be it, another day in the backstreets suburb, where people have to fight each other for terrorist groups and the police can't seem to do anything about rape, attempted murder, theft, drug dealing or the EVIL CULTS.

Of course I am fine, since I have humanitarian relief and Angels of God looking over me, but are ordinary Canadian really safe?  Before the Danforth Mass Murder in Toronto, by a Sunni Extremist, God told me "not to go to Toronto this week." And then there was this mass shooting.  God tod me not to go to this strip of the Danforth when I told him I wanted to go to Toronto.  I was saved again from another terrorist attack, but what, 7, 11 Canadians including a teenage girl were killed?

I told you, if you are going to be cowards and traitors, fornicators and murderers, sorcerers and unbelievers, idolaters and bad animals, you aren't goig to be saved by GOD!  You aren't!

In sheepish BC, where the people actually really help with humanitarian assistance and don't persecute the average joe as harshly as I saw in Toronto, I can say that we have resisted every terrorist attack, though we haven't quite resulted in putting them on trial and having them convicted.  Perhaps it is dealt with, out of court.

Maybe the sheep who provide humanitarian assistance will not be destroyed, but no one is protecting the Sunni Muslims or the Average Canuck who doesn't oppose Sunnism and Shiaism.

No I am afraid God is not saving the wicked, or the monster wicked, and they suffer and can die.  I note how most people say they are good, but if you really look into it, they have a difficult time wiht a lot of things.

I am afraid that the people are once again being duped by the pirate elite, into accepting to be ruled by slave traffickers who are child abusing mass murderer wannabees.

Jesus has told me that they try to kill the Believer like 10-20 times average.

Being a most outspoken believer on every topic of crime and history, the Lord tells me they have tried to kill me tens of thousands of times, kill my family thousand times or two thousand times.

If you stood up and resisted, faced persecution, gave up cowardice and other major sins, left the path of sexual abuse and murder, sorcery of evil plotting and addictive drug pushing, the major abominations, et cetera, you would be finding yourself in the Kingdom of God, seeing wonders and signs and granted access eventually to angels and the Lord himself.

However you don't see it, because you are either talking to hypocrites or unbelievers, and because you don't commit yourself to an experiment to see what it is like being a "saint." . ..

Some of you know certain things, but most of you just pretend to believe in Law and and Righteousness, in God's will ni other words. 

I have heard so many of my young peers telling me "oh child rapists have to get killed or go to prison." but when it comes to fighting the Sunni and Shia religion, almost all of them are silent.

No one has come to my aid except perhaps my brother and a few friends - neighbors really.

There still is some humanitarian relief for me, but the negligence of the government in enforcing the law, and the acquiescence of society to this "rape all the kids, torture and kill everyone who gets in oru way" sickening rapist pirate culture, extreme demon cult. ..  IT's deeply disturbing.

A race of cowards and traitors, but the ones who provide geniune humanitarian relief might be forgiven.

i have just condemned humanity in the last post.

Let me be clear, there are those humans who still provide humanitarian relief, and emotional support, they might be able to be forgive for their cowardice and treason.

I don't know for sure how bad it really is.  I can count zero humans who have come to my aid in military police support against the enemy culture, but there are some humans providing me with humanitarian assisstance...

Canada does do the humanitarian relief, though it doesn't do the justice thing very much I allege.

These outlaw rebel terrorist groups, I allege, are largely "off limits" for government intervention, like cops are literally ordered to do nothing about it.

No order of knights is fighting to protect innocent Canadians.  No cops are fighting these terrorist rebels.  The army doesn't fight to protect Canadians from these outlaw gangster pedophile terrorists.

No politician speaks out, no media report is issued, no senior cleric speaks out.  No doctor condemns the medical horrors inflicted by the practice of this demonic pedophilia.

Officially we don't care, and challenge the system , and you will that no Canadian is really a brave, noble , patriotic warrior, except perhaps you and me and a few other people scattered about.

