Happy with your Hell?
I mean I have dwelled in a shady hell before for people who went along with humanity, but kept telling God they beleived in Him and struggling for Him.
Yeah the sex and drug party was hardly hell bro!
What is hell is being tormented and tortured by doctors and cops and nurses and lawyers and judges and voices in your head and ghosts and generally, by fear itself..
The elite traitors and his terror gang of anti christs's is definately going to be tortured ad humiliated for the foreseeable future!
Thursday, 28 February 2019
Anally raping humanity and torturing it forever!
The human were interviewed by the God, thought they were too blind to see it. They voted to kill Jesus and torture the believers forever, right before God's eyes.
Now humans have been assigned a demon which will torture and humiliate them for all eternity.
Again, only people who vote for heaven and accept Gods into their lives stand any chance.
The blind, anally raped human already thinks he can kill Gods and the High God in particular, and that he has the right to torture and rob and otherwise destroy the people of God and the Gods.
Believers are in small terror networks and cells plotting to avenge themselves against humanity, whereas humans are in gangs and terror groups of self mutiliating self torturing mutually hating and oppressing and hurting each other groups.
Humans government allowed the Temples and Media to proclame their hatred and destructive plans against the believers, so human government likely won't be saved.
I can see some governments who tried their best being saved, even though they didn't speak truth to power perhaps but rarely. A lot of people will be punished but if they accept to stop what was being done to Gods and Believers who knew them, they might survive.
Now humans have been assigned a demon which will torture and humiliate them for all eternity.
Again, only people who vote for heaven and accept Gods into their lives stand any chance.
The blind, anally raped human already thinks he can kill Gods and the High God in particular, and that he has the right to torture and rob and otherwise destroy the people of God and the Gods.
Believers are in small terror networks and cells plotting to avenge themselves against humanity, whereas humans are in gangs and terror groups of self mutiliating self torturing mutually hating and oppressing and hurting each other groups.
Humans government allowed the Temples and Media to proclame their hatred and destructive plans against the believers, so human government likely won't be saved.
I can see some governments who tried their best being saved, even though they didn't speak truth to power perhaps but rarely. A lot of people will be punished but if they accept to stop what was being done to Gods and Believers who knew them, they might survive.
Some bad apples and good people both both died in the war
There were good people and bad people caught up in this war, make no mistake about it.
Whenever there was some atrocity committed in the middle East by Western Forces, there was retaliation by disguntled Western People.
Disgruntled Western Believers have shot thousands of Americans and Canadians and stabbed about 1 million.
In general they get away with it, other than when they are commanded to "increase our rep" via getting caught.
I have been warned by God before most major terrorists attacks in some way.
"Don't go to the Aria Grande Concert" God told me, after I heard her and didn't like her for an unknown reason, then a couple days later, a bomb went off at one of her concerts.
"Don't like those right wing countrey music drunkards" and I said "I won't go to any country music concerts." Then a few days later , the mass shooting at Nevada country music concert.
I was warned in a dream of the mass shooting at the Batman premiere, I was warned that me and my brother could go see it, but we would get shot with "tiny little knives." Then that week, the mass shooting at the Aurora theatre, batman show.
My mom was warned at 4AM EST about the 9-11 events, she had a dream that she was flying, and then these planes got stuck in the towers and they were on fire.
I was warned before they tried to bomb my apartment building. I had a dream months before warning me of huge bomb attack in Victoria, and I planned to stop the attack this time. I did various things, and was told by my gaurdian angel-demon spirit to not do something if I wanted to be safe, but I felt like "always doing the right thing" and I did it anyway. Sure enough they planted the bomb , I prayed for the bomb not to go off and identified the bomber and would then make him confess in front of 10 witnesses.
I naturally did nothing but pray for Justice, now I was warned before every attack on my person since then, and I have prayed for miraculous victory and acheived it in general.
They did get me on their "anti psychotics" which really are drugs designed to make you a weak, evil person, but I am overcoming these awful medicines using my liver and a holy method - fucking the Demon Queen.
Yes Earth the DEMONS are coming for you, you finally declared officially that God's people were mentally ill morons, and now you will suffer Demonic possession for ever after trying to poison and destroy God's people over and over again. You will never be released from your torment or torture depending how far you've gone the Demons will torture you or torment you forever.
HAHAHA. Have fun being anally raped, fleeced for all your cash and slave trafficked by the furious wrath of the Angels, who you claimed a) didn't exist b) didn't do anything c) would never hurt anyone.
These Angels are going to torment and torture humanity for 1000 years or more, depending what humanity does. Will it fess up and admit it declared God's people insane and poisoned them and tried to cripple, torture and kill them?
The next terrorist attack will be FRANCE.
Whenever there was some atrocity committed in the middle East by Western Forces, there was retaliation by disguntled Western People.
Disgruntled Western Believers have shot thousands of Americans and Canadians and stabbed about 1 million.
In general they get away with it, other than when they are commanded to "increase our rep" via getting caught.
I have been warned by God before most major terrorists attacks in some way.
"Don't go to the Aria Grande Concert" God told me, after I heard her and didn't like her for an unknown reason, then a couple days later, a bomb went off at one of her concerts.
"Don't like those right wing countrey music drunkards" and I said "I won't go to any country music concerts." Then a few days later , the mass shooting at Nevada country music concert.
I was warned in a dream of the mass shooting at the Batman premiere, I was warned that me and my brother could go see it, but we would get shot with "tiny little knives." Then that week, the mass shooting at the Aurora theatre, batman show.
My mom was warned at 4AM EST about the 9-11 events, she had a dream that she was flying, and then these planes got stuck in the towers and they were on fire.
I was warned before they tried to bomb my apartment building. I had a dream months before warning me of huge bomb attack in Victoria, and I planned to stop the attack this time. I did various things, and was told by my gaurdian angel-demon spirit to not do something if I wanted to be safe, but I felt like "always doing the right thing" and I did it anyway. Sure enough they planted the bomb , I prayed for the bomb not to go off and identified the bomber and would then make him confess in front of 10 witnesses.
I naturally did nothing but pray for Justice, now I was warned before every attack on my person since then, and I have prayed for miraculous victory and acheived it in general.
They did get me on their "anti psychotics" which really are drugs designed to make you a weak, evil person, but I am overcoming these awful medicines using my liver and a holy method - fucking the Demon Queen.
Yes Earth the DEMONS are coming for you, you finally declared officially that God's people were mentally ill morons, and now you will suffer Demonic possession for ever after trying to poison and destroy God's people over and over again. You will never be released from your torment or torture depending how far you've gone the Demons will torture you or torment you forever.
HAHAHA. Have fun being anally raped, fleeced for all your cash and slave trafficked by the furious wrath of the Angels, who you claimed a) didn't exist b) didn't do anything c) would never hurt anyone.
These Angels are going to torment and torture humanity for 1000 years or more, depending what humanity does. Will it fess up and admit it declared God's people insane and poisoned them and tried to cripple, torture and kill them?
The next terrorist attack will be FRANCE.
Wednesday, 27 February 2019
Children's book "recognizing and fighting corruption"
They are forcing the wrong ideas on you perhaps kidS?
They have this scary, weird vibration, aura, or scent?
The government used to execute the entire population for an imaginary devil.
Now it just poisons it to make it weak and evil minded.
It sometimes tries to kill you, like for reporting child abuse and murder and drug dealing and sex trafficking and treason and murder and stuff. Look those up the in the encylopedia.
We are at war with a barbarian invasion of enemy combattant traitors on our own soil.
They have attemtped to declare God's people insane, poison them and kidnap and torture them to death or into slavery, they are threatening to murder God's entire family on Earth.
They succeed in their schemes a lot of the time and the Government and Church decree that we can't fight back against this utter and complete terrorism and treason by the perverts.
Do you feel someone is trying to get you to believe something wrong using force? To do something wrong? Are they using violence in their minds to get their way? Is it a plot to hurt or kill or maim your family and destroy you forever?
If you suspect any of these things of anyone, that's a sign of corruption.
The infidels are not literally blind, they are spiritually blind, they can't see Angels and The Ghosts of God, they cannot perceive God is commanding them around and punishing them for failure and disloyalty.
They have declared us 'schizophrenics" and tortured and threatened to murder our families for thousands of years on most of the planet so it seems to some historians.
God might protect you if you accept that this has happened to GOOD PEOPLE WHO ARE QUITE POSSIBLY GOING TO HEAVEN.
If you abandon all hopes and dreams of destroying God's creation, and report the corrupt people to your parents and their rightoeus gangster cells, you might be able to do the right thing in your life and avoid destruction at the hands of these infidels and hypocrites.
This gang movement is trying to organize who can good and useful and who is trash, could go to prison and die and stuff.
The gang movement in question is the 'righteous side gangsters.".
Help them to be righteous as possible, humanly and with prayers possible, help them to overcome the human foibles and embrace the heavenly conditioning to be brave holy warrior scholars and businesspeople and healers and stuff.
Beware of falling into the traps of the government, obey your insticts if you are proven to be medically mentally sound according to someone who is not corrupt.
IF they are telling you you are sick when you really seem to function and behave well, and they seem to be giving you some strange perhaps poisonous medicine it is a sign of corruption.
It is a sign of corruption if they say they are your brother or friend but it really doesn't feel good, that can be your vibration scent face recognition working.
Sometimes you might be suffering anxiety or even paranoia.
It is sometimes true that someone who had a bad sense around them became good person and did the right thing at least sometimes, but beware of those who reject divine conditioning and proclaim wickedness and do wicked things. Things that are against the poor, weak, innocent, our loved ones, those are wickedness.
You can fight corruption, you can organize a secret friendship circle and wage the holy struggle to liberate mankind from wicked oppressors.
There will be men claiming to be righteous or good and others who really are. The great secret organizations can organize defense and offense for the nice people, who are the saints.
Obey what the spirit of God that comes to you tells you to do. If you choose to become a righteous person you will meet God and Angels, though at times they may play demons, and as well you will find there are real enemies of your humanity.
Don't call the cops if the Ghost of Lord is telling you not too, cops may be quite corrupt right now in some districts. Quite wicked.
The cop have been known to take innocent person, give them to enemy combattants, poison them with poison which makes them mentally and phsyically weak, and incites evil in their hearts and causes them eternal pain.
These enemy combattants can legally be kidnapped, tortured and killed, if they are terrorists targeting innocent people. Unfortunately they are terrorists targetting innocent people a lot of the time, and they are over a lot of people on this planet right now.
Be very careful in judging some relatively innocent person as evil. Their friends or associates may be evil and they may be forced to associate with those wicked scum.
IT is so bad it is like "The whole world is doing it.".
Everyone is crucifying Jesus's brothers or worse than that.
Few of these so called Satanists and Demons will even know the Devil Himself, but rather has a horrific view of the devil that he tortures everyone forever and rapes all the children eternally. They are robbers, slave traffickers, such retarded people.
There is a demonic invasion for people who have the wrong ideas about God and the Devil. Unfortunately the society has been known to put these extremely bad ideas forward claiming they are legitimate basically.
If you do well in school and you perceive society as corrupt you are probably right, it is a sign of corruption that smart people say the world is corrupt.
You may get bombed, shot at , poisoned, it is conceivable that God will save your life, though you might just have to be crucified before you realizse how bad they are and why they have to go to hell, get tortured, all get killed, enslaved, et cetera.
If you accept God's decree that the evil ones deserve to get thrown in a torture place, extracted their confession and killed , you might not be destroyed by FATE.
FATE is a FORCE which can recon with you, warn you of reality. Sadly because your parents were vermin, you might be cursed to crucified as they were too. You did wage an unholy war against God's people the human race of Earth.
If your parents and friens won't help you, you could be fucked completely, so make sure you have people who love you who are helpful to you, and be aware of their scent, their appearance, their words, their actions. Take note of whether they fight corruption secretly with you and their associations take note of that.
It is not safe, world is not safe, they really enslave you and destroy you for being an innocent believer and or anyone at all.
Be super good, try your best to be the best, and remember, they try to kill adn rob and torture you again and again and again for doing that, but that is your only hope to survive.
In fact they will try but God might protect you if you are accepting that this is really happening and they really have to get tortured and killed. If you accept God and the Angels of God into your life, they might help you out a fair bit in your life and you might only go through "a rough patch" just to see how viscerally wicked they are with your own eyes.
If you don't want to go through a rough patch I'd suggest you believe your Angel and do what it says, and accept that they deserve to perish already. You could observe them and their murder your whole family rape your kids anticts, you could get an intelligence report from the God or Angel.
The author of this book has "really lived' and knows first hand what "denial disease" can do to someone, he had it treated but he wasn't treated properly, he wanted to stop the hypocrites but the doctors wouldn't let him do anything at all to do it. The doctors were treasonous in his case you see, and so were the cops.
If you want to avoid trouble get your friends together and pray and do good deeds in private and secret and make a strong army with your friendly hell's angels mafia blood crips friends, though bear in mind criminal organizations are criminal, though some of the criminals have witness outlooks on life and are "angels" or "saints."
Please talk to your parents about your day and report any signs of corruption to them and God in your prayers and eat properly and play sports and games and stuff.
You should try to do well in school but sometimes other things are important too, like learning about life and how to manage your imperium and war struggle and stuff.
Please try your best to be a winner if you can, but if you feel you have to let them beat you sometimes you might be right, it's not corrupt to give them the delusion they are capable of winning at least sometimes if they are at least on the righteous side for once. They don't all have to die yet, but you can throw them in hell..
The corrupt people are usually being milked for charity, but with the progress you and our family have made in reading this book you may be able to finally fire them once and for all and make them slaves as they should be.
The evil ones really are being tormented and tortured to death by God all the time, try to warn them that this is how it is and if they want to stop being tortured they have to accept God and his Family as their savior.
There are people who reject God's family who try to hurt or destroy it, we call them infidels and demons.
If you feel you are under attack by infidels and demons you may be right, a feeling that you are under attack may be a sign of corruption.
While God is generally in control of the believer if he is inadequate in some "not trying his best" type of way, God may put the person in question under a demonic control for some time, until they wise up. If you get bad vibes about this be aware that saying this may be a sign of my corruption.
Be aware of your surroundings at any necessary time, ask for the information on how to do everything from wise and trustworthy persons. Praise and thank God, all the time, in your mind and heart, it's really really good for you.
They have this scary, weird vibration, aura, or scent?
The government used to execute the entire population for an imaginary devil.
Now it just poisons it to make it weak and evil minded.
It sometimes tries to kill you, like for reporting child abuse and murder and drug dealing and sex trafficking and treason and murder and stuff. Look those up the in the encylopedia.
We are at war with a barbarian invasion of enemy combattant traitors on our own soil.
They have attemtped to declare God's people insane, poison them and kidnap and torture them to death or into slavery, they are threatening to murder God's entire family on Earth.
They succeed in their schemes a lot of the time and the Government and Church decree that we can't fight back against this utter and complete terrorism and treason by the perverts.
Do you feel someone is trying to get you to believe something wrong using force? To do something wrong? Are they using violence in their minds to get their way? Is it a plot to hurt or kill or maim your family and destroy you forever?
If you suspect any of these things of anyone, that's a sign of corruption.
The infidels are not literally blind, they are spiritually blind, they can't see Angels and The Ghosts of God, they cannot perceive God is commanding them around and punishing them for failure and disloyalty.
They have declared us 'schizophrenics" and tortured and threatened to murder our families for thousands of years on most of the planet so it seems to some historians.
God might protect you if you accept that this has happened to GOOD PEOPLE WHO ARE QUITE POSSIBLY GOING TO HEAVEN.
If you abandon all hopes and dreams of destroying God's creation, and report the corrupt people to your parents and their rightoeus gangster cells, you might be able to do the right thing in your life and avoid destruction at the hands of these infidels and hypocrites.
This gang movement is trying to organize who can good and useful and who is trash, could go to prison and die and stuff.
