Friday, 30 November 2018


I don't know what to make about this. We already a huge gigantic war around most of the world. I just thought in general the principle is to control the war and get rid of monsters or if you can save them if Yahweh says you can, then you can save them. We really need to run some mass psychiatric and psychological intervention on the paranoid delusional people. The maniacs and depressives, et cetera. The psychopaths could really run up such a tab with the God that they get killed or put in prison in the hellish one for a long time. The Mobs lies are insane. "Your doctor is a mobster" claims my Jehova. "He rats" claims this Jehova, and he means that he "like tries to make it look good to be a mobster, and he tells on you for calling the cops!" What a claim, Jehova, what a claim! Should that be sentenced to death? His Yahzness says something. I am not to report on it. So we go back to cleaning up the mess, eliminating the creeps. Currently the creeps, due to society's little incompetence, are waging a war within our city making it a very dangerous place sometimes, especially for police informant who get ratted on to the wrong group of criminals. God is driving them to hate each other and attack each other? "YES!" He say. Human being by nature have a bit of a rapist murderer in their heart I ask him? "Yes" he says. Flawed nature, huh? "Yeahz." He says. So as I kid I sometimes wanted to kill people, I had issues with people from grade 2 that I was still holding on them? "yeahz" he says. i was not raised as a proper student and son of God? "YAY! YES." He thinks over to me. So if you believe in God, you know God and are his Brother or Sister and Child? "They wanna kill me for that!" He says. Thanks Yahweh, I hope they don't kill us over this. hahaha. I say to Yah, who looks glum, "The Church does nothing!" HE SAYS! "IT's A NO GOOD!" and he looks glum and weary, worn out a bit.. It's known as the infidel institutes? I aks him? He looks pleasantly glum and worn out and weary and tired. He seems to be pleased with me. "No" he says, and laughs. "It is just incompetent." he says. "The devil made it illegal to criticize the Church." He goes "The devil did." I remember being told by a feminine spirit that I needed an alter ego, and not knowing what she meant. My Mary comes to me now and looks at the text on the page. After while she reappears and I ask her opinion, right now, she says "It's good!" Thanks my parents and brother Jesus who appears now and tells me to smoke a joint this evening, "it's good for you!" he says, "sometimes."

Don't be such a mobster and another interview with my Yahweh God or Demon.

Don't become cranky and act like a murderer if you can avoid it. Perhaps being stuck with the people who diddled you is too much to bear. Organize the children to be witnesses and help each other or you will probably continue to be in hell and go to hell again after you die. We can accomplish our current school curriculum in half the time, if we follow Finland's example. We can free children from long homework hours, and set them to learning about life as they need too. Perhaps we can keep the full day of school but make the rest of the schoolday about learing about life and talking and learning to be friends with each other. We can devote time to teaching the kids about being witnesses and organize them "in gangs and cults" to be shrewd crafty players. I don't know if the West can afford to abandon it's gangs and cults completly, the nutters will probably try to hurt us for it. Perhaps we can just "pretend" to be criminals and gangsters, a little bit sometimes, just to stave off devils. "Parasites" says my Yahweh Demon, or God.. "Parasites." He says. "Don't organize it to be God." Says my Yahweh. They will "blow up the world" he implies. "Will try it!" he says. LOL What should we do, I ask the Father kindly? He is watching me think, can we organize it as a witness cult cooperating with the government, I ask? "They could try," He says, but it might "burn out." If it's done across the world by the Christians and Muslims and Jews, would it stand a chance of working? "No" he says, "it has to be the whole world." Can we organize it secretly in Canada or Victoria? "It is sentenced to doom and death and family attacks," he says. Whose organized it, I ask Him. "The Mob" he says. "The Mob." Would it make us more healthy, prosperous, happy, go to heaven, be rich in heaven et cetera? "It would." He says. "Children would be saved" he says. "The world would blow up," He says, and I am not sure if he joking, but he is saying now that the adults would try to kill the children. "They already try to kill the children." He says. I ask if these monsters mobsters et cetera are trying to enslave or destroy all the good children.. Well his reply is sentenced to death. Is a man guilty if he doesn't kill the evil side's aggressors? "No." He says. Privately he tells me something else about that. A man is guilty if he doesn't strike back at them? "Yes." He says. Are women guilty for not striking back at them? "Yes," "Yes," He says, and "children must fight, for now." Are the parents generally so neglectful that they leave their young children to deal with this war all alone? "YEAH!" He says. The believers should take away their kids, I say and he swoops in looking pleased. The people who know the Lord should be the guardians of their children until they become actual human beings. He nods his head, and reminds me that they are going to try to kill me again for interviewing and doing things for him. Don't tell the doctors you see a God, perhaps, I ask him, because they will try to kill you? "It has happened." He says. According to my nutritionist friend what they are doing is declaring good people insane and forcing them to take poison, and I note that they torturing and them and trying to rob them of everything. "The Monsters." He says. "There's 41 of them around here," he says, in a jokey way. So they do or die shit, kill your whole family threat? "THE HELL'S ANGELS DO THAT!" He says. They control organized crime in Canada claims the CBC I note. "They don't" says my Father God/possible demon. "The people control organized crime" he says. "The government does try to control it." He says. "control it" he says, and it means, like take it out of business. "Tune it out!" he tells me, "Tune them down." and he seems to have meant something, why don't you ask him what he meant yourselves dear readers? Are a great many people maniacs one day, having fits of paranoid delusions another? "YES!" Claims my Yah. "They been death threated," he claims, "and they are REALLY NOT UP TO IT" And He does a mighty soaring upper cut. "The Mob are liars" he says agrily at the Mob... So what is the Mob lying stuff like? "They're like murderers and they are going to kill you." He looks glum, and I ask him "What is that the general lie?"" He looks gloomy, and says "THEY SUCK!" AND HE THROWS A PUNCH. Remember the words of a song, I chuckle. "They're good!" I say. "They're the saviors" I say, sarcastically. God throws a little punch towards the words "They're the saviors." "Punch it" He says. Maniacal depressives paranoid delusional on a path towards destroying their families and communities because they are in fear? I ask Him? He says a few words, makes some gestures. Now he's saying he's going out, and I ask him to come back,and he mentions me as "Good Boake."