I remember talking with the Lord early on in my education, and listening to Oh Canada, and I was thinking that these people without a conscience don't really exist maybe , and my hearing picked up that there were perhaps only 18 or so real Canadians, that 35 million Canadians were "non existent" in terms of doing anything really good. 

So there's 18 Canadians or maybe 30 now, the rest of Canada can at best meekly provide some humanitarian relief  - or go an brutally kill someone for the goverment sometimes.  In terms of actually fighting the rebel outlaw pirate pedophile cults, there is no one in a position of authority who does it it seems.

I don't think this is a healthy situation at all.

The pirates can must an attack against you, at almost any time, and you are not protected by God and the Angels, you are "goats" and you can go to hell!  (Matthew 25).

You're fighting a war where you are this big time bitch, who can barely get anyone to help him enjoy a morning coffee.

 At best you have some kind of friend you can't talk about too much with, lest he stab you in the back, and you have maybe a romantic or sexual partner who comforts you sometimes.

These rebel terrorists say 'we can rape your kids and kill your family" and you don't fight them.  You invite even more of them to come into your country, the ones who have to "fuck all the kids and torture and kill all Canadians especially those who get in our way."  They try to commit terrorism against you over and over again, like from what police found, dozens of time, but what really happened, maybe 1000s of times, and finally one of you goes and shoots up a Mosque in Quebec and your media is just drilling it into your heads how "BAD" it is of you to fight back, how only a "MONSTER" would shoot these "HOLY PEOPLE OF GOD!" who are trying to rape all kids torture and kill everyone who gets in their way, who are arguing that all Canadians should be fought and captured and enslaved and raped and killed if they don't join what they call "ISLAM."

The Media conveniently ignores the fact Muslims have tried to kill 1000s of Canadians and killed more than 1000, doesn't tell you what Islam is, doesn't identify it as a pirate slave traffickign pedophile cult invasion of wannabbe genocidal mass murderers!  Instead it condems concerned patriots who take action or speak out against THIS MONSTER CULT.

People like to say they kill monsters, but will any of you actually join a PROPHET OF GOD, OR OUTSPOKEN HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIVIST, In FIGHTING THESE MONSTERS.  NO none of you will join the prophet or human rights activist who condemns the Islamic terrorists.

You stand by as your children and threatened, abused, sexually violated, beaten, ensorcelled, drugged, you dont' care.  You don't do anything to stop it.  YOU DON'T DESERVE TO HAVE KIDS.


So humans are generally fornicating murderers.

They conspire to molest and rape young children.

They conspire to murder police informants and critics of the rape culture.

That is the general state of the human.

They never render assisstance to any victim or person in need, instead they typically, even the police, ignore or punish victims for seeking help.

People in my community never came to my aid when Tony and the "Persians" attacked us.

Instead my neighbors tried to kill me too and assaulted me dad after we reported the terrorist attack to the police.

People felt inclined to tell me they would kill my family and rape my child, but didn't bother to offer any assisstance.

I filled hell with people's souls.

I was looking for help everywhere.  My efforts to find help on facebook were met with bans.  I approached cops, templar knights, mafiosis, hell's angels, government officials, priests, no one offered to help me.

There is no resistance against the monsters by the human race.

I got some "humanitarian assisstance" that is about it.

There's no real men.

I am the only real man I know in the entire world.

Nothing but cowards and traitors, monsters, and their coterie of supporters and friends and gang allies.

Surely if you are all praising Islam and the Sunni Mohammad and letting it into your nations, you are all cowardly pedophiles and traitors rebelling against the Lord.

So I regret to inform you that I don't think you deserve great wealth or happiness, satisfaction in life, any kind of heaven on Earth.  You have all earned the price of hell on Earth, not one of you really knows Jesus, none of them who claimed to could offer any proof, and though perhaps there are a handful who know God here and there, really the Church is like at best 1 -2 million people, scattered about fighting for a decent life on this rebel planet of fornicating murderers, liars, cowards, and traitors, sorcerers, and idolaters.

It's my schoking indictment - humanity is a rebel outlaw pedophile, murderer, traitor, coward, following Monsters, going to a place of torment for all time perhaps.