The gang movement in question is the 'righteous side gangsters.".
Help them to be righteous as possible, humanly and with prayers possible, help them to overcome the human foibles and embrace the heavenly conditioning to be brave holy warrior scholars and businesspeople and healers and stuff.
Beware of falling into the traps of the government, obey your insticts if you are proven to be medically mentally sound according to someone who is not corrupt.
IF they are telling you you are sick when you really seem to function and behave well, and they seem to be giving you some strange perhaps poisonous medicine it is a sign of corruption.
It is a sign of corruption if they say they are your brother or friend but it really doesn't feel good, that can be your vibration scent face recognition working.
Sometimes you might be suffering anxiety or even paranoia.
It is sometimes true that someone who had a bad sense around them became good person and did the right thing at least sometimes, but beware of those who reject divine conditioning and proclaim wickedness and do wicked things. Things that are against the poor, weak, innocent, our loved ones, those are wickedness.
You can fight corruption, you can organize a secret friendship circle and wage the holy struggle to liberate mankind from wicked oppressors.
There will be men claiming to be righteous or good and others who really are. The great secret organizations can organize defense and offense for the nice people, who are the saints.
Obey what the spirit of God that comes to you tells you to do. If you choose to become a righteous person you will meet God and Angels, though at times they may play demons, and as well you will find there are real enemies of your humanity.
Don't call the cops if the Ghost of Lord is telling you not too, cops may be quite corrupt right now in some districts. Quite wicked.
The cop have been known to take innocent person, give them to enemy combattants, poison them with poison which makes them mentally and phsyically weak, and incites evil in their hearts and causes them eternal pain.
These enemy combattants can legally be kidnapped, tortured and killed, if they are terrorists targeting innocent people. Unfortunately they are terrorists targetting innocent people a lot of the time, and they are over a lot of people on this planet right now.
Be very careful in judging some relatively innocent person as evil. Their friends or associates may be evil and they may be forced to associate with those wicked scum.
IT is so bad it is like "The whole world is doing it.".
Everyone is crucifying Jesus's brothers or worse than that.
Few of these so called Satanists and Demons will even know the Devil Himself, but rather has a horrific view of the devil that he tortures everyone forever and rapes all the children eternally. They are robbers, slave traffickers, such retarded people.
There is a demonic invasion for people who have the wrong ideas about God and the Devil. Unfortunately the society has been known to put these extremely bad ideas forward claiming they are legitimate basically.
If you do well in school and you perceive society as corrupt you are probably right, it is a sign of corruption that smart people say the world is corrupt.
You may get bombed, shot at , poisoned, it is conceivable that God will save your life, though you might just have to be crucified before you realizse how bad they are and why they have to go to hell, get tortured, all get killed, enslaved, et cetera.
If you accept God's decree that the evil ones deserve to get thrown in a torture place, extracted their confession and killed , you might not be destroyed by FATE.
FATE is a FORCE which can recon with you, warn you of reality. Sadly because your parents were vermin, you might be cursed to crucified as they were too. You did wage an unholy war against God's people the human race of Earth.
If your parents and friens won't help you, you could be fucked completely, so make sure you have people who love you who are helpful to you, and be aware of their scent, their appearance, their words, their actions. Take note of whether they fight corruption secretly with you and their associations take note of that.
It is not safe, world is not safe, they really enslave you and destroy you for being an innocent believer and or anyone at all.
Be super good, try your best to be the best, and remember, they try to kill adn rob and torture you again and again and again for doing that, but that is your only hope to survive.
In fact they will try but God might protect you if you are accepting that this is really happening and they really have to get tortured and killed. If you accept God and the Angels of God into your life, they might help you out a fair bit in your life and you might only go through "a rough patch" just to see how viscerally wicked they are with your own eyes.
If you don't want to go through a rough patch I'd suggest you believe your Angel and do what it says, and accept that they deserve to perish already. You could observe them and their murder your whole family rape your kids anticts, you could get an intelligence report from the God or Angel.
The author of this book has "really lived' and knows first hand what "denial disease" can do to someone, he had it treated but he wasn't treated properly, he wanted to stop the hypocrites but the doctors wouldn't let him do anything at all to do it. The doctors were treasonous in his case you see, and so were the cops.
If you want to avoid trouble get your friends together and pray and do good deeds in private and secret and make a strong army with your friendly hell's angels mafia blood crips friends, though bear in mind criminal organizations are criminal, though some of the criminals have witness outlooks on life and are "angels" or "saints."
Please talk to your parents about your day and report any signs of corruption to them and God in your prayers and eat properly and play sports and games and stuff.
You should try to do well in school but sometimes other things are important too, like learning about life and how to manage your imperium and war struggle and stuff.
Please try your best to be a winner if you can, but if you feel you have to let them beat you sometimes you might be right, it's not corrupt to give them the delusion they are capable of winning at least sometimes if they are at least on the righteous side for once. They don't all have to die yet, but you can throw them in hell..
The corrupt people are usually being milked for charity, but with the progress you and our family have made in reading this book you may be able to finally fire them once and for all and make them slaves as they should be.
The evil ones really are being tormented and tortured to death by God all the time, try to warn them that this is how it is and if they want to stop being tortured they have to accept God and his Family as their savior.
There are people who reject God's family who try to hurt or destroy it, we call them infidels and demons.
If you feel you are under attack by infidels and demons you may be right, a feeling that you are under attack may be a sign of corruption.
While God is generally in control of the believer if he is inadequate in some "not trying his best" type of way, God may put the person in question under a demonic control for some time, until they wise up. If you get bad vibes about this be aware that saying this may be a sign of my corruption.
Be aware of your surroundings at any necessary time, ask for the information on how to do everything from wise and trustworthy persons. Praise and thank God, all the time, in your mind and heart, it's really really good for you.
Reaction to "walk the guantlet' by Sikkis and Puk.
I'm seriously thinking of walking some gauntlet bro, they be poisoning the righteous and holy people! Haha I done had a bunch of them cops and doctors tortured and even killed! I death threated the government and that had 95 people killed! I am running for office bro some doctors are poisoning hte innocent and some corrupt cops are helping. Everyone should be allowed to fuck and take drugs with medical supervision. Robbing certain types of people could be allowed! With proper organization gangsters could do the right things very most of the time and also avoid prison too! Yes. Terrorism central up at my house I got Alien Angel terrorists killing people for me... I am "down with the Devil" aka the 'God" himself. That's how much of a motherfucking terror I am bro. I am literally torturing these motherfuckers forever and killing them and shit when they have been anally raped and tortured enough! LOL Don't fuck seriously with Nicholas Boake and his fam doctors.
I'm seriously thinking of walking some gauntlet bro, they be poisoning the righteous and holy people! Haha I done had a bunch of them cops and doctors tortured and even killed! I death threated the government and that had 95 people killed! I am running for office bro some doctors are poisoning hte innocent and some corrupt cops are helping. Everyone should be allowed to fuck and take drugs with medical supervision. Robbing certain types of people could be allowed! With proper organization gangsters could do the right things very most of the time and also avoid prison too! Yes. Terrorism central up at my house I got Alien Angel terrorists killing people for me... I am "down with the Devil" aka the 'God" himself. That's how much of a motherfucking terror I am bro. I am literally torturing these motherfuckers forever and killing them and shit when they have been anally raped and tortured enough! LOL Don't fuck seriously with Nicholas Boake and his fam doctors.
Phoquedat - New Freespeech website sarcasm central
How about a website where you can come and be as crazy as you want?
Sarcasm central, kill tha blacks, kill the jews, kill the crackers.
I'd love to see a free for all, rape babies kill cops.
Et cetera et cetera.
Sarcasm central, kill tha blacks, kill the jews, kill the crackers.
I'd love to see a free for all, rape babies kill cops.
Et cetera et cetera.
Monday, 25 February 2019
Mentally insane criminals productions presents, the band Mount Washington , the ablum "Killing the Elite, Revolution Volume 3"
They very well diagnose God's sincerely faithful people to be tortured, poisoned, tortured forever, and whole families killed.
The doctors are doing it.
The cops are doing it.
The TV and Internet and Radio are doing it.
I can prove it with my medical science.
With my history and criminalogy and politics and divine studies and battle techniques and phsyics and chemisty and comparative biography.
They very well diagnose God's sincerely faithful people to be tortured, poisoned, tortured forever, and whole families killed.
The doctors are doing it.
The cops are doing it.
The TV and Internet and Radio are doing it.
I can prove it with my medical science.
With my history and criminalogy and politics and divine studies and battle techniques and phsyics and chemisty and comparative biography.
A new class of drugs to treat low happiness.
Cocaine has been found to be a significant mood elevator, and help in the treatment of a variety of diseases.
This next generation designer drugs from the black web and from legit researchers is therefore interesting.
Synethecaine or Synthacaines are known to make people feel happier and more capable for acting up in the ways they see or understand as fit.
Carries perhaps a slight risk of aggravating crime when consumed by criminals.
Could land you in jail or mental hospital.
The paranoid experiences and anxiety might be safety and security warning from the mind, beware of taking too much of any nostil power or euphoria medications, get medically supervised if you are taking strange substances for any condition based on self or social pressures.
I might want to take advil for pain but I don't because my mom told me not too.
Tylenol might be alright occassionally, my mom taught me.
In the city which fought the devil, I was taught not to take advil or tylenol, but rather aspirin.
Hmm wonder if that was sound advice or not is anyone malpracitcing by selling tylenol or advil?
This is a super undercover police special terrorism taskforce investigation.
Cocaine has been found to be a significant mood elevator, and help in the treatment of a variety of diseases.
This next generation designer drugs from the black web and from legit researchers is therefore interesting.
Synethecaine or Synthacaines are known to make people feel happier and more capable for acting up in the ways they see or understand as fit.
Carries perhaps a slight risk of aggravating crime when consumed by criminals.
Could land you in jail or mental hospital.
The paranoid experiences and anxiety might be safety and security warning from the mind, beware of taking too much of any nostil power or euphoria medications, get medically supervised if you are taking strange substances for any condition based on self or social pressures.
I might want to take advil for pain but I don't because my mom told me not too.
Tylenol might be alright occassionally, my mom taught me.
In the city which fought the devil, I was taught not to take advil or tylenol, but rather aspirin.
Hmm wonder if that was sound advice or not is anyone malpracitcing by selling tylenol or advil?
This is a super undercover police special terrorism taskforce investigation.
Sunday, 24 February 2019
Outlaw rebel movement beware, Canadian Authorities are licensed to kill you.
We got a license to torment and kill most ordinary Canadians in their 20s and 30s and older.
You literally worship at child abuse and rape cults, outlaw criminal gangs and terrorist groups.
You are literally sentenced to death under the law.
International law identifies Canadians as enemy combattants who are targeting children, they can be kidnapped an tortured to death.
I'm fucking with Canadians for real, they can either know God personally or die.
That's the law.
We got a license to torment and kill most ordinary Canadians in their 20s and 30s and older.
You literally worship at child abuse and rape cults, outlaw criminal gangs and terrorist groups.
You are literally sentenced to death under the law.
International law identifies Canadians as enemy combattants who are targeting children, they can be kidnapped an tortured to death.
I'm fucking with Canadians for real, they can either know God personally or die.
That's the law.
I hate Ruler of Canada? Not sure.
There's this civil war against the abused children and the snitches.
The religious leaders and cops have been told allow this war on the children.
Lol I don't know but it sure seem bad these Christians sayign you gotta forgive child rapists.
I grew up with Christians who said you had to forgive everyone, people robbing you, people raping you, people killing you.
I grew up with Christians who forbade to talk about religion or politics or participate in them in anyway.
I grew up with people saying 'nothing was going to change" and "snitches get stitches." basically saying "you can't go anywhere if you want justice, or you're go to hell and we'll torture and kill you."
I charge that Canada is run by child rapists and that the cops and judges help them out.
That's why I kiled 20 Canadians, or was it , 9. Haha. My Allah T'ala tells me he killed 50 Canucks for me, or was that 500?
In Canada you're just expected to be a child porno star and then give all your money to drugs dealers, and if you protest, it's blow up your apartment building death squad your whole family and then try to kidnap and torture you forever.
I have investigating Canada and sentenced it to slavery and torment.
Similarly I have killed 50000 Americans and sentenced to USA to Work and Debt and Payment to the victims.
Canadians are particularly abominable Vermin, they have been known to try to rape an kill me and my friends who know Jesus, even the teenage girls who know Jesus, they try to rape and kidnap and kill them over and over again.
God has killed 52000 Canadians he tells me, for me and my 3 friends.
They will stop at nothing to stop people from going to heaven, these Canadians, so dedicated are they to little boy and girl prostitution cults and drug selling cults.
I am cleaning Canadian and beating some sense into them.
The religious leaders and cops have been told allow this war on the children.
Lol I don't know but it sure seem bad these Christians sayign you gotta forgive child rapists.
I grew up with Christians who said you had to forgive everyone, people robbing you, people raping you, people killing you.
I grew up with Christians who forbade to talk about religion or politics or participate in them in anyway.
I grew up with people saying 'nothing was going to change" and "snitches get stitches." basically saying "you can't go anywhere if you want justice, or you're go to hell and we'll torture and kill you."
I charge that Canada is run by child rapists and that the cops and judges help them out.
That's why I kiled 20 Canadians, or was it , 9. Haha. My Allah T'ala tells me he killed 50 Canucks for me, or was that 500?
In Canada you're just expected to be a child porno star and then give all your money to drugs dealers, and if you protest, it's blow up your apartment building death squad your whole family and then try to kidnap and torture you forever.
I have investigating Canada and sentenced it to slavery and torment.
Similarly I have killed 50000 Americans and sentenced to USA to Work and Debt and Payment to the victims.
Canadians are particularly abominable Vermin, they have been known to try to rape an kill me and my friends who know Jesus, even the teenage girls who know Jesus, they try to rape and kidnap and kill them over and over again.
God has killed 52000 Canadians he tells me, for me and my 3 friends.
They will stop at nothing to stop people from going to heaven, these Canadians, so dedicated are they to little boy and girl prostitution cults and drug selling cults.
I am cleaning Canadian and beating some sense into them.
Mount Vernon - Pross
I'm chilling with my schizophrenia that proves it is real
I am talking to my God how you feeling now is it real?
I torture people on the spot with psionic power.
Extracting confessions through the holy ghost hour
So it seems, I am with Gods now in my headz
I could be better off dead, condemned to slaughter
Enemies of my daughters and sons and I will stunn
Torture for weeks and months and even years
Can't fucking kill us mentally ill savage
You better pack your bags, smoke your cabbage
The terrorist group has you, thinking like you
Can mess with us, but you ain't right true
They might be lying to do you bru
Fucking we can do it anytime we need to
Sipping a cold beer would you like a brew
Pimp another 4 year old kill a cop too
Just joking about pimping kids killing cops
Of course I gotta we got a Mohammad on the block
Watch out he's a massive Jew, longs for the cock
Of a 12 year old boy and has the ass of a cop
He got a baseball bat in his anus
He's motherfucking famous
I'm talking abu Bakr al Baghdadi
He can't speak the truth of Jihad
Die for God, get tortured for God again
Find yourself in paradise and then
Hit up the block with a bag of weed and then
Hit up the cops for the abused kids and men
Protect all these innocent people and hens
Smoke hashhish with man blacks and send
A double barelled shotgun off to them
Arms trafficking, treason happening
People would like to make me the Queen
An Emperor of High Esteem
On the scene
Double mean fiend
I'm chilling with my schizophrenia that proves it is real
I am talking to my God how you feeling now is it real?
I torture people on the spot with psionic power.