So the elite won't let you talk about the real truth about Islam, and they won't investigate Islamic terrorism really either.

Media is blacked out from honest descriptions of Sunni and Shia Islam, and the cops don't investigate Islamic terrorism until a horde of people are dead.

No one in the media warned me that Islam was a child molestation cult, and that it really tried to kill people who didn't join it who were solicited to join, and that it really tried to mass murder critics.

Cops had obviously refused to investigate so many times, that we had just a few stories of isolated incidents, in which people were actually killed by Muslims.

So we have this complete blackout on the reality of the Sunni and Shia cult systems.

These are no doubt rebel terrorist movements aimed at defeating God and the Law as best they can.

Surely the Muslims are threatening police and academics along with all the rebel outlaw gangs, not to speak out about Islam.  Not to allow any public discourse condemning gang culture and rebel Islamic outlaw culture.

Media silence, corporate collusion to silence critics, police refusal to help people criticizing them, police refusal and neglect of duty in fighting these demented pedophilia cults. 

So facebook banned me for pointing out what happened with the Muslims.

I described joining their cult and hearing them say we had to molest all the boys and rape all the girls, and kill anyone who got in the way of their religion, and how they tried to blow up my apartment building and kill me for reporting it.

Now they banned me for hate speech.

Well now, Facebook censors reality and protects this child molestation cult of mass murderer wannabees.

Lol fuck you facebook , go to hell forever.

Saturday, 23 March 2019

what I'd like to say to the police department about the local Muslims.

The Mosque, the Imams there, about 5 years ago, maybe still today, probably still today.

I saw it in person, I went and saw it with my own eyes.  The preist got up there and loudly proclaimed it, the whole human race has to have sex with a 9 year old girl.  I wondered at his statement, thinking, "What is he threatening us with and what does his religious scriputure say about it?" 

So I consulted Islamic scriptures and found out that they are implying or basically saying, perhaps, making a statement would be more correct... that all humanity must join Islam or die, and that all the Muslims must molest little boys by sucking their tongues so they can enter heaven, and kissing their penises to bless them.  Lol for real guys, that is in their hadith books the priest mentioned like Bukhari, Muslim, Timirdhi.  So mandatory little boy molesting or "blessing" as they put it.

Okay, and what is the threat there?   WAit there is more.

NOt only must they molest young boys, they must "have sex with a 9 year old girl"..  Yes, the Famous Ayesha, they must also be as Mohammad and at least have "temporary" marraige with a young girl (in some versions I suspect , as some Muslim countries from my research appear to practice child temporary marraige for a fee payed to the father, a form of child prostitution).  So have to fondle 6 year old girls, and have penetration with 9 year old girls.  Okay, seriously guys, this is what the Priest was literally saying.

So I go on in my study, and discover, "The punishment" for "Not believing in GOd" and "Doing the molestation and rape I mentnioned" is that your whole family can be tortured or even killed, and that you wil go to a place worse than hell forever.  Yeah, seriously guys, that is wht the source scripture and radical groups were saying.

So I was kind of offended you know, what I had to join this cult or die, then I had to go to a place worse than hell forever if I didn't molest young boys and rape 9 year old girls??"  Also, this is a another negative thing, we have to take the infidels children slaves and have sexual intercourse with them whether they like it or not.

Yeah,so that's what they said in the Mosque.

I mean, why are these people here?

Is this some bizzare government illegal oppression trick?  I mean what is Islam the "evil cult government" that "steals everyting from you."?

So we want to let that in Canada?

I mean the Imam is inciting child molestation and rape, slave trafficking and rape of children , murder, torture, mass murder, genocide et cetera.

Lol is this some sick joke I am not aware of ?  Are hte Muslims all hip?

OR is this really some symptom of crime going unpunished, and serious crime going seriously unpunished, is this some kind of thing that has sprung up because cops would never enforce the law against this kind of cult?

Shit guys, is it deriliction of duty not to arrest and question the Islamic imams and community leaders and run a serious string operation there to see whether they are plotting rape and murder and genocide and child abuse and stuff or not?