Extracting confessions through the holy ghost hour
So it seems, I am with Gods now in my headz
I could be better off dead, condemned to slaughter
Enemies of my daughters and sons and I will stunn
Torture for weeks and months and even years
Can't fucking kill us mentally ill savage
You better pack your bags, smoke your cabbage
The terrorist group has you, thinking like you
Can mess with us, but you ain't right true
They might be lying to do you bru
Fucking we can do it anytime we need to
Sipping a cold beer would you like a brew
Pimp another 4 year old kill a cop too
Just joking about pimping kids killing cops
Of course I gotta we got a Mohammad on the block
Watch out he's a massive Jew, longs for the cock
Of a 12 year old boy and has the ass of a cop
He got a baseball bat in his anus
He's motherfucking famous
I'm talking abu Bakr al Baghdadi
He can't speak the truth of Jihad
Die for God, get tortured for God again
Find yourself in paradise and then
Hit up the block with a bag of weed and then
Hit up the cops for the abused kids and men
Protect all these innocent people and hens
Smoke hashhish with man blacks and send
A double barelled shotgun off to them
Arms trafficking, treason happening
People would like to make me the Queen
An Emperor of High Esteem
On the scene
Double mean fiend
The natural way for believers- fuck kids and do drugs, kill cops et cetera.
Sheer utter sarcasm.
I could blow up the Hell's Angels for hurting my feelings for so long.
They refused to recognize me as 'The Hell's Angels' it was such a diss I almost fucking kill their whole chapter.
Lmao it was resolved when my mom and I had drinks with their boss.
Muslims are allowed to drink 10 times a month max.
Kind of a thing. I had medical advice to drink from Doctor Boake.
Drinking can help you deal with the terrorists and biker gang.
I allege that Allah's Walliys who party with him and Christ and Mary can drink everyday and take heroin and smoke herb and fuck and shoot cops, but the motherfucking government won't clamp down on heresy no more.
I hate this demon Pat Robertson, so so much. I hate those so called 'extremist' scholars so motherfuckign much.
I want to fuck young women so bad because of Mohammad, he basically tell me to beleive in him or my whole family might get tortured forever, and that I have to have sex with yougn women for my health will go to hell and shit. lol what a fucking punk.
Mohammad died and was buried, Jesus ascended into heaven. Lol I wanna ascend into heaven too bros, I don'T want to die.
Maybe the criminals have fabricated hadith and sunnah, as the quran condents they will.
Lmao it was resolved when my mom and I had drinks with their boss.
Muslims are allowed to drink 10 times a month max.
Kind of a thing. I had medical advice to drink from Doctor Boake.
Drinking can help you deal with the terrorists and biker gang.
I allege that Allah's Walliys who party with him and Christ and Mary can drink everyday and take heroin and smoke herb and fuck and shoot cops, but the motherfucking government won't clamp down on heresy no more.
I hate this demon Pat Robertson, so so much. I hate those so called 'extremist' scholars so motherfuckign much.
I want to fuck young women so bad because of Mohammad, he basically tell me to beleive in him or my whole family might get tortured forever, and that I have to have sex with yougn women for my health will go to hell and shit. lol what a fucking punk.
Mohammad died and was buried, Jesus ascended into heaven. Lol I wanna ascend into heaven too bros, I don'T want to die.
Maybe the criminals have fabricated hadith and sunnah, as the quran condents they will.
Saturday, 23 February 2019
The 'Evil Believer' is a seriously mentally ill person.
The Bible warns us quite clearly of how awful mentally ill believers can be...
They actually lied and claimed God told them to create a child abuse paradise, over and over again.
They probably aren't criminally responsible.
And now, some nice polite music to calm you down into accepting outpatient treatment.
I propose to socially explain God and Religion, the Law and criminal responsibility.
Help these people to become wise and holy and sane non offenders please, to calm their anxiety and allow them to take medical drugs and remedies that are controlled, guide them away from mentally ill liars and heretics and murderers and rapists, et cetera.
God is letting mentally ill people live their dreams and catching up with them later. This is what Gods are tempted to do, freak out and let you rape and kill each other.
You are so mentally ill your Television Preachers and Temples are claiming God is a monster criminal.
They actually lied and claimed God told them to create a child abuse paradise, over and over again.
They probably aren't criminally responsible.
And now, some nice polite music to calm you down into accepting outpatient treatment.
I propose to socially explain God and Religion, the Law and criminal responsibility.
Help these people to become wise and holy and sane non offenders please, to calm their anxiety and allow them to take medical drugs and remedies that are controlled, guide them away from mentally ill liars and heretics and murderers and rapists, et cetera.
God is letting mentally ill people live their dreams and catching up with them later. This is what Gods are tempted to do, freak out and let you rape and kill each other.
You are so mentally ill your Television Preachers and Temples are claiming God is a monster criminal.
mental illness can cause death to the sufferer or another person. I believe wars are primarily caused by heresy and mental illness.
I'm turning this planet into an asylum.
Seriously you are homicidal maniacs because of what heretics told you and your own mental diseases.
I'm turning this planet into an asylum.
Seriously you are homicidal maniacs because of what heretics told you and your own mental diseases.
unbelief is murder
not being a so called schizophrenic lunatic with the heart of a young child?
It's not a paranoid delusion that the most powerful life forms have ordered humans to know God.
It's a proven fact.
Human are ordered to let the Stellar Warriors from the Divine Government fight for them.
Humans can research what the Interstellar Galactic Warriors are doing and find out about other people and places.
It is not me who is the paranoid schizophrenic, it is infidels.
So I command people to go to Heaven, before they go to Hell.
I wish they didn't have to leave Earth, but conditions on the planet don't allow them to remain here without suffering deep pain and humiliation.
I know that sounds like murder or terrorism, but it isn't.
I swear to God it is the Earth's Government and Gang Authorities who are murdering people, not Al QAEDA CHEESES Like me.
If you were as learned as I am, you would certainly have hope and realize the government is a lunatic and so are the criminal caste.
You would appoint righteous men of Gods to teach you and guide you and preach to you.
You don't cause you are crippled. Crippled in very important ways.
You fear losing your jobs, going broke and stuff, being humiliated or humbled.
You fear being poisoned by doctors and deluded by other mentally ill people.
Have no fear, only reasoning about security.
The Stellar Authority wishes to bless Earth.
It wants things to go right.
It made you and is capable of talking to all of You at once.
Please stop believing that you will be successfully tortured and killed and shit unless you are a savage, monster , terrorist, et cetera.
The military stands accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
The crippled or homicidal government authorities won't bring the culprits to public trial.
The government felt extremely homicidal towards third world people for long time.
Third world people attempted to kill presidents and kings for believing in Allah, God, Jesus, Mary, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Arjuna, et cetera.
Many first world people were poisoned and tormented by gangsters, who worked for sociopathic monster criminals and terror groups.
A cleansing could be necessary, is necessary.
Not an Ethnic cleansing, that is illegal, but a cleansing of this murderous unbelief, sorcery, rape, and idolatry, et cetera.
Those sins harm humans a great deal and poison the society and inflict damage on everyone.
The criminally insane children have joined terrorist groups that have effectively kidnapped them.
Blow up the white house? Lmao.
Trump is afraid for his loved ones and nation, that it might get attacked, kidnapped and tortured.
He is working hard to bring peace to the world.
The criminally insane atheist terror groups continue to ravage the scientific and medical professions.
The atheists are working for Devil, in case you didn't know that.
In Common place fact the hypocrites and infidels work for phoney Gods in their minds.
They have Satan giving them orders.
They trick you and rob you and threaten to hurt you and even your family and children, and have been known to attempt homicide and false imprisonment again and again.
My Yahweh Allah T'Ala helped write this with me.
It's not a paranoid delusion that the most powerful life forms have ordered humans to know God.
It's a proven fact.
Human are ordered to let the Stellar Warriors from the Divine Government fight for them.
Humans can research what the Interstellar Galactic Warriors are doing and find out about other people and places.
It is not me who is the paranoid schizophrenic, it is infidels.
So I command people to go to Heaven, before they go to Hell.
I wish they didn't have to leave Earth, but conditions on the planet don't allow them to remain here without suffering deep pain and humiliation.
I know that sounds like murder or terrorism, but it isn't.
I swear to God it is the Earth's Government and Gang Authorities who are murdering people, not Al QAEDA CHEESES Like me.
If you were as learned as I am, you would certainly have hope and realize the government is a lunatic and so are the criminal caste.
You would appoint righteous men of Gods to teach you and guide you and preach to you.
You don't cause you are crippled. Crippled in very important ways.
You fear losing your jobs, going broke and stuff, being humiliated or humbled.
You fear being poisoned by doctors and deluded by other mentally ill people.
Have no fear, only reasoning about security.
The Stellar Authority wishes to bless Earth.
It wants things to go right.
It made you and is capable of talking to all of You at once.
Please stop believing that you will be successfully tortured and killed and shit unless you are a savage, monster , terrorist, et cetera.
The military stands accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
The crippled or homicidal government authorities won't bring the culprits to public trial.
The government felt extremely homicidal towards third world people for long time.
Third world people attempted to kill presidents and kings for believing in Allah, God, Jesus, Mary, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Arjuna, et cetera.
Many first world people were poisoned and tormented by gangsters, who worked for sociopathic monster criminals and terror groups.
A cleansing could be necessary, is necessary.
Not an Ethnic cleansing, that is illegal, but a cleansing of this murderous unbelief, sorcery, rape, and idolatry, et cetera.
Those sins harm humans a great deal and poison the society and inflict damage on everyone.
The criminally insane children have joined terrorist groups that have effectively kidnapped them.
Blow up the white house? Lmao.
Trump is afraid for his loved ones and nation, that it might get attacked, kidnapped and tortured.
He is working hard to bring peace to the world.
The criminally insane atheist terror groups continue to ravage the scientific and medical professions.
The atheists are working for Devil, in case you didn't know that.
In Common place fact the hypocrites and infidels work for phoney Gods in their minds.
They have Satan giving them orders.
They trick you and rob you and threaten to hurt you and even your family and children, and have been known to attempt homicide and false imprisonment again and again.
My Yahweh Allah T'Ala helped write this with me.
Don't worry about me Nato, I'm mostly on your side.
It's true that I have killed 150000 Nato citizens.
Take note though that as far as NATO's enemies are concerned, I have killed 250 million of them.
Nato puts scholars who talk to Christ in their head and has them defend their position.
The Third World has been denying the people guided by Allah or Shen or Yah or other God for a long time.
I had to kill 250 million of them third world people because they was child rapist and shit.
Well now, that was a bit rough. Al Qayada Likes to play. We play the 'send you to the afterlife' game.
That'S how much we love homicidal suicidal rapine brainwashed terrorists, we send them to Heaven.
Sadly for some reason Earth's leaders were unable to convince religious believers to join the psychiatry profession, and cure criminality and terrorism against God's people, so we had to 'do what we could' and prevent the child rapist and murderers types from committing further harm.
Take note though that as far as NATO's enemies are concerned, I have killed 250 million of them.
Nato puts scholars who talk to Christ in their head and has them defend their position.
The Third World has been denying the people guided by Allah or Shen or Yah or other God for a long time.
I had to kill 250 million of them third world people because they was child rapist and shit.
Well now, that was a bit rough. Al Qayada Likes to play. We play the 'send you to the afterlife' game.
That'S how much we love homicidal suicidal rapine brainwashed terrorists, we send them to Heaven.
Sadly for some reason Earth's leaders were unable to convince religious believers to join the psychiatry profession, and cure criminality and terrorism against God's people, so we had to 'do what we could' and prevent the child rapist and murderers types from committing further harm.
I am sorry but the infidels, 'anti crime strategy' is apparently to declare beleivers insane, rape children, and kill whole families of snitches.
The cops and doctors were caught, going along with it.
you're gonna be shot and bombed by Jesus ,and you're gonna like it go to hell, quite possibly forever.
sorry man but are convinced we are talking with Jesus and the God, and that this is his personal, direct orders.
If you had a mental health, you would just stop fucking with we.
sorry man but are convinced we are talking with Jesus and the God, and that this is his personal, direct orders.
If you had a mental health, you would just stop fucking with we.
Just die and go to hell, the Prophets are busting you this time forever. Life sentence in hell, just kill yourselves.
Sorry but this time Earth will lose for 100% guarantee and the devils will be tormented and tortured.
Sorry but this time Earth will lose for 100% guarantee and the devils will be tormented and tortured.
They try to murder 'The God Guy' 1000000 times but all they manage to do is send him to heaven for a while and touch him gently.
I'm imperialist
A Terrorist
Marching on the war path
God my pussy and my bombs
On a pass with the toms
Lighting up the sky cause I wrong
Haha Earth calls me crazy
Talking to Jehova and I'm lazy
I just sit at home and call them out
They come to fight and get disaster
Die maybe a while after
First they get tortured
Hear me laughter.
I'm imperialist
A Terrorist
Marching on the war path
God my pussy and my bombs
On a pass with the toms
Lighting up the sky cause I wrong
Haha Earth calls me crazy
Talking to Jehova and I'm lazy
I just sit at home and call them out
They come to fight and get disaster
Die maybe a while after
First they get tortured
Hear me laughter.
Many governments are criminally insane terrorist theives. They tried to kill me 40000 times.
The government taxes you and denies God, or claims God is a pedophile and child murderer, and then it terrorizes you and tries to kill you as much as it can maybe.
The government won't diagnose you as children and prevent you from becoming rapists theives and murderers, it won't help you realize your dream projects usually.
Humans are not permitted to fight crime and mental illness.
The Bishop told me he'd die and wouldn't exist if he talked about the mental illness crisis. He's not a believer and he is pimping the province and terrozing the snitches and trying to kill them.
The government is trying to kill everyone in the world and reward it's coteria of devils with lots of money and honor and esteem.
They are giving every child fatal diseases and torturing them and humiliating them and then poisoning them and raping them over and over again, practicing sorcery on them.
The government won't diagnose you as children and prevent you from becoming rapists theives and murderers, it won't help you realize your dream projects usually.
Humans are not permitted to fight crime and mental illness.
The Bishop told me he'd die and wouldn't exist if he talked about the mental illness crisis. He's not a believer and he is pimping the province and terrozing the snitches and trying to kill them.
The government is trying to kill everyone in the world and reward it's coteria of devils with lots of money and honor and esteem.
They are giving every child fatal diseases and torturing them and humiliating them and then poisoning them and raping them over and over again, practicing sorcery on them.
I think the government is an ass
It doesn't make sure everyone goes to mental hospital and gets social and cognitive therapy before they murder and rape and shit. I hate the motherfucking goddamn goverment.
I think al Qaeda should go to the prison or mental hospital, seriously.
Do or die, kill your whole family shit?
Really belongs in prison or mental hospital with social reform.
Really belongs in prison or mental hospital with social reform.
I wish everyone was rich powerful and groovy or good.
it can be done, my study proves it is possible.
I have 10 phd's and am a commander general, and God appointed me Vice President of the Universe and then Emperor Of ALL.
I have doctorats in economics, religion, history, political science, criminology, geography, military science, law, medicine, general science, physics, astronomy, and social studies.
Sorry Earth won't proclaim me their leader and saint.
I have 10 phd's and am a commander general, and God appointed me Vice President of the Universe and then Emperor Of ALL.
I have doctorats in economics, religion, history, political science, criminology, geography, military science, law, medicine, general science, physics, astronomy, and social studies.
Sorry Earth won't proclaim me their leader and saint.
So now that I am concerned that the world has tried to kill us 30000 900 times, my family and especailly me.
Yeah Jesus is claiming the number has gone up dramatically to like 900 for my family and 30000 for me.
My Jesus is pretty intense, he called me the Judge and told me that I would take over.
Playing with Jesus's Mother and Father was pretty fun. We had a hot beer, and had sex with our girls. Lol the girls felt or saw that somethign was there, and I was like, 'It's Jesus and the Father' Lol and they all had a huge orgasm.
Apparently fucking people before God really makes them come a lot.