What does the government think about the legality of a cult like this Sunni cult?

I point out it is not the Islamic religion which they are practicing, but rather what the Quran warns about "a cult of the worst hypocrites fabricating lies after the prophet."

Accoring to Quran law, everyone is required to avoid these mosques and the peopel running them should be investigted for gansterism and rebellion and other crimes they espouse.

Accoring to Quran, some of these people could be exiled, imprisoned, even executed by crucifixion.

That is the "Legal" basis of Islamic law.  I swear these are not loyal citizens of Canada or Saudi Arabi or whatever, but rather nasty nazi rebel terrorist groups operating under the cover that they are "The religion of peace".

These people want to kill all the Jews and Christians it sems to me,  see I did a 10 year psychological experiemetn of "believing what they beleive" and I was like coming up with thoughts like "genocide" and "taking chidl slaves." . I did this under the supervision of my dad James Boake, and some psychiatrists.  We proved that Sunni  Islam is mostly inciting child rape,slave traffickin of children for sex and ritual human sacrifice, serious stuff like that.

So we can call my dad, who is a doctor and my psychiatrist, to demonstrate that Islam is causing like a bipolar disorder or anxiety and depression disorder, or like a manic schizophrenia which is very painful and disorderly.

The evil cult of the Arabs and their allies is trying to convince humans to become sick and destroy themselves with acts which cause major suffering from God, meaning that the people doing such sick things as the sunni clerics in this town are inciting, literally suffer from painful and debilitating illnesses and die.

Is it some kind of sick joke?  Should this cult be allowed if it is some secret underground spy operation?  IS it safe for children and families?

What if I told you it's not safe for children, that the official dogma of these sunni clerics is to "kill kids" who "don't like Islam."  Really, it is.

So are you ever going to put these terrorists and criminals on trial or not?  I want to sue the Muslims clerics and dawah (missionary) commitees for what they did to me.

Okay, take care.  Take it easy.  Read all about the history of this evil gangster movement, which is lying to the world that it is "radical islam" when in fact it is the enemy of the Islamic religion (and Christianity an Jews).

Is it really the enemy?  I mean I don't know what to say.  It seems to be presenting a very hostile and pure evil face in terms of canadian law though.  I truly beleive this rebel group can be outlawed and deported under Canadian law, if there is any sign that they are doing any serious wrong at all.

It is extremely threatening being attacked by the Muslims and Biker gang at the same time, they basically threaten to kill your whole family (the bikers) and it seems like the Muslims or whoever the James Bond Vilain in a sense is, sending people to hurt your family and maybe try to kil it.

IT is not easy at first but eventually after seeing their plots and accepting the real God, you become immune to their hatred eventually and are resistant to their attacks and spells and so on.

I have found that nothing can really harm me that they do, and now that I have defended myself from them, they no longer attack me at all.

So whatever, perahps the cops can finally put some of these people on trial now, or at least disclose the facts of the investigation into the Sunni and Shia so called Muslims, and whether this really is radical ISlam or some kind of evil gangster rebel movement.

I would argue that it really is an evil gangster rebel movement and not ISlam, and I speculate the 'Hell's Angels " government has purposefully brought these rebel terrorists and gangsters here to punish canadians for talking to the police.

Truly I tell you, it is their culture to be a rapist and pirate and to traffick women perhaps.

So they are trafficking us, attempting to, these bikers and possibly these muslim rebel outlaw, not real muslim type groups.

At the very least, they are makign it look like they are trying to be very bad, they make it seem that way.

It does give on health problems perhaps to be facing challenges from these types of people .  I suspect a lot of doctors are unwillign to talk bout it, but facing challenges from the "official satanic pedophile terrorist cult" which is literally in the news, killing people and torturing people, enslaving women and children - it is certainly hard on your health.

I think this "Devil" gangster mode of playing is trying to give us a deadly and painful disease.

So I specualte there is a huge conspiracy and "there's nothing the victoria police can do about it except maybe investigate the mosque a bit and not tell anyone about it.".

I don't know, I am offended that Canadians don't vote for leaders who will oppose this "devil gangster" movement.

It strikes me as cowardice and possibly treason that the Canadian authorities and leading academics and media outlets won't band together and condemn this "plot to give you a heart attack." and "plot to painfully disfigure humanity's emotional well being and make him sick and in pain and shame and humiliation and stuff."

Well, now, those guys might be the serious vilains. They could try a terrorist attack if we investigate them, or a crime spree of some sort.  I am afraid the people are mentally ill and not able to size up that they need to oppose Islam.  A famous Canadian psychaitrist told my family that 47% of the population was mentally ill.  It's possible that the mentally ill frightened people are unable to stand up the terrorist pirate child rapist culture.

This is possibly a barbarian invasion, agreed to by Canada's leaders, in alliance with Canadian organized crime and terrorism.  They may have been bribed vast sums of money to do terrible thigns to Canadians.

That's what I am fraid of, And I wish the police would investigate and make some kind of public report on what the cops have discovered regarding fears like this residing with Canadians.

I think you could all survive, I don't think there is much risk to righteous, skilled Canadians from these outlaw pirates, I found it very easy to defeat some of their better fighters, such that I beat them 15 times and never got a bruise or cut rom them, and I am not a professional fighter (one of them was) . I am not even a well trained martial artist I just studied the spirit of battle and warfare in my soul and talked to God about defeating them, when I knew they were going to attack me, and I was able to win everyfight.  Then God became my friend and started teaching me about it as I continued to wage public resistance against this evil pirate plague.

For now no one is troublign, me and I have seen clear evidence that I am protected by some possible Angel species which I can tell from looking at them is not human, but looks like a human, and also appears in the sky and in battle as terrifying lights.

The last time someone tried to assault me with deadly weapons I was able to split into  10 copies of myself and angels came into battle with me, going and subduing the enemy.

Now I think they are Angels because the Pastor told me I was talkign to God, and I thought it might be God, or whatever it is, and "God" told me I'd meet an Angel.  Then I meet this guy claiming to be an Angel and ask him if it's true does he have a fleet of UFOs?  I talk to God about whether the guy is an Angel or not and if I can see the fleet of UFOs.   So God tells me I am his "executive vice president," or son or whatever, as I has asked for being executive vice president if I was God's son, and I go outside and see a fleet of bout 200 UFOs, maybe 250. 

So I'm all convinced kind of that this really is the "alien gaurdian angel" contact.

So I no longer have problems nor will I ever have serious problems again, according to the Archangel dude and I don't sense any more real problems for me in the future.

 have tol the governmetn before about al lthis stuff , just want to now try to see whether or not we can experiment in putting this "rebel evil gangster" cult on trial and stuff.

Okay cheers, please may the cops release some info on the "Sunni" and "Shia" movements.

okaay ciao.

So Sunni is a Demonic Club for Murderers and Child Molesters and Slave Traffickers and the like.

Do or die torture you forever shit is necessary in the face of the Islamic menace.  I argue that I have the Divine Right, as a person who performs many miracles and feels they are talking to God, to order what God says to do to his human subjects.

Therefore on pain of torture and death, I am telling you that you will resist the evil cults and the races which they have seized control of.

We must get the government to lock Muslims up for inciting to enslave and torture our families and kill us all, for ordering the entire world to molest all the young children and rape them, for waging a total disgusting ravishing wicked war on God's people.

If the government stands in my way I argue I have the right to kill it.

I have orders from God and the Archangel Gabriel Wise to fight Islam and the corrupt Western Government's and Media and Academics who refuse to fight against it, committing cowardice and treason in the process. 

The government's collusion and betrayal of allowing child raping cults of slave trafficking murderers  can be met with a death sentence.

The fact the government makes it a crime to be "Islamophobic" while allowing Muslims to incite and command child rape and torture and killing of childrne who "get in the way" implies that the government is one o the most disgusting, sickeningly perverse dens of outlaw terrorist gangsters imaginable.