A Girls has had an major creaming orgasm my cock was all covered in white pussy milk.
I like being the public enemy number 1 lord, the supreme master terrorist who builds the ultimate torture device and overthrew the government and kills 10000 cops and spies and 50 million terrorists a year , according to Yah.
My Yah anyawy, who came to me with a mass murdering torture threat, and forced me to believe in him. He has defended me from Gangsters and at least one Person has said he is Yah.
It's funny that Jesus comes to my house to smoke his rocks and herbs, and that I fucked his mother and he showed me my mother wanting to party with me. HAhaha.
WE fucked each other's moms.
Lol and Jesus's Dad showed me his got this big dildo for assholes and pussies . hahahaha
I am told it is God consciousness or Schizophrenia or the Devil.
They might all be the same thing. Lol.
I might wind up slaying a few people personally, or 100. The Holy Ghost claims it woudl be good if I killed 100 peopel personally.
I am a criminal, I took cocaine and weed and sold drugs and gave minors alcohol and drugs.
Jah says it'S good, that 's respectable.
I wasn't criminaly responsible, because I was with a mind of a young boy, and everyone was just trying to pimp me out including those young women and men who did all that shit.
I couldn't find anyone who wasn't a terrorist who didn't make me do drugs or have sex with girls. Lol.
Christ commands to be a terrorist and have sex with babies if you want to.
I trained to be a terrorist spy when I was 12-13, and officially launched my first terror attack when I was 20.
The cops after witnessing my style of terrorism, told me I could be cop.
I do the official, state sanctioned terrorism.
I wish I had to have young women to have sex with again. God commands sex with young women, accoring to my Yahweh.
Yeah Jesus is claiming the number has gone up dramatically to like 900 for my family and 30000 for me.
My Jesus is pretty intense, he called me the Judge and told me that I would take over.
Playing with Jesus's Mother and Father was pretty fun. We had a hot beer, and had sex with our girls. Lol the girls felt or saw that somethign was there, and I was like, 'It's Jesus and the Father' Lol and they all had a huge orgasm.
Apparently fucking people before God really makes them come a lot.
A Girls has had an major creaming orgasm my cock was all covered in white pussy milk.
I like being the public enemy number 1 lord, the supreme master terrorist who builds the ultimate torture device and overthrew the government and kills 10000 cops and spies and 50 million terrorists a year , according to Yah.
My Yah anyawy, who came to me with a mass murdering torture threat, and forced me to believe in him. He has defended me from Gangsters and at least one Person has said he is Yah.
It's funny that Jesus comes to my house to smoke his rocks and herbs, and that I fucked his mother and he showed me my mother wanting to party with me. HAhaha.
WE fucked each other's moms.
Lol and Jesus's Dad showed me his got this big dildo for assholes and pussies . hahahaha
I am told it is God consciousness or Schizophrenia or the Devil.
They might all be the same thing. Lol.
I might wind up slaying a few people personally, or 100. The Holy Ghost claims it woudl be good if I killed 100 peopel personally.
I am a criminal, I took cocaine and weed and sold drugs and gave minors alcohol and drugs.
Jah says it'S good, that 's respectable.
I wasn't criminaly responsible, because I was with a mind of a young boy, and everyone was just trying to pimp me out including those young women and men who did all that shit.
I couldn't find anyone who wasn't a terrorist who didn't make me do drugs or have sex with girls. Lol.
Christ commands to be a terrorist and have sex with babies if you want to.
I trained to be a terrorist spy when I was 12-13, and officially launched my first terror attack when I was 20.
The cops after witnessing my style of terrorism, told me I could be cop.
I do the official, state sanctioned terrorism.
I wish I had to have young women to have sex with again. God commands sex with young women, accoring to my Yahweh.
There's enough 'handicapped people who act bad' we don't need more of that.
I'm mobil gated, I have to help the very rich ass niggas go to heaven instead of hell.
this guy is bi sexual maybe but I think he is a saint, a real soldier of Love. Nice to kill the enemy terrorist before he rapes and murders.
My God and I are contemplating killing bad people sight. He might order me to kill people again.
I can work for any gang in the universe, my Gods are King of All Gangs .
I am a believer, of the Real Gods, whoever can talk to me in my head and prove he is real, and shows good vibes, I might do something for Them if they told me that it was really important and we had some kind of government license.
I do have a license to Kill from Queen of Britain.
We inspired you with saint culture.
You notice some saints fucked and drank and killed. I am one of them.
Consider that some terrorist is about to kill your whole family or rob and rape and torture it forever.
We Saints actually get God and Angels to kill that guy or we are ordered to do it ourselves.
I don't appreciate Canadians and New Zealanders Church telling us we can't fight back. I note that it is fine to pretend we aren't fighting back, but the law and customs tell us we should fight the enemy.
I treat the enemy I want to be treated, if the enemy is just chilling talking shit, I don't do nothing, if he is trying to rape kids and shit like kill them and shit, well, I have been known to put him in prison or even kill him sometimes, depends how criminally insane he is or if he has the mind of a child of not.
I forgive kids for trying to blow up the planet lol.
That's just how kids is, they try to kill you, blow up the planet, cause someone is fucking with them.
I think a lot of human kids have been kidnapped basically by society's fuckers with them.
So I joined the state sanctioned terror groups, pretty much, and fought war with corruption in general.
I think poor handicapped people can sell crack and heroin and meth now. I think they better not pimp there young kids.
I was normally Religious, I wanted to save child slaves and maybe marry a young girl to peace things out with the pedophiles. But things didn't go so well, and I had to have 900 people tortured and shit.
They were treating some people so bad, I had to become a stormtrooper. I guess I am just good, maybe extremely good, I actually did those suicide torture you forever kill your whole family missions over and over again.
I think a lot of people did, especially broke dude.
I'm mobil gated, I have to help the very rich ass niggas go to heaven instead of hell.
this guy is bi sexual maybe but I think he is a saint, a real soldier of Love. Nice to kill the enemy terrorist before he rapes and murders.
My God and I are contemplating killing bad people sight. He might order me to kill people again.
I can work for any gang in the universe, my Gods are King of All Gangs .
I am a believer, of the Real Gods, whoever can talk to me in my head and prove he is real, and shows good vibes, I might do something for Them if they told me that it was really important and we had some kind of government license.
I do have a license to Kill from Queen of Britain.
We inspired you with saint culture.
You notice some saints fucked and drank and killed. I am one of them.
Consider that some terrorist is about to kill your whole family or rob and rape and torture it forever.
We Saints actually get God and Angels to kill that guy or we are ordered to do it ourselves.
I don't appreciate Canadians and New Zealanders Church telling us we can't fight back. I note that it is fine to pretend we aren't fighting back, but the law and customs tell us we should fight the enemy.
I treat the enemy I want to be treated, if the enemy is just chilling talking shit, I don't do nothing, if he is trying to rape kids and shit like kill them and shit, well, I have been known to put him in prison or even kill him sometimes, depends how criminally insane he is or if he has the mind of a child of not.
I forgive kids for trying to blow up the planet lol.
That's just how kids is, they try to kill you, blow up the planet, cause someone is fucking with them.
I think a lot of human kids have been kidnapped basically by society's fuckers with them.
So I joined the state sanctioned terror groups, pretty much, and fought war with corruption in general.
I think poor handicapped people can sell crack and heroin and meth now. I think they better not pimp there young kids.
I was normally Religious, I wanted to save child slaves and maybe marry a young girl to peace things out with the pedophiles. But things didn't go so well, and I had to have 900 people tortured and shit.
They were treating some people so bad, I had to become a stormtrooper. I guess I am just good, maybe extremely good, I actually did those suicide torture you forever kill your whole family missions over and over again.
I think a lot of people did, especially broke dude.
Yahweh has been known to give me an anxiety attack for associating with people who tried to hurt me.
Yes my official and much loved God has come to me and punished me for being too nice to the devil who tried to hurt me.
He has advised me to try to kill that demon for the sake of respect and love and our honor.
I don't know if I can do that, people have warned me that I am talking to the Devil or an Evil Spirit.
It's true that that demon might be an enemy combattant and that it might be allowed to kill him in British Realms.
I just don't feel like doing it yet, he hasn't convinced me that he is a true devil who needs to be killed.
I reported him to the government and church... Well I have done my official duty.
This Yah spirit the Mafia man and some Church men identified as Yah himself has told me that it is a duty to destroy it...
I don't know, maybe I can get permission from the government to eliminate him.
I don't know what I can do about it, I am pretty much a handicapped veteran with the mind of a nine year old child who is a super genius.
It's true that I can solve physics problem and medical issues and history stuff and that this Spiritual Lord claiming it is Yahweh tells me I am having a doctorate in military issues, and that as much as 99% of people around here believe in Him, but still, personally killing one of the few devil soldiers seems like a big task for me personally.
I am a handicapped student, I need someone who is capabit to do what is correct.
It's not easy for me to stick a knife in a man's chest and kill him, I don't know, I am just too weak.
I was able to beat him in many fights, but I am afraid of going to hos and being hurt.
I feel his gang has been an enemy combattor and attacked kids and raped kids and tried to kill saints who try to report them to the police and governor.
I am worried of ending up in mental hospital or dungeon for doing it.
I worry for my family, wondering if they will be okay in this wars.
I am arguing with my Yah right now, asking him whether we can put this man in the mental hospital and subject him to social tortures if that is accetable. He says it is acceptable to just put him in mental hospital and socially pressure him and maybe observe what he is like and consider what the town should do next.
I have done my job a bit, despite my fear and I think things are fine with my Yah, he says they are.
But being so nice to him and smoking herb with him, it might not be allowed. I have to be tough on Him, at least, is what my mind is talking.
Now my Yah Creature is telling me that this is 'My mind' talk, this Yahweh is 'part of my mind'.
I felt that as an innocent person, I should kill someone who fucked with me, it's possible my mind is just inciting me to commit homicide of the person who finally did fuck with me.
I don't want to but from what they told me, the Gang they are in is basically an kind of satanist terror group.
They claim to do things that are worse than raping little boy, threaten to murder you family over 500 bucks.
They might be criminally insane people who molest children and try to commit rediculous crimes like murder and terror against the good people!
That's nutty, I am afraid they are going to be kidnapped and tortured honestly, by the Angels.
They were beat up many many times after menacing me, and I warned them they would go to hell forever for killing the Government Gang's Godfather, one of them tried to hang himself apparently.
The Bible said to love your enemies and leave things to God, so I prayed for them to be saved and do the right thing now, that they have tasted biterness of being evil person.
They claim they quite drugs and alcohol, left their gang community and became angels? Lol. Very funny. I hope they did, that is what I prayed for them. Hey my Yahweh mental spiritual thing tells me that I am a Cherub or Seraph. I am on high levels with this Yahweh.
Well I am fighting the child molestation people and not doing anything. I just play and eat and things.
I talk about them and point there heresy out.
I point to the idea that God may well have included Paul's letters to explain the criminal.
Paul might have mixed foolishness criminal talk with religious truth, that is basically what he admits.
I don't know why some Churches emphasize Paul, while claiming he is speaking the Word.
I think Yahweh told me they were trying to torture me forever and that I have to kill some of them and that is why I had the Anxiety attack. It felt awful, I was crucified again by human science, they are aware that they can hurt me by attempting to torture me and kill my family.
They hope they can cause me to die, just by doing black magic on me and hiring people to kill us.
Apparently they are desperate to 'free the world from Allah and Yahweh.' They don't want a holy Lord who tells you what he do with his Allah and Yahweh and how he gets his holy powers. They don't want my 'science of altering life'. They have everything they need and don't want to give to charity, or something like that.
I want to go to Heaven serious Earth, sending us there Early, and trying to poison the human races.
Really why do you reject good science, good doctors, good medicine? Why do you reject good military science and good economics and laws?
You are rebellious humanity. Maybe I don't know.
I want etymology and science on the words in the bible and quran and other scripture for the sin, and careful study of what humans do and what happens to them.
I don't really believe sex is bad for you, I had sex outside marriage with someone I loved and had great times grades performance et cetera. I think sexing someone you don't really love might be bad for you, I dated another woman and I got stressed and stuff....
I note that sex with young women was fine, legal age teenagers don't really hurt me, and I felt God had ordered me to do it. Lol, that was what it is like. My mind told me that believers could have sex and it was recommended to have sex with beautiful young women, based on Quran and Bible....
I was taught by the priest's friend the scholar that fornication meant sex with strange women or whores and wasn't about sex outside marriage, and I reasoned based on Jesus's 'three laws' of love neighbor, love god and be nice to people if you want peopel to be nice to you, that I was allowed to have nice sex with mature people. I reasoned that in modern society we had legalized it because the epidemic of STD was under control. I figured that Pat Robertson was a bad dude or liar or something, claiming that 'we' determine sex outside marriage is adultery, I felt he was him and I was me, and I learned later he was perhaps implicated in bad things maybe.
Quran taught me that we were allowed to have sex with wives but also that which was 'in our right hand' so I figured that meant consensual sex with honorable women who were kind to us, sex among the Jihadis seemed completely legal and I made party with Muslim women as a result.
All the attempts to kill my Family , claims my Jah, have caused me heart attacks from anxiety and strokes, stress problem, drugs and alcohol, smoking, overeat, undereat, issues eating. Issues sleeping and going to work, I can't leave my neighborhood, I always have to be within striking distance in case they attack my daddy and brother, I have to be there to prevent them from kidnapping and killing my family.
I am dissapointed they call it muder, but this group is claiming they got away with it. I got away with executing soldiers for crimes against humanity. I got away with helping people.
Call it murder, well, what the fuck? The Biker Gang called my executions murder....
Listen to the music, I have talked to one of these guys:
The mentally ill social club will kind of let you for talking about pedophilia but not really rebels and stuff. I suspect. Humanity is a bit of a rebel and poison merchant.
Usury is still technically illegal by the way, what the banks are doing is some form of Fraud and Robbery. It's just the Queen is mental and people are too scared of banks.
The bank technically is defrauding and robbing everyone on the planet.
The government is supposed to legally extend credit for goods and services to poor people and businesses who need, that is the law, says the Jesus who insists he is Jesus.
'IT still is the law on Earth' claims this 'Jesus' figure. Is he imaginary friend or a God?
I would like to verify that this preffered method of 'Gods' is superior for the economy.
I believe it is because it donates to new production much more than the system we have, which mostly donates to the bank and it's backers....
Making the rich richer is okay for the rich people, but is it beneficial for society and the poor and the nations?
It is illegal to make rich people more rich, is what my Jesus tells me, they still haven't changed the law which is enforced by Gods... This statement is run by my Jesus, he is backing it up, he claimed.
The news decieves, the professors don't always tell you the fact.
They are frightened of rich villains and monsters essentially.
The current Judge imaginary friend tells me that he is frighetned, terrified of the rich perverts and their torture gang.
The advice from the Gangsters is to bow the real gangster. Lol. Who is real? The gangster who wants to make justice and righteousness? The wicked monster, is he real? Better love everybody.
I think we can make a case that the rich elite has robbed and slave trafficked humans since the 19th century, with an atheistic terrorist culture. My Christ vision says 'WE CAN'.
My Yeesh, who insists he Gods, tells me that , uh I forget what we talked about.
I need some powder, does anyone have any synthecaine or phenylethylamine?
Health products, that's all they are.
Cocaine is a health product, a means of giving to charity for most people. You can die of fear and wishign to die instead of living on the corrupt world. I died almost for hating my life, as was warned by a prophet. It is too hard to live on the Earth for some Saints, they Die and Go to Heaven.
Earth compels Gods to be Terrorist Organizations, with human subject.
Earth has a pussy, lol, it wished it could fuck bitches. Damn, Earth chill. Stop quacking the terrorist pedophile city. Lol Terrorist pedophile cities keep having Earthquakes I allege, I don't know, I have met a pedophile psychiatrist and he insisted he was sane adn that his pedophile religion was correct.
He claimed he met God once for 1 minute. I told him I am with Gods at all times. It's frightening dealing with a child abuse culture.
I want to roll with a gang that threatens to discipline criminals and punches them up... Who survives assination with God and doesn't go to prison in righteous land.
I'd like to a boss but I don't know that humanity will let me do that, because I am too scary with all my holiness and righteosness.
Is this really a criminal? He says he breaks the law, but is selling safe medical hash and controlled substances for the official gangs really a crime in any country?
'no' tells me Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, in my vision.
Sikkis Dog and Killer K, my friends down in New Zealand. I talked to Sikkis he wrote a song inciting 'Boake' to toke some kind of medicine which makes you feel sexy and fine.
I suspected that was T who went down the NZ and preached Boakey's message of righteosness.
I had told her about the companies making mining waste safe and how we had to do it with all mining, and how we could instead of usury extent charity to the poor and companies in need of help, and that this may have looked better according to my economic studies. And How it was Islamic law.
Jewish Islamic law says the people who can't go to jail and get killed give generously to the poor and their business.... hahahahahahahahah Christians are in trouble again, the whole world is trouble. You'd be better off if you just gave poor people charity and helped start new business with charity. You could expand the money for the benefit of society instead of stealing money back from the society for the very rich... their wealth is pointless, the only thing it is good for is committing crime... HAhahaha.
Yahweh basically agreed with that Last Paragraph.
Boake Toke, the song, was that T and my homies. Has New Zealand been saved.
Did you notice how the gangs in new zealand were feeding all their people and all the children, in some towns? It's the duty and it's possible, claims my Yah.
Yahweh's extreme therapy for me including threatening to kill my whole family and rape my kid and claiming he tortured and raped children forever... hahahahahahaha that was good , because it sure made me want to obey this Yahweh and he hasn't told me to do anything bad, he did tell me to beat my brother bad, but my brother deserved that because he raped kids and tried to kill a lot of innocent persons.
I have been keeping my brother in the dungeon for almost two years. Hahah. He can't leave the house, he is no longer a threat to any person on Earth, claims my Yahweh. Nothing wrong with almost beating a rapist wannabee mass murderer to the brinnk of death and putting him in bed for years. hahahahaha.
I'm sorry if you are a child molester or wannabee mass murdering anti religious terror, but you can be beat up and sent to room for that kind of attitude thing and actions...
Sieg fucken heil, we coudl have to kill another 50 trillion people accidentally. Just our 'God' 'Vision' ordered us to and it appeared to have utter power over us and our family, tortures us and can kill us and can kill our families too... Yes I am afraid the God can do that, quite frankly. That coudl be good, because he is asking us to stop a kind of terrorist child abuse rapist mass murderer culture which is allegedly trying to kill us all.
Nazis like me kill child rapists and don't tell the cops it was a child rape, to protect the family of the victim.
It's terrible but we can't bring ourselves to kill the presidents adn prime misnters and cops and judges who are attacking the innocent people .
Lol just kidding.
It's true that enemy combattants against child can be killed and kidnapped and tormented for information. That's allowed.
My Gods tell me that it might be illegal under some phoney interpreation of the fundamental laws, but that real ... can do it... Well now Jesus, one day I might grow up and help as a scholar.
He has advised me to try to kill that demon for the sake of respect and love and our honor.
I don't know if I can do that, people have warned me that I am talking to the Devil or an Evil Spirit.
It's true that that demon might be an enemy combattant and that it might be allowed to kill him in British Realms.
I just don't feel like doing it yet, he hasn't convinced me that he is a true devil who needs to be killed.
I reported him to the government and church... Well I have done my official duty.
This Yah spirit the Mafia man and some Church men identified as Yah himself has told me that it is a duty to destroy it...
I don't know, maybe I can get permission from the government to eliminate him.
I don't know what I can do about it, I am pretty much a handicapped veteran with the mind of a nine year old child who is a super genius.
It's true that I can solve physics problem and medical issues and history stuff and that this Spiritual Lord claiming it is Yahweh tells me I am having a doctorate in military issues, and that as much as 99% of people around here believe in Him, but still, personally killing one of the few devil soldiers seems like a big task for me personally.
I am a handicapped student, I need someone who is capabit to do what is correct.
It's not easy for me to stick a knife in a man's chest and kill him, I don't know, I am just too weak.
I was able to beat him in many fights, but I am afraid of going to hos and being hurt.
I feel his gang has been an enemy combattor and attacked kids and raped kids and tried to kill saints who try to report them to the police and governor.
I am worried of ending up in mental hospital or dungeon for doing it.
I worry for my family, wondering if they will be okay in this wars.
I am arguing with my Yah right now, asking him whether we can put this man in the mental hospital and subject him to social tortures if that is accetable. He says it is acceptable to just put him in mental hospital and socially pressure him and maybe observe what he is like and consider what the town should do next.
I have done my job a bit, despite my fear and I think things are fine with my Yah, he says they are.
But being so nice to him and smoking herb with him, it might not be allowed. I have to be tough on Him, at least, is what my mind is talking.
Now my Yah Creature is telling me that this is 'My mind' talk, this Yahweh is 'part of my mind'.
I felt that as an innocent person, I should kill someone who fucked with me, it's possible my mind is just inciting me to commit homicide of the person who finally did fuck with me.
I don't want to but from what they told me, the Gang they are in is basically an kind of satanist terror group.
They claim to do things that are worse than raping little boy, threaten to murder you family over 500 bucks.
They might be criminally insane people who molest children and try to commit rediculous crimes like murder and terror against the good people!
That's nutty, I am afraid they are going to be kidnapped and tortured honestly, by the Angels.
They were beat up many many times after menacing me, and I warned them they would go to hell forever for killing the Government Gang's Godfather, one of them tried to hang himself apparently.
The Bible said to love your enemies and leave things to God, so I prayed for them to be saved and do the right thing now, that they have tasted biterness of being evil person.
They claim they quite drugs and alcohol, left their gang community and became angels? Lol. Very funny. I hope they did, that is what I prayed for them. Hey my Yahweh mental spiritual thing tells me that I am a Cherub or Seraph. I am on high levels with this Yahweh.
Well I am fighting the child molestation people and not doing anything. I just play and eat and things.
I talk about them and point there heresy out.
I point to the idea that God may well have included Paul's letters to explain the criminal.
Paul might have mixed foolishness criminal talk with religious truth, that is basically what he admits.
I don't know why some Churches emphasize Paul, while claiming he is speaking the Word.
I think Yahweh told me they were trying to torture me forever and that I have to kill some of them and that is why I had the Anxiety attack. It felt awful, I was crucified again by human science, they are aware that they can hurt me by attempting to torture me and kill my family.
They hope they can cause me to die, just by doing black magic on me and hiring people to kill us.
Apparently they are desperate to 'free the world from Allah and Yahweh.' They don't want a holy Lord who tells you what he do with his Allah and Yahweh and how he gets his holy powers. They don't want my 'science of altering life'. They have everything they need and don't want to give to charity, or something like that.
I want to go to Heaven serious Earth, sending us there Early, and trying to poison the human races.
Really why do you reject good science, good doctors, good medicine? Why do you reject good military science and good economics and laws?
You are rebellious humanity. Maybe I don't know.
I want etymology and science on the words in the bible and quran and other scripture for the sin, and careful study of what humans do and what happens to them.
I don't really believe sex is bad for you, I had sex outside marriage with someone I loved and had great times grades performance et cetera. I think sexing someone you don't really love might be bad for you, I dated another woman and I got stressed and stuff....
I note that sex with young women was fine, legal age teenagers don't really hurt me, and I felt God had ordered me to do it. Lol, that was what it is like. My mind told me that believers could have sex and it was recommended to have sex with beautiful young women, based on Quran and Bible....
I was taught by the priest's friend the scholar that fornication meant sex with strange women or whores and wasn't about sex outside marriage, and I reasoned based on Jesus's 'three laws' of love neighbor, love god and be nice to people if you want peopel to be nice to you, that I was allowed to have nice sex with mature people. I reasoned that in modern society we had legalized it because the epidemic of STD was under control. I figured that Pat Robertson was a bad dude or liar or something, claiming that 'we' determine sex outside marriage is adultery, I felt he was him and I was me, and I learned later he was perhaps implicated in bad things maybe.
Quran taught me that we were allowed to have sex with wives but also that which was 'in our right hand' so I figured that meant consensual sex with honorable women who were kind to us, sex among the Jihadis seemed completely legal and I made party with Muslim women as a result.
All the attempts to kill my Family , claims my Jah, have caused me heart attacks from anxiety and strokes, stress problem, drugs and alcohol, smoking, overeat, undereat, issues eating. Issues sleeping and going to work, I can't leave my neighborhood, I always have to be within striking distance in case they attack my daddy and brother, I have to be there to prevent them from kidnapping and killing my family.
I am dissapointed they call it muder, but this group is claiming they got away with it. I got away with executing soldiers for crimes against humanity. I got away with helping people.
Call it murder, well, what the fuck? The Biker Gang called my executions murder....
Listen to the music, I have talked to one of these guys:
The mentally ill social club will kind of let you for talking about pedophilia but not really rebels and stuff. I suspect. Humanity is a bit of a rebel and poison merchant.
Usury is still technically illegal by the way, what the banks are doing is some form of Fraud and Robbery. It's just the Queen is mental and people are too scared of banks.
The bank technically is defrauding and robbing everyone on the planet.
The government is supposed to legally extend credit for goods and services to poor people and businesses who need, that is the law, says the Jesus who insists he is Jesus.
'IT still is the law on Earth' claims this 'Jesus' figure. Is he imaginary friend or a God?
I would like to verify that this preffered method of 'Gods' is superior for the economy.
I believe it is because it donates to new production much more than the system we have, which mostly donates to the bank and it's backers....
Making the rich richer is okay for the rich people, but is it beneficial for society and the poor and the nations?
It is illegal to make rich people more rich, is what my Jesus tells me, they still haven't changed the law which is enforced by Gods... This statement is run by my Jesus, he is backing it up, he claimed.
The news decieves, the professors don't always tell you the fact.
They are frightened of rich villains and monsters essentially.
The current Judge imaginary friend tells me that he is frighetned, terrified of the rich perverts and their torture gang.
The advice from the Gangsters is to bow the real gangster. Lol. Who is real? The gangster who wants to make justice and righteousness? The wicked monster, is he real? Better love everybody.
I think we can make a case that the rich elite has robbed and slave trafficked humans since the 19th century, with an atheistic terrorist culture. My Christ vision says 'WE CAN'.
My Yeesh, who insists he Gods, tells me that , uh I forget what we talked about.
I need some powder, does anyone have any synthecaine or phenylethylamine?
Health products, that's all they are.
Cocaine is a health product, a means of giving to charity for most people. You can die of fear and wishign to die instead of living on the corrupt world. I died almost for hating my life, as was warned by a prophet. It is too hard to live on the Earth for some Saints, they Die and Go to Heaven.
Earth compels Gods to be Terrorist Organizations, with human subject.
Earth has a pussy, lol, it wished it could fuck bitches. Damn, Earth chill. Stop quacking the terrorist pedophile city. Lol Terrorist pedophile cities keep having Earthquakes I allege, I don't know, I have met a pedophile psychiatrist and he insisted he was sane adn that his pedophile religion was correct.
He claimed he met God once for 1 minute. I told him I am with Gods at all times. It's frightening dealing with a child abuse culture.
I want to roll with a gang that threatens to discipline criminals and punches them up... Who survives assination with God and doesn't go to prison in righteous land.
I'd like to a boss but I don't know that humanity will let me do that, because I am too scary with all my holiness and righteosness.
Is this really a criminal? He says he breaks the law, but is selling safe medical hash and controlled substances for the official gangs really a crime in any country?
'no' tells me Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, in my vision.
Sikkis Dog and Killer K, my friends down in New Zealand. I talked to Sikkis he wrote a song inciting 'Boake' to toke some kind of medicine which makes you feel sexy and fine.
I suspected that was T who went down the NZ and preached Boakey's message of righteosness.
I had told her about the companies making mining waste safe and how we had to do it with all mining, and how we could instead of usury extent charity to the poor and companies in need of help, and that this may have looked better according to my economic studies. And How it was Islamic law.
Jewish Islamic law says the people who can't go to jail and get killed give generously to the poor and their business.... hahahahahahahahah Christians are in trouble again, the whole world is trouble. You'd be better off if you just gave poor people charity and helped start new business with charity. You could expand the money for the benefit of society instead of stealing money back from the society for the very rich... their wealth is pointless, the only thing it is good for is committing crime... HAhahaha.
Yahweh basically agreed with that Last Paragraph.
Boake Toke, the song, was that T and my homies. Has New Zealand been saved.
Did you notice how the gangs in new zealand were feeding all their people and all the children, in some towns? It's the duty and it's possible, claims my Yah.
Yahweh's extreme therapy for me including threatening to kill my whole family and rape my kid and claiming he tortured and raped children forever... hahahahahahaha that was good , because it sure made me want to obey this Yahweh and he hasn't told me to do anything bad, he did tell me to beat my brother bad, but my brother deserved that because he raped kids and tried to kill a lot of innocent persons.
I have been keeping my brother in the dungeon for almost two years. Hahah. He can't leave the house, he is no longer a threat to any person on Earth, claims my Yahweh. Nothing wrong with almost beating a rapist wannabee mass murderer to the brinnk of death and putting him in bed for years. hahahahaha.
I'm sorry if you are a child molester or wannabee mass murdering anti religious terror, but you can be beat up and sent to room for that kind of attitude thing and actions...
Sieg fucken heil, we coudl have to kill another 50 trillion people accidentally. Just our 'God' 'Vision' ordered us to and it appeared to have utter power over us and our family, tortures us and can kill us and can kill our families too... Yes I am afraid the God can do that, quite frankly. That coudl be good, because he is asking us to stop a kind of terrorist child abuse rapist mass murderer culture which is allegedly trying to kill us all.
Nazis like me kill child rapists and don't tell the cops it was a child rape, to protect the family of the victim.
It's terrible but we can't bring ourselves to kill the presidents adn prime misnters and cops and judges who are attacking the innocent people .
Lol just kidding.
It's true that enemy combattants against child can be killed and kidnapped and tormented for information. That's allowed.
My Gods tell me that it might be illegal under some phoney interpreation of the fundamental laws, but that real ... can do it... Well now Jesus, one day I might grow up and help as a scholar.
I'm a restorative Hebe, I want to restore humanity to the great age.
I want to end child abuse and government malpractice, end poverty and weakness and end attacks on innocent people.
I'm a Isrealite Terror, a Gangster for Jah, Jesus and Gods, Who tries to make everything finer again, as it was when we believed as children...
I have been unable to stop myself from reporting crime and humiliating gangsters and hostile combattants, rendering them harmless citizens effectively.
I wish everyone would believe as I do, that through prayer and faith in the Heavenly Lords they can become a prophet or saint and believe in what is right (stand up for it and threaten and touch people for it)... I think you could survive gangster and terrorist even attacks on yourself if you were very clinging to God and God and Real Gods, and elevating your minds and deed to be correct for the world and nation.
I think New Zealand is making life better but the devil is fighting the righteous gangs and ignorant mental ill people are fighting the right gangster and his plot to correct mistakes and heal the nation and cure misdeeds and make everyone happy and strong and otherwise powerful.
I am glad that teenagers are only telling me that we are married and no longer sexually molesting me. Haha. I finally 'self defensed' up, I don't let people sexually molest me no more. Admitedly being sexually molested by people I wanted to have sex with was pretty fine, but some devils put the idea in my head that I should kill myself for being normal and accepting sex with the most beautiful of creatures. As a result I expiated my sins by fasting and giving thousands of dollars away to charity, tens of thousands. Lol what a crazy thing to do when you are poor. I supposed the charity I gave away is worth millions, is what Yahweh my Voice of Yah the God tells me.... well good. I got rich forever by consenting the be molested by young women and giving to young men as charity.