It is a duty of all mankind to oppose this government and these evil cults, and individuals supporting them.

It is a duty to fight, to imprison and kill them for their pure evil wickedness and betrayal of humanity and it's rights to be with the Lord and have it's children protected.

The government doesn't protect you, the government lets these monsters operate and helps them instead of the children and the innocent adults fighting against these monsters.

The government is a liar, a coward, a traitor, a terrorist gangster child rapist club until futher notice.

Saturday, 16 March 2019

God has to appear as schizophrenia in his holy warriors, as plausible denial?

This is the latest news from my God or Schizophrenia. 

It wants to keep me interested. 

This sometimes knowing vision is also sometimes not telling the exact truth.

Like just now it told me I could go out and find cigarettes now and it kind of allowed me to go to the bustop but there was no one there, I was asking it if it was in the backyard at Matt's that the cigarettes were and something glowing appeared in front of Matt's.  Then I went to the bustop anyway and didn't get anysmokes, then coming back I went to Matt's and got 1 and a half smokes.  HAha.

Plausible deniability eh?

That's what it says. 

And I have to 'sell my soul to the devil' to talk to it.  Lol.  It's the demon, allegedly.

Pastor says anything in your head that knows your thoughts is God. 

Denial, official denial.

The pedophile cult (in several Abrahamic religions) teaches kids it's in their heads, and they can'T defend themselves.

Lol Islamic pedophilia cult!

Jewish pedophilia cult!

Christian pedophilia cult!

Kaballist pedophilist cult!

I have detected these gangs, implying that kids had better not defend themselves from sexual seduction and aggression.

Bitch I'm Tony Montana!  Only worse than Tony.  I'll kill anyone big. 

The New Zealand Government is Evil.

So now that you have terrorists running around your street with automatic weapons with extra large magazines, we are goign to disarm you?

That's the message of New Zealand's government.

Yeah the terrorist government, who is behind the attack, according to Yah, has now plotted to disarm the nation so that 'only criminals and terrorists will have real weapons.' 

Note that you cannot find on the internet any footage indicating that this attack was even real.

Youtube and Google claim they have removed footage of the attack from the attacker, who allegedly wore a helmet cam, yet there isn't even any cell phone footage of the attack from the supposed victims, the Muslims.

All you can find are picture of armed police going around, and news reports alleging this attack took place.

I have my doubts that the attack is even real, but is yet another New World Plot to disarm law abiding citizens and make them helpless victims of government sponsored crime and terrorism. 

'It is' says my Yahweh. 

Comfortable Prison, for the nice criminals.

Send those nice criminals to their room!  Don't torment them!

How about a nice comfortable confinement facility for nice people who break the law! 

More motivation to  be nice!  Yeah!

Thursday, 14 March 2019

I am the Greatest

nick you are the greatest
Nicholas Boake
Thu 2019-03-14 4:03 PM
Nicholas Boake;
leo ponce
you are going to make 1000 trillion dollars and then give it all away to the dutiful, the innocent, and the needy.

You are going to help make it possible to protect everyone and make everyone spoiled and priviledged and super, ultra rich.

We're giong to have a pass for the disabled people to go anywhere in the world I want, you will be able to buy a 200 dollars monthy pass and travel as much as you want.

It's amazing.  They gonna go around and and be fine.

And I will make infinite sums of money in heaven and be defended by all the elders, seraphs, cherubs, angels, and humans, and animals, and insects, down to the tiniest particle.


I am cool.

Parenting programming, teaching parents to parent properly.

A charity bank, which extends charity instead of loans and pays high returns to savings.

Amazing Super Hyper Ultra Duper DEE Prophet. 


Econmic planning for small and medium and large business the great economic planning map.

Hyper amazing video games and historical notes to come.

Super amazing stuff that is so incredibly cool.  This is possible and not a threat when you become a great magnificient friend of the King of Kindess and Love, our God himself.

Yes we will provide trillions of dollars to people and millions of tons of food and stuffs for them to use to create their own businesses and homes.