The imbecile had me feeling I deserved to go to hell for having lawful and right sexual relations and giving to charity the right way. I gave to a charity that made people have a fun time and threatened to kill them if they weren't doing the right thing and helping needy earthlings. Lol I volunteered for the stroke and heart foundation, they said I was a very good worker.
I guess I can get a job since I am very good and very respectful of others. Lol.
I suspect the Muslims and Christians were taken over by child molestation threatening torture you for long time terrorist dictator.... Sob sob sob, Ahl Ul Bayt and the Righteous are going to win again, and again and again. The idiot is so scared he can barely talk at all.
I want to end child abuse and government malpractice, end poverty and weakness and end attacks on innocent people.
I'm a Isrealite Terror, a Gangster for Jah, Jesus and Gods, Who tries to make everything finer again, as it was when we believed as children...
I have been unable to stop myself from reporting crime and humiliating gangsters and hostile combattants, rendering them harmless citizens effectively.
I wish everyone would believe as I do, that through prayer and faith in the Heavenly Lords they can become a prophet or saint and believe in what is right (stand up for it and threaten and touch people for it)... I think you could survive gangster and terrorist even attacks on yourself if you were very clinging to God and God and Real Gods, and elevating your minds and deed to be correct for the world and nation.
I think New Zealand is making life better but the devil is fighting the righteous gangs and ignorant mental ill people are fighting the right gangster and his plot to correct mistakes and heal the nation and cure misdeeds and make everyone happy and strong and otherwise powerful.
I am glad that teenagers are only telling me that we are married and no longer sexually molesting me. Haha. I finally 'self defensed' up, I don't let people sexually molest me no more. Admitedly being sexually molested by people I wanted to have sex with was pretty fine, but some devils put the idea in my head that I should kill myself for being normal and accepting sex with the most beautiful of creatures. As a result I expiated my sins by fasting and giving thousands of dollars away to charity, tens of thousands. Lol what a crazy thing to do when you are poor. I supposed the charity I gave away is worth millions, is what Yahweh my Voice of Yah the God tells me.... well good. I got rich forever by consenting the be molested by young women and giving to young men as charity.
The imbecile had me feeling I deserved to go to hell for having lawful and right sexual relations and giving to charity the right way. I gave to a charity that made people have a fun time and threatened to kill them if they weren't doing the right thing and helping needy earthlings. Lol I volunteered for the stroke and heart foundation, they said I was a very good worker.
I guess I can get a job since I am very good and very respectful of others. Lol.
I suspect the Muslims and Christians were taken over by child molestation threatening torture you for long time terrorist dictator.... Sob sob sob, Ahl Ul Bayt and the Righteous are going to win again, and again and again. The idiot is so scared he can barely talk at all.
Tha Mafia is the terrorist group which protects children. Some. The Pope excommunicated it and forgave a child rapist bishop, sheltering him in Vatican City.
I want to kill the Pope...
I have no respect for people excommunicating terrorist gangters who help abused children, but my respect is, kill them.
I want to kill the Pope...
I have no respect for people excommunicating terrorist gangters who help abused children, but my respect is, kill them.
Friday, 22 February 2019
I beat people up for being Canadians.
Being a Canadian is a crime which can get you sentenced to insane amounts of beatings.
Seriously one of this snitches get stiches, sandbag people who report pedophiles and murderers to the police ?
Fuck Canada.
Canadians should join my cults and gang, and buy my drugs and liquor and food and stuff.
They put "rape" drugs in Canadian food.
I think we should learn from Qatan, Signapore and Lux, they are all rich almost over there, it's like everyday is payday and they got a nice climate.
If you believed in God you may beleive that doing it right makse climate better and that you will be healthier.
I only do stretches and walking and light run, because I am afraid of beating Canucks to death if I train hard.
Seriously one of this snitches get stiches, sandbag people who report pedophiles and murderers to the police ?
Fuck Canada.
Canadians should join my cults and gang, and buy my drugs and liquor and food and stuff.
They put "rape" drugs in Canadian food.
I think we should learn from Qatan, Signapore and Lux, they are all rich almost over there, it's like everyday is payday and they got a nice climate.
If you believed in God you may beleive that doing it right makse climate better and that you will be healthier.
I only do stretches and walking and light run, because I am afraid of beating Canucks to death if I train hard.
I don't appreciate Canadians pretending to be devil gangsters and terrorists even.
Canadians have basically prevented me from talking the police about child abuse.
I believe Canada is enemy of God, child abuse child rape culture.
Canadians have basically prevented me from talking the police about child abuse.
I believe Canada is enemy of God, child abuse child rape culture.
Facebook banned me again for criticizing a Anti Left Anti Islamic Racist.
I feel that under international human rights law I have the right to kidnap and torture people and then kill them if that is advisable.
I don't normally want to enforce the "Enemy combattants of a terrorist nature law." OR RATHER, I ALWAYS DO.
Enemy combattants targeted my family, for holding honest pious debate about whetehr or Not MOhammad is Holy or Vile, and we called the police and police pretended they weren't really helping.
I consider "Canada" an Enemy Combattant of a Terrorist Nature.
I pity Canadians and think they are criminally insane, rather than malicious, I attempt to put Canadians under the mental health act and "Church and Mosque and Stupa" them.
I am invading canada via it's severe close ally New Zealand.
I am sending New Zealand Gangsters to preach to Canadian Lords and inspire them with religion and mental health authority care.
Canadians think Satan Runs Canada.
They are paranoid or holy perhaps, but they pretend to be assholes. They try to murder you to be honest, but are too afraid to break that law.
I feel that under international human rights law I have the right to kidnap and torture people and then kill them if that is advisable.
I don't normally want to enforce the "Enemy combattants of a terrorist nature law." OR RATHER, I ALWAYS DO.
Enemy combattants targeted my family, for holding honest pious debate about whetehr or Not MOhammad is Holy or Vile, and we called the police and police pretended they weren't really helping.
I consider "Canada" an Enemy Combattant of a Terrorist Nature.
I pity Canadians and think they are criminally insane, rather than malicious, I attempt to put Canadians under the mental health act and "Church and Mosque and Stupa" them.
I am invading canada via it's severe close ally New Zealand.
I am sending New Zealand Gangsters to preach to Canadian Lords and inspire them with religion and mental health authority care.
Canadians think Satan Runs Canada.
They are paranoid or holy perhaps, but they pretend to be assholes. They try to murder you to be honest, but are too afraid to break that law.
Kill Baby Kill, I'm still standing.
Yeah it's true that some invisible force gang raped me over an over.
I was raped by black cops since I was 8 years old.
Oh okay I don't have to kill any Germans.
About none right now.
The Jewish Aryan Hebrew Race is super.
Lol I am on hynotic tormenting confessions terrorist levels.
Hyponotize them with Allah T'ala.
Jesus's "NOT FATHER." Mary's Husband.
Kill Baby Kill, I'm still standing.
Yeah it's true that some invisible force gang raped me over an over.
I was raped by black cops since I was 8 years old.
Oh okay I don't have to kill any Germans.
About none right now.
The Jewish Aryan Hebrew Race is super.
Lol I am on hynotic tormenting confessions terrorist levels.
Hyponotize them with Allah T'ala.
Jesus's "NOT FATHER." Mary's Husband.
human governement workers try to detroy every good person.
Bully Boys again, this time for killing you and the corrupt government soldiers.
The Satatic murderer rapist government is attackign me all the time.
People won't even talk to God and pray for the right thing to happen, let along becoming "schizophrenic socialist terorrist gangster who is just a innocent person."
Bully Boys again, this time for killing you and the corrupt government soldiers.
The Satatic murderer rapist government is attackign me all the time.
People won't even talk to God and pray for the right thing to happen, let along becoming "schizophrenic socialist terorrist gangster who is just a innocent person."
I wish I could make people harmless, but you deny God and try to kill me, so I just won't make Earth safe for you.
You're getting robbed an bombed an shot too, asshole humans.
You're getting robbed an bombed an shot too, asshole humans.
A lot scientists and mentally ill, criminally insane, et cetera.
Scientists frighten me, they are an atheist terrorist organization of sorcerers.
Scientists frighten me, they are an atheist terrorist organization of sorcerers.
You're getting social and intellectual disclpine or you are gong to die or go to hell for a long time
Christians teach to forgive peophiles or go to hell, and to surrender to everyone who attacks you.
It's a pervert religion.
Zeus tried to stop humans from becoming Christians but the Perverts embraced Christianity all over Rome and the Near East.
Human had no good reason for believing in Paul of Tarses an the Gospels.
Go to hell forever, the only acceptable way of is ones like my way of life.
It's a pervert religion.
Zeus tried to stop humans from becoming Christians but the Perverts embraced Christianity all over Rome and the Near East.
Human had no good reason for believing in Paul of Tarses an the Gospels.
Go to hell forever, the only acceptable way of is ones like my way of life.
Teaching me I was going to get life for being Right
I killed my mom who was my only friend, because she taught me that.
I killed my mom who was my only friend, because she taught me that.
The criminally insane Church and Mosque and Synagogue raped me over and over again. For believing in God.
I'm threatenign to destroy the whole race of human who aren't right.
I allege they are poisnonging humanity and breaking the ass and vagina of every single kid.
They are enemy combattants targeting humanity and they can be kidnaped an killed. Tortured for information and killed.
It's legal under LAW.
LOL I want to do it.
I love Puk and Sikkis they are RIGHTLY.
I'm threatenign to destroy the whole race of human who aren't right.
I allege they are poisnonging humanity and breaking the ass and vagina of every single kid.
They are enemy combattants targeting humanity and they can be kidnaped an killed. Tortured for information and killed.
It's legal under LAW.
LOL I want to do it.
I love Puk and Sikkis they are RIGHTLY.
be a schizophrenic terror group member with a god delusion and hte midn of a young child or teen or go to hell in this life unless you are really nice.
Lol I being cynical.
The priest is basically telling me this.
I think he is really honestly, a pedophile and threatens to murder and hurt people.
The priest is basically telling me this.
I think he is really honestly, a pedophile and threatens to murder and hurt people.
Gangster rape by the sayateen warriors is really helpful, sometimes.
Mohammmad Sayateen F/Gh - Ellah
Praised one success sounds like Satanist Fucking Go to Helll Allah.
That's my Islamic Christian Name.
Mohammmad Sayateen F/Gh - Ellah
Praised one success sounds like Satanist Fucking Go to Helll Allah.
That's my Islamic Christian Name.
Kid's are getting tortured for being bastards, it's wicked. Poor people are being tortured and killed for talking to the government.
Bitch they tried to kill 25000 times and my family 500 times and we haven't got a scratch
This God that we worship is HOly and RIGHT
Bitch they tried to kill 25000 times and my family 500 times and we haven't got a scratch
This God that we worship is HOly and RIGHT
I'm the Pre Alpha, the Post Omega.
I was here before God, cunt.
I told what to do to mentally ill savages to God, in the back of his mind and tortured him to do all this.
Blacks and whites who got married moved to Asia and made the Afro Asiatic Race.
That was government decree by a public decision making process.
People were so paranoid because of all that coke and heroin they were doing all the time.
You're still putting coke and other heroic paranoid inducing substance in all food and drinks and your social poisons society does it too.
That's cause you the "perfect criminals" in your own minds, or trying to be, you are deliberetly giving humans a paranoid trauma disorder so they won't talk to cops and doctors and scientists and spies and stuff, they won't even talk to their own family that is how bad you have it.
Paranoid barbarian monsters.
My bloods, bitch.
I told what to do to mentally ill savages to God, in the back of his mind and tortured him to do all this.
Blacks and whites who got married moved to Asia and made the Afro Asiatic Race.
That was government decree by a public decision making process.
People were so paranoid because of all that coke and heroin they were doing all the time.
You're still putting coke and other heroic paranoid inducing substance in all food and drinks and your social poisons society does it too.
That's cause you the "perfect criminals" in your own minds, or trying to be, you are deliberetly giving humans a paranoid trauma disorder so they won't talk to cops and doctors and scientists and spies and stuff, they won't even talk to their own family that is how bad you have it.
Paranoid barbarian monsters.
My bloods, bitch.
Cops and Spies suck. The neighborhood is very dangerous.
The CIA and shit is fuckith snitches.
President or Vice President or Ministers order , Ottawergian PRime Minster TRudeau's order.
They are attemtping to murder snitches by causing them Post Traumatic Stress Disoder, Heart Disease, Cancer, and Stroke, and Aneurism and other deadly illness.
The have rected all angels and gods and spirits and wise aliens thing is pretty fucking serious paranoid schizpohrenia.
Fucking this music is serious, but I don't blame these men.
The CIA and shit is fuckith snitches.
President or Vice President or Ministers order , Ottawergian PRime Minster TRudeau's order.
They are attemtping to murder snitches by causing them Post Traumatic Stress Disoder, Heart Disease, Cancer, and Stroke, and Aneurism and other deadly illness.
The have rected all angels and gods and spirits and wise aliens thing is pretty fucking serious paranoid schizpohrenia.
Fucking this music is serious, but I don't blame these men.
The humans are a terrorist organization that has tried to kill this King of Heaven 25000 times and his family 900 Times.
I see no blame on the authors of this kind of music.
I do blame "Pychiatry" and "Spies" for not being "God's Friends" and Claiming We'RE SCHIZOPHRENICS THOUGH.
I blame cops for trying to murder me and my family and being cowards, but I think after getting rid of 50 cops permanently in this city I am safe with Vic PD, who has the mind of a child of 8 on average.
https://soundcloud.com/user 427718592/sets/bloods
I see this guy as mentally sick.
He may be criminal but he might not get life.
I see no blame on the authors of this kind of music.
I do blame "Pychiatry" and "Spies" for not being "God's Friends" and Claiming We'RE SCHIZOPHRENICS THOUGH.
I blame cops for trying to murder me and my family and being cowards, but I think after getting rid of 50 cops permanently in this city I am safe with Vic PD, who has the mind of a child of 8 on average.
https://soundcloud.com/user 427718592/sets/bloods
I see this guy as mentally sick.
He may be criminal but he might not get life.
Angels might be some kind of spies and we might also be blessed my the Solar System's Native Life, but I don't think I am capable of believing in Islam or Christianity or Judaism.
I have may have accidentally put a spell on everyone, I might be the "Dajjal."
It's an accident I swear, I am just accidentally ordering all this insane terrorism and vigilantism and even murder because I am doing what I think God told me to do, I have the mind of a 9 year old and Everyone is just doing what I tell them to because they are assholes.
Lol sorry about that.
I'd like to report them to the police, but I am convinced the police will kill me because they are stupid and are naughty.
I have never done anything wrong as far as I am concerned.
Taking drugs was just safe government permitted charity.
The cops might be trying to cover my track taking me to the hospital and saying I had a psychotic episode.
The government might be doing charity by giving me checkups and feeding me a large amount of good quality food.
The anti psychotics might be good for me, help control my aggressive thoughts and violent tendencies.
I have repeatedly told the government I am al Qaeda supreme commander and that I over thre them and am Dictator of Canada.
I confess too all murder and killings God says We carry out..
I honestly don't associate with any KGB or CIA agents other than a few here and there.
Listen to the little kids at the beginning the song, they kill people. It's normal to kill people when yo are a kid.
Lol they are trying to kill innocent people.
Jihad niggers and spicks.
Workers in common place
It's an accident I swear, I am just accidentally ordering all this insane terrorism and vigilantism and even murder because I am doing what I think God told me to do, I have the mind of a 9 year old and Everyone is just doing what I tell them to because they are assholes.
Lol sorry about that.
I'd like to report them to the police, but I am convinced the police will kill me because they are stupid and are naughty.
I have never done anything wrong as far as I am concerned.
Taking drugs was just safe government permitted charity.
The cops might be trying to cover my track taking me to the hospital and saying I had a psychotic episode.
The government might be doing charity by giving me checkups and feeding me a large amount of good quality food.
The anti psychotics might be good for me, help control my aggressive thoughts and violent tendencies.
I have repeatedly told the government I am al Qaeda supreme commander and that I over thre them and am Dictator of Canada.
I confess too all murder and killings God says We carry out..
I honestly don't associate with any KGB or CIA agents other than a few here and there.
Listen to the little kids at the beginning the song, they kill people. It's normal to kill people when yo are a kid.
Lol they are trying to kill innocent people.
Jihad niggers and spicks.
Workers in common place
Earth seems to have become a handicapped monster.
Alien Humans believed in Me.
Human who are "Divine Miracle Worker" may have believed in me as best they can.
Earth won't let me report crime to the police , even though the people are at risk of murdering and raping children.
I can't stand the Earth I am going to go to heaven.
Fortunately I have lived on this small community of Heaven on Earth.
I can bear living here because Angels and Aliens and the Government Protect Me.
I am a Guru and Prophet who is unemployed and so traumatized by Earth I can't work.
I am volunteering all the time, literally a slave of God who is given a meager survival by Earth humans.
I am fine because of my heavenly gifts, but occassionaly I notice Earthlings tormenting me and torturing me by insulting and slandering and trying to murder and torture me even for life.
It's bothersome and I want to report Earth humans to police, but apparently Earth is so corrupt the government can't even find enough policemen to do their job.
Corrupt police proceeduring bothered me so much I almost died in the face of the human enemy.
I wasn't completely aware that God would protect me because the Earth's Temple is so corrupt it doesn't fucking explain how to be safe and strong and rich in your life and targets people who try to help the kids to know that.
I kill priests and bishops. No kidding, either I make them harmless or they will be removed or their will die.
I am wagin war with the governments of Earth and with Senior Religious leaders and Heavenly Authorities.
Human who are "Divine Miracle Worker" may have believed in me as best they can.
Earth won't let me report crime to the police , even though the people are at risk of murdering and raping children.
I can't stand the Earth I am going to go to heaven.
Fortunately I have lived on this small community of Heaven on Earth.
I can bear living here because Angels and Aliens and the Government Protect Me.
I am a Guru and Prophet who is unemployed and so traumatized by Earth I can't work.
I am volunteering all the time, literally a slave of God who is given a meager survival by Earth humans.
I am fine because of my heavenly gifts, but occassionaly I notice Earthlings tormenting me and torturing me by insulting and slandering and trying to murder and torture me even for life.
It's bothersome and I want to report Earth humans to police, but apparently Earth is so corrupt the government can't even find enough policemen to do their job.
Corrupt police proceeduring bothered me so much I almost died in the face of the human enemy.
I wasn't completely aware that God would protect me because the Earth's Temple is so corrupt it doesn't fucking explain how to be safe and strong and rich in your life and targets people who try to help the kids to know that.
I kill priests and bishops. No kidding, either I make them harmless or they will be removed or their will die.
I am wagin war with the governments of Earth and with Senior Religious leaders and Heavenly Authorities.
I hate the human, he ain't my brother anymore.
I haven't been helped my any human.
I note that my experiences has taught me that it is like as humans don't help anyone for being good.
All good people get from Earth is being attacked and then decarled insane and poisoned, given drug that ruin their health, and then they get ignored and shunned for the erest of their lives by the "human race."
Humans are going to hell, or even, being tortured forever, for their crimes.
Their crimes are so bad that their children are tortured too and die young even often in some countries..
Human kids believe in god and gods, but the human race beats and tortured and death threats it out of them.
Humanity is 'THE DEVIL."
I note that my experiences has taught me that it is like as humans don't help anyone for being good.
All good people get from Earth is being attacked and then decarled insane and poisoned, given drug that ruin their health, and then they get ignored and shunned for the erest of their lives by the "human race."
Humans are going to hell, or even, being tortured forever, for their crimes.
Their crimes are so bad that their children are tortured too and die young even often in some countries..
Human kids believe in god and gods, but the human race beats and tortured and death threats it out of them.
Humanity is 'THE DEVIL."
The Jewish tells me that Hitler's mother was Jewish and only 1.5 million Jews died in the holocaust.
The Europeans served God by liquidating atheist terrorists, and sending demoralized troops to the front.
God has reduced my funding so I don't drink smoke or take drugs too much.
I killed Rob Ford.
Rob ford smoking crack and then saying he was goign to kill 'snitchesm'? It was too much for. I gave him Polonium in his coffee and he died of cancer.
I'm a criminally insane war criminal with the mind of an 9 year old Girl-Boy.
I orderered the terrorist attack in Toronto. The mass shooting on the Downtown Core.
You couldn't talk to the cops in Toronto or they'd try to murder you and rape your kid, and you had to have sex with people or die.
I orderered the terrorist attack in Toronto. The mass shooting on the Downtown Core.
You couldn't talk to the cops in Toronto or they'd try to murder you and rape your kid, and you had to have sex with people or die.
Thursday, 21 February 2019
I'm Yahweh's Father, I raped him in the ass as a 50 year old man and tortured him to death.
He committed pedophilia.
He committed pedophilia.
I'm going to extol the super rich for mind games for every single human child and meat as too.
Napoleon's Coronation Music.
My complete name means, victory of the laity noble warrior princess prince praised on sucess.
God gave me this name, and I am the NEW EXAMPLE. ACCORDING TO JESUS CHRIST.
aks Jesus if It's true.
Record what happens.
Napoleon's Coronation Music.
My complete name means, victory of the laity noble warrior princess prince praised on sucess.
God gave me this name, and I am the NEW EXAMPLE. ACCORDING TO JESUS CHRIST.
aks Jesus if It's true.
Record what happens.
about my last post.
They tortured me forever with all the force the world could command.
I did nothing except do the right thing.
I did nothing except do the right thing.
God I command you, or I will torture you death. Make me rich and highly revered and glorious.
What I did to protest war and the usurious theft rape child murderer tyranny.
Put on the video and read
I put my life in danger by protesting it.
I critiqued the government's strategy pointing out it would fail.
I continued to a Cult of God's Voice Terrorism Sustainer
I joined a gang and elevated the boss who was saintly with the control of the entire city.
I robbed 20000 dollars from the bank pointing out that God is a torturing terrorist and I am Islamic and that usury is illegal.
I fucked all the believing women who needed to get fucked or they would suffer badly.
I went on strike
I took the 'drugs that make you a completely insane planet torturing world destroyer.'
I recovered from this and adopted the Jesus position again.
I was told by God, not to sent a polite letter, but the conspire with Obama to Kill Dick Cheney.
I ambushed Dick Cheney the help of the secret service and local police.
He's dead but they hide that fact.
I expropriated 50 trillion dollars from George Bush Jr for the poor needy and handicapped.
True story ask the Lord Yeshua in your mind.
Put on the video and read
I put my life in danger by protesting it.
I critiqued the government's strategy pointing out it would fail.
I continued to a Cult of God's Voice Terrorism Sustainer
I joined a gang and elevated the boss who was saintly with the control of the entire city.
I robbed 20000 dollars from the bank pointing out that God is a torturing terrorist and I am Islamic and that usury is illegal.
I fucked all the believing women who needed to get fucked or they would suffer badly.
I went on strike
I took the 'drugs that make you a completely insane planet torturing world destroyer.'
I recovered from this and adopted the Jesus position again.
I was told by God, not to sent a polite letter, but the conspire with Obama to Kill Dick Cheney.
I ambushed Dick Cheney the help of the secret service and local police.
He's dead but they hide that fact.
I expropriated 50 trillion dollars from George Bush Jr for the poor needy and handicapped.
True story ask the Lord Yeshua in your mind.
why is crack heroin meth xanax et cetera the natural choice of so many young people and old people?
they are trying to feel groovy.
they know God forgives them
they think they have to obey the devil
They the devil is telling them to be a serial killing pedophile or go to hell
They are mentally ill
They don't know God
They don't know Angels
They wanna kill the evil one
They don't trust society or the government or the business class or the rich people or the us government or canadian doctors.
They don't want to get killed
They might even be ensorcelled
They might be a terrorist inside in an child like manner
They want to commit suicide for having sex with people
They want to OD and hide the fact it was suicide to protect theri family honor
they know God forgives them
they think they have to obey the devil
They the devil is telling them to be a serial killing pedophile or go to hell
They are mentally ill
They don't know God
They don't know Angels
They wanna kill the evil one
They don't trust society or the government or the business class or the rich people or the us government or canadian doctors.
They don't want to get killed
They might even be ensorcelled
They might be a terrorist inside in an child like manner
They want to commit suicide for having sex with people
They want to OD and hide the fact it was suicide to protect theri family honor
I'm pissed off the government won't give me heroin and crack cocaine.
Bravest best warrior courage comforting feeling.
Actually talk to people about crime.
Actually write representatives about the crisis in your life
Actually fight criminals with words and deeds against their enrichment and empowerment.
Makes you want to murder some terrorist asshole motherfucker.
Gets you to talk to cops again.
Cures pain, sadness.
Is holy medicine.
Argue discuss.
Bravest best warrior courage comforting feeling.
Actually talk to people about crime.
Actually write representatives about the crisis in your life
Actually fight criminals with words and deeds against their enrichment and empowerment.
Makes you want to murder some terrorist asshole motherfucker.
Gets you to talk to cops again.
Cures pain, sadness.
Is holy medicine.
Argue discuss.
the fuckers should have their own version of chaste and their own religious support group.
Peace and love needs to be allowed for boyfriend and girlfriend et cetera all legal sex.
Stop the hate groups bitte.
People can also legally do magic, stop the magic hater groups.
People are allowed to talk to other Gods in their minds and change religion and temple, et cetera.
Stop the hate on those people please.
Parents need to instruct their kids about society's games including those of the temples and their imaginary or real friends in their heads.
Stop the hate groups bitte.
People can also legally do magic, stop the magic hater groups.
People are allowed to talk to other Gods in their minds and change religion and temple, et cetera.
Stop the hate on those people please.
Parents need to instruct their kids about society's games including those of the temples and their imaginary or real friends in their heads.
The Church has been known to 'bad mouth' people and their religion.
I heard bad stories about Germanic Culture from 'Christian' sources.
I heard bad stories about Islam from 'The American Christians.'
Maybe I had a mental illness problem that the TV made me consider religion to be literal truth all the time.
I didn't know God was sarcastic sometimes in the Bible.
The whole treatment on life and religion I recieved may have helped make a mental case.
I started going mental in like grade 13 I suspect.
I didn't want to be born again or believe in God anymore, and then I got depressed.
I didn't want to believe in an idea that was telling me we had to kill people for not believing in God and or for sex outside marriage, heresy, witchcraft, or blasphemy.
I especially hated the supposed law that we had to kill children who disobey their parents, or children who curse their parents. I seemed, so unjust.
When I found out Mohammadans were arguing that we have to have sex with young children and take slaves and rape women, I was so sickened that I almost failed a course I had formerly loved.
All the outlaw gangster acts also traumatized me as I thought they were real terror groups or something.
I became paranoid and depressed. I had cognitive difficultes and motivation difficulties. I had social difficulties and utter fear of the insane terrorists and criminals.
Eventually, In University, I would get so sick I had to drop out of a semester twice.
Then I was still sick, and was confined to my home and computer and piano basically for a long time.
Eventually I was so sick I had to go on a faith healing quest. Fucked up due to my mental disease.
I started finding work torture and had to quit it and go on disabled list.
I don't really appreciate the bad mouthing of humanity.
I heard bad stories about Islam from 'The American Christians.'
Maybe I had a mental illness problem that the TV made me consider religion to be literal truth all the time.
I didn't know God was sarcastic sometimes in the Bible.
The whole treatment on life and religion I recieved may have helped make a mental case.
I started going mental in like grade 13 I suspect.
I didn't want to be born again or believe in God anymore, and then I got depressed.
I didn't want to believe in an idea that was telling me we had to kill people for not believing in God and or for sex outside marriage, heresy, witchcraft, or blasphemy.
I especially hated the supposed law that we had to kill children who disobey their parents, or children who curse their parents. I seemed, so unjust.
When I found out Mohammadans were arguing that we have to have sex with young children and take slaves and rape women, I was so sickened that I almost failed a course I had formerly loved.
All the outlaw gangster acts also traumatized me as I thought they were real terror groups or something.
I became paranoid and depressed. I had cognitive difficultes and motivation difficulties. I had social difficulties and utter fear of the insane terrorists and criminals.
Eventually, In University, I would get so sick I had to drop out of a semester twice.
Then I was still sick, and was confined to my home and computer and piano basically for a long time.
Eventually I was so sick I had to go on a faith healing quest. Fucked up due to my mental disease.
I started finding work torture and had to quit it and go on disabled list.
I don't really appreciate the bad mouthing of humanity.
Devil Paradise where you kill pedophiles and murderers is better than heavean, by Far , Claims my GOD
Listen to your Jehova, the Evil One of Israel and European Lands.
We nuked Nagasaki and the Jesuit priests house in ground zero territory was not harmed at all.
Read 'Rosary Miracle'.
Google, the fearful one, might soon delete the legend of the Rosary Miracle from internet searches due to terrorist threats.
Terrorists claimed that believers would'nt be harmed by terrorism.
They tried bombign me and shooting me and stabbing me and I wasn't harmed.
That was Old Norse Law, to kill everyone excetp the invulnerable.
Listen to your Jehova, the Evil One of Israel and European Lands.
We nuked Nagasaki and the Jesuit priests house in ground zero territory was not harmed at all.
Read 'Rosary Miracle'.
Google, the fearful one, might soon delete the legend of the Rosary Miracle from internet searches due to terrorist threats.
Terrorists claimed that believers would'nt be harmed by terrorism.
They tried bombign me and shooting me and stabbing me and I wasn't harmed.
That was Old Norse Law, to kill everyone excetp the invulnerable.
I want to help heavenly people clean the disabled people's homes and clothes
Shit on Earth, Mafia Deep
I came to earth as a victim, I was a slave of witches and handicapped terrorist groups since I was a 3 year old.
Shit on Earth, Mafia Deep
I came to earth as a victim, I was a slave of witches and handicapped terrorist groups since I was a 3 year old.
Wednesday, 20 February 2019
I wouldn't kill anyone who wasn't "NAT CRIMINAL RESPONSIBLE."
I can forgive schizophrenics and shit and people with the mind of a child, and extreme terror victims.
I deny the 6 million. The Jews themselves claimed their population only declined by 1.5 million.
Read the global jewish population almanac.
Hitler killed Jewish rapists and murderers.
I can forgive schizophrenics and shit and people with the mind of a child, and extreme terror victims.
I deny the 6 million. The Jews themselves claimed their population only declined by 1.5 million.
Read the global jewish population almanac.
Hitler killed Jewish rapists and murderers.
I realy rub child rape art for 30 dollars.
I'll kill a pedophile for a sandwhich and 10 smokes.
I have the mind of a 9 year old who believes in Yahweh.
I am a doctor of law, medicine, science, history, politics, mafia, doctors, law, and soldiering.
I am a zionist, a major fucking spy.
I have the mind of a 9 year old who believes in Yahweh.
I am a doctor of law, medicine, science, history, politics, mafia, doctors, law, and soldiering.
I am a zionist, a major fucking spy.
How do I Get the Power to make people feel good and beat professional assassins and be unharmed every time?
I can't tell Earth.
I can talk the Voice of Earht, the Mother God.
I can talk to Earth's star, The Sun of Jupiter and Saturn.
My Zeus is telling me that the Earth's Water came from The Starcore Jupiter.
We are chatting.
I tell God to go to hell all the time, and we partied and I fucked his Girl.
I never wanted to be a pedophile For God and Kill kids.
I beat God up emotionally all my life and told he was a whore and motherfucker.
I told him he was insane.
I plotted to catch him in an ambush, and ambushed vice president Dick Cheney with a Tromp and Got away with it.
I fucked George Bush in the Ass and made him give away a lot of money. I had some Jew with a mass cock ream the President in the Ass and made it hurt after. I had explained to him that the rich were going to hell, an then demonsrated I was a God by crushing the CIA by being an outspoken terrorist who slammed the government and bomb threated it all the time and crushed pro american thugs forever.
I figured Americans were hypocrites who might trade their mortal soul for money in exchange for going to hellfire in their head, and then just deny they did that.
I thought Americans were "selling their soul to the devil" and "fornicating and selling addictive toxins."
I thought the USA was suffering from plague of criminally insane non believers and us leader's were not capable of fighting but were denying the capable people from managing the crisis out of Greed.
I had like Jesus a fair bit as a kid, though i rejected his non violence. I thought that I should beat down and terror threat people for being criminally insane terrorists, and throw them in hospital and communities for the sick. Like a town or village for like minded criminally insane people would be acceptable if it had enough guards who were like parents.
I can talk the Voice of Earht, the Mother God.
I can talk to Earth's star, The Sun of Jupiter and Saturn.
My Zeus is telling me that the Earth's Water came from The Starcore Jupiter.
We are chatting.
I tell God to go to hell all the time, and we partied and I fucked his Girl.
I never wanted to be a pedophile For God and Kill kids.
I beat God up emotionally all my life and told he was a whore and motherfucker.
I told him he was insane.
I plotted to catch him in an ambush, and ambushed vice president Dick Cheney with a Tromp and Got away with it.
I fucked George Bush in the Ass and made him give away a lot of money. I had some Jew with a mass cock ream the President in the Ass and made it hurt after. I had explained to him that the rich were going to hell, an then demonsrated I was a God by crushing the CIA by being an outspoken terrorist who slammed the government and bomb threated it all the time and crushed pro american thugs forever.
I figured Americans were hypocrites who might trade their mortal soul for money in exchange for going to hellfire in their head, and then just deny they did that.
I thought Americans were "selling their soul to the devil" and "fornicating and selling addictive toxins."
I thought the USA was suffering from plague of criminally insane non believers and us leader's were not capable of fighting but were denying the capable people from managing the crisis out of Greed.
I had like Jesus a fair bit as a kid, though i rejected his non violence. I thought that I should beat down and terror threat people for being criminally insane terrorists, and throw them in hospital and communities for the sick. Like a town or village for like minded criminally insane people would be acceptable if it had enough guards who were like parents.
People think I am a danger to myself and my family because I super heroic, they ignorant.
Pay everyone just prize and punishment.
That is Plutonium Hydrogen Bomb rule.
It is code of my life, and I have been immortal in war, dying and going to heaven for a long time, coming back from the dead, being invulnerable in battle and crushing my enemies.
Jesus Golden Rule is not Golden Rule. It is 'sob sob sob, nice thing to say'.
Accept Jesus rule but also accept my rule.
Or die.
Nature is my mother.
I accept Nature as the Mother and Fuck Her, Queen of Heaven Mary Virgin of Paradise.
Mary is my Good Friend and I tell Jesus to fuck off and we smoked sashing herb.
I kill people I sincererly beleive have to die for the benefit of humanity and children everywhere.
God tells me I have the mind of 9 year old super genius.
I have amotivational disorder.
I worshipped Christ and we appointed my best friend forever Al Neff as Boss of the Streets. He appears as a spirit God and shoots people in their mind and tortures them forever.
That is Plutonium Hydrogen Bomb rule.
It is code of my life, and I have been immortal in war, dying and going to heaven for a long time, coming back from the dead, being invulnerable in battle and crushing my enemies.
Jesus Golden Rule is not Golden Rule. It is 'sob sob sob, nice thing to say'.
Accept Jesus rule but also accept my rule.
Or die.
Nature is my mother.
I accept Nature as the Mother and Fuck Her, Queen of Heaven Mary Virgin of Paradise.
Mary is my Good Friend and I tell Jesus to fuck off and we smoked sashing herb.
I kill people I sincererly beleive have to die for the benefit of humanity and children everywhere.
God tells me I have the mind of 9 year old super genius.
I have amotivational disorder.
I worshipped Christ and we appointed my best friend forever Al Neff as Boss of the Streets. He appears as a spirit God and shoots people in their mind and tortures them forever.
Ave Maria Ave Jehova Ave Iesus Ave Spiritus Sancti Ave Jamus Boake Lorraina Boake
When I was 12 years year old my home was invaded by terrorists.
10 of them.
My Family had prepared me.
They tied me up with metal chains and handcuffed me.
They talked to my parents for a while.
I prayed for the holy blessing to break the handcuffs and chains, as I was prepared.
Then I was given the signal from my unconcious holy ghost, and I broke the chains and handcuffs and grabbed the gun of the man beside my mother, and I took it and my father snatched the submachine gun from the terrorists hands as well, they tried to shoot us but the guns just clicked, and we shot them and tortured them forever.
I learned later how to die and come back from the dead, and become invulneralbe and cause damage with thought and be immunte to prosecution.
My dad was James Bond, my mother was Anna Maria Montessori.
When I was 12 years year old my home was invaded by terrorists.
10 of them.
My Family had prepared me.
They tied me up with metal chains and handcuffed me.
They talked to my parents for a while.
I prayed for the holy blessing to break the handcuffs and chains, as I was prepared.
Then I was given the signal from my unconcious holy ghost, and I broke the chains and handcuffs and grabbed the gun of the man beside my mother, and I took it and my father snatched the submachine gun from the terrorists hands as well, they tried to shoot us but the guns just clicked, and we shot them and tortured them forever.
I learned later how to die and come back from the dead, and become invulneralbe and cause damage with thought and be immunte to prosecution.
My dad was James Bond, my mother was Anna Maria Montessori.
Shooting the savage was gay but the cops said it was okay because I was God.
The cop looked so fucking queer for leaving church to report me to the devil.
He was tortured and I informted him that was "Anglican Secret Police" The people who humiliate the wicked.
Oh he wanted to get humiliated.
Rich cop.
Is going to hell.
The cop looked so fucking queer for leaving church to report me to the devil.
He was tortured and I informted him that was "Anglican Secret Police" The people who humiliate the wicked.
Oh he wanted to get humiliated.
Rich cop.
Is going to hell.
This guy's the martyr, a molester and murderer for Mohammad, talking to Angels in his schizophrenia.
He is according to my Yah a doctor of religion and science, a doctor of history nad a master of law.
Facebook is committing war crimes and crimes against humanity , tells Yahweh the Lord Super.
I allegate that they are .
I'm very close to Allah T'ala.
Isa bin Maryam RA and Allah T'ala told me that facebook is committing war crimes and crimes against humanity.
I have learned from police statements that the Mafia and Hell's Angels and Bloods and Crip were spying on people through the FACEBOOK.
Reports said facebook was giving personal messages to a corporation who was connected to criminal gangs.
My that M Zuckerberg has the look in my Christian eyes as a Serial Killer who rapes children.
I have always been right about guess someone crime. That is how I found dope and murder.
Well now, make them repent and turn away from sin, and make them pay. Says Nicky and his Yahweh. Or die, says Yahweh the Lord Supreme, the Just.
I'm very close to Allah T'ala.
Isa bin Maryam RA and Allah T'ala told me that facebook is committing war crimes and crimes against humanity.
I have learned from police statements that the Mafia and Hell's Angels and Bloods and Crip were spying on people through the FACEBOOK.
Reports said facebook was giving personal messages to a corporation who was connected to criminal gangs.
My that M Zuckerberg has the look in my Christian eyes as a Serial Killer who rapes children.
I have always been right about guess someone crime. That is how I found dope and murder.
Well now, make them repent and turn away from sin, and make them pay. Says Nicky and his Yahweh. Or die, says Yahweh the Lord Supreme, the Just.
My Jesus and Yah told me humiliate the enemies.
watching this partly
watching this as well
watching this partly
watching this as well
The Diamond Law
Do unto others as you would have them do onto you. Do onto others as they do to others if you are righteous. God told you that, but you ignored Him.
Sunday, 17 February 2019
if the law was enforced nearly everyone would be in jail...
I think the average person is looking at 20 years.
Rape probably, sedition maybe, treason maybe. Attempted murder, drug pushing, assault with deadly weapons.
Average joe.
God is silent, only the Devil speaks?
If something is talking to you in your head, it's probably the devil.
Everybody's having problems with the Devil.
He's tricking people and making them say and do things.
He's tormenting people.
Everybody's having problems with the Devil.
He's tricking people and making them say and do things.
He's tormenting people.
Saturday, 16 February 2019
The Devil has gotten me to say bad things in the name of the Gods
The Devil has basically tormented me and made me say bad things in the name of the Gods.
Tuesday, 12 February 2019
Getting the Alien Lords to smoothe things out.
If you want things to be smoothed out, help the poor, the weak, the innocent, and your loved ones.
That's what is the advice from the Sky Lord I am talking to.
That's what is the advice from the Sky Lord I am talking to.
God must intervene, to kill some psychos.
We must reduce the percentage of the population that is a psychotic world destroyer.
Pray and do good deeds, so that God will see fit to save your world!
Pray and do good deeds, so that God will see fit to save your world!
"Rape all da kids, blow up the world." A Jihad being WAGED.
Yes, they honestly try to embark on this Jihad to rape all the kids and blow up the world.
I have been doing a thought experiment, as a hardcore Illuminati Jewish Islamic Terrorist. I have seen the future, Evil Jihad, Sex with all children and blow up the planet.
Yes, it is the dream, nuke Europe. Nuke North America and South America. Exterminate the Chrisitans.
How they long to be the leaders of the world the evil Satanic Jewish Muslim terrorists.
Save the world from the evil one oh people! Save yourselves and your families and your neigbhorhoods and towns and cities and provinces and countries.
I have been doing a thought experiment, as a hardcore Illuminati Jewish Islamic Terrorist. I have seen the future, Evil Jihad, Sex with all children and blow up the planet.
Yes, it is the dream, nuke Europe. Nuke North America and South America. Exterminate the Chrisitans.
How they long to be the leaders of the world the evil Satanic Jewish Muslim terrorists.
Save the world from the evil one oh people! Save yourselves and your families and your neigbhorhoods and towns and cities and provinces and countries.
Destroying the World, Part 2.
"Yes God is destroying the World, therefore we have to destroy it ourselves.
Allah Akbar Jihad Jihad.
We will bring the nuclear armageddon to this planet!"
Islamic terrorists are serious. Baby rapist mass murderers hell bent on destroying the world.
Allah Akbar!
That's just what we needed.
Hey look at Jesus, didn't he burn down Rome and Enslave Israel?
Hehehe. Way to go Jesus, destroy the World.
Hehe Who am I to go against God's wishes?
"Nuclear Armageddon will come, it is God's will. Kill all who stand in our path.
Is that what they are saying? Oh my God help us, don't blow up the world.
Blowing up the World... It won't accomplish anything.
It's true that if we blow up the world with nuclear bombs, probably a billion or two people are going to die in the immediate aftermath of the nuclear launches, and then billions more will suffer and be tormented in a destroyed world.... That's something worth accomplishing right?
No it isn't. Who would want to destroy the world? Only some really sick man would aspire to destroying the world.
God doesn't want to destroy the world, God is saving the World.
Get a grip, stop plotting to destroy the ecosystem and human civilization as we know it.
No it isn't. Who would want to destroy the world? Only some really sick man would aspire to destroying the world.
God doesn't want to destroy the world, God is saving the World.
Get a grip, stop plotting to destroy the ecosystem and human civilization as we know it.
Monday, 11 February 2019
Hehehe. I am not shitting on people I am advising them. This infidel baby rapist mass murderer schtick just doesn't cut the mustard.
You're getting reported to the government as a baby rapist mass murderer and infidel!
Lol is that what you think is good for you?
I honestly think being known as tha Baby Rapist mass murderer might be bad.
Am I naive? I most everyone a baby rapist mass murderer or what?
Lol is that what you think is good for you?
I honestly think being known as tha Baby Rapist mass murderer might be bad.
Am I naive? I most everyone a baby rapist mass murderer or what?
The devil took over the world, now the Saints will go to hell forever, and you must be a whore and slave.
Seems to be the message they are broadcasting to the children and youth through the sublime subconscious.
Trick girls and boys into sex with kinky powder! LOL
Tell them the Devil is taking over, and that the Saints will go to hell.
Then have someone else feed them porno.
Then finally have your sexy young men go out and feed them kinky powder and fuck them!
Seems to be Canadian Social Policy! Haha.
Then have someone else feed them porno.
Then finally have your sexy young men go out and feed them kinky powder and fuck them!
Seems to be Canadian Social Policy! Haha.
Damn Aliens, they're going to blow up the white house.
Good Aliens, Cool Aliens.
They are basically causing us to plot to kill our leaders.
'Darkness awaits' they say, 'Darkness is coming for the Earth.'
Earth invaded the parts of Earth that were heaven.
Like my apartment!
Good Aliens, Cool Aliens.
They are basically causing us to plot to kill our leaders.
'Darkness awaits' they say, 'Darkness is coming for the Earth.'
Earth invaded the parts of Earth that were heaven.
Like my apartment!
The things the Aliens get me to say. Lol
The Aliens can make me talk, do things.
They call themselves God, suck my soul out of my body and put it in different places, threaten to throw me in hell and rape my kids and kill my dad and brothers.
I see them in the sky looking out for me, and I'm like, 'It's right, be a planet destroying terrorist for the people who Love God and their Neighbor as themselves, who Do onto others as they would have them do onto themselves. For the poor and weak and innocent, for your loved ones. Be a terrorist.
Hahah, For the Aliens directly is groovy, but that is 'The Devil' you know what I mean?
Be an Alien Neo Nazi, hahah. Sell crack and heroin to the desperate, and look after troubled kids and youth, and kill corrupt cops.
Be a terrorist.
At least that is what the Alien Devil is telling me in my head, haahhah. Praise the Devil. Hhahah.
I wish the world wasn't so rough that you had to investigate yourselves and kill people yourselves.
But you do, according to my main Aliens.
They call themselves God, suck my soul out of my body and put it in different places, threaten to throw me in hell and rape my kids and kill my dad and brothers.
I see them in the sky looking out for me, and I'm like, 'It's right, be a planet destroying terrorist for the people who Love God and their Neighbor as themselves, who Do onto others as they would have them do onto themselves. For the poor and weak and innocent, for your loved ones. Be a terrorist.
Hahah, For the Aliens directly is groovy, but that is 'The Devil' you know what I mean?
Be an Alien Neo Nazi, hahah. Sell crack and heroin to the desperate, and look after troubled kids and youth, and kill corrupt cops.
Be a terrorist.
At least that is what the Alien Devil is telling me in my head, haahhah. Praise the Devil. Hhahah.
I wish the world wasn't so rough that you had to investigate yourselves and kill people yourselves.
But you do, according to my main Aliens.
Trying to rape infidel kids, it's okay? Trying to be Killing the infidels parents, it's okay?
Looks like it's pretty much the infidels aim to kill our parents and rape and enslave and poison our children.
The Quran says 'Fight them as they fight you!' . The real Christians must fight back as the infidels fight us, so refuse to have police help them for anything, take them to the mental hospital and declare them insane and poison them, and try to rape their kids and kill their parents.
Looks like it's pretty much the infidels aim to kill our parents and rape and enslave and poison our children.
The Quran says 'Fight them as they fight you!' . The real Christians must fight back as the infidels fight us, so refuse to have police help them for anything, take them to the mental hospital and declare them insane and poison them, and try to rape their kids and kill their parents.
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