Video Game Music! Homeworld Sountrack Turanic battle raiders, Paul Ruskay This is enjoyable music for imagining a battle. It comes from the 'Homeworld' sountrack. Homeworld was a great video game that I really enjoyed enough for a while as a youth. This is the scene as your soldiers march into battle with a hostile aggressor. You are waging war not, you are waging a campaign of migration and self defence. The enemy is waging war, and we hope he will get bad fate for his aggression against us. Don your Holy Armor, Take up your blessed Weapons, enter your spaceships and fight, tonight we fight to defend ourselves against hostility! Here's the entire game soundtrack:

I have 75, no 2 billion children. Haha.

1 billion people are my 'Good kids'... Then I have another 1 billion kids, who I might kill or put in suffering. I am terrorizing them because they side with these guys who have rejected my kinship and often embarrass us with their antics. Oh trying to kill my family again? So you're off on some mischeif. Here have another car crash, get fired, how about your fiancee leaves you, how about your kids resent you, how about you lose your license, oh, I don't want to throw you in jail, that's bad usually, it's better if you get all this karma... Oh now you got cancer, you attempted suicide, not suprised buddy you asked for this karma when you tried to kill someone fairly innocent, quite innocent, someone nice, someone who might be your better, oh you tried to kill his family? It's suprising you aren't dead and in hell yet, but he is merciful, he is saving his punishment for people who keep trying to do that. So did you learn Fate and Gods exist after you tried to hurt my family and had all this awful karma? Did you realize that people will attack you for doing that, and even you will have bad luck, and people will abandon you? Oh you're banned from seeing your family now, you're kicked out, you spend all your money on drugs, you barely eat, you lost your good job and now you got a bad job, you have accidents often, your car is gone, you are getting cut up and beat up by people, your gang war just got worse, sorry man but this is what happens to you, because you are a wicked ignorant human. God is real and can control things, you are messing with God's people, and now all the bad events are occuring to you. We tried to warn you that this would happen, but you decided to kill people for talking to you about religion, about Christianity in particular, which would have warned you not to do those things, lest you get a long string of bad luck. Oops here comes that thug bitch, she wanna hurt me, I explain religion to her, she says, 'I've been raped 3 times.'... I know that the Lord has people rape bad women, so I tell her, 'maybe if you weren't such an evil scum, people would care.' I tell her she could go to hell, that I am reporting her to the Angels, she stops talking... I would have liked to know what that woman had done, and what had happened to her. She clearly joined the 'destroy the world' cult, and planned to damage or even destroy people who tried to talk about the God and Jesus, who is in communion with the very faithful. I realize that I have been talking to God all my life, and that I have been witnessing clear signs when I asked God for them. I have been shocked with many happenings because my dad was so depressed or frozen or whatever, he couldn't guide me, and I am aghast, he may have disbelieved. He says bad things sometimes, and he is not able to give me an adult teaching nor my mother once I hit my 20s and needed that help. I became like an orphan, I tried to find a helper I could trust to teach me to be an adult but it didn't go so well. Eventually I learned that people nearby were talking to God in direct, that is, God was appearing to them. I hoped God would appear to me and teach me, but to earn the right to be taught by the Lord I had to do some service, I had to clear up my mental illness, I had to overcome the enemies to a considerable degree, I had to break away from how I was raised and plan to raise someone better than me. Now God or this Demon are talking to me and being my companion. I wish it was God, but I am afraid it is a Demon. For now I remain lost. What was the Lord accomplishing among his people with this extended apostasy and mental illness experience? What was the purpose, to reveal the rest of the world to us? Are the other people mentally ill apostates? I learned about Sunni and Shia cult Islam. My brother learned about Buddhist Therevada cult religious people. Perhaps we are training to become even better missionaries? Perhaps we sinned to 'Blend in' with the infidels. Well it certainly was difficult times perhaps. For some people it has been very hard. People get diddled, and then they get a rape down, seduction down, attack of sexuality, they often turn to drugs or alcohol. Well so be it, Jedi, you made a choice not to be a good Christian, you got a life which suffered from confusion and mental illness, addictions, hostilities. God hasn't established his authority fully on the Earth yet, but he is probably trying to, and is now choosing the select people to lead the Christian and other communities, preparing a way for a new wave of national and global missionary work. So they are being taught a lesson, the bad people, in fate, or karma.

Thursday, 29 November 2018

I was pimped.

I was put to porno when I was 10, and quickly became an addict. Then ladies started taking advantage of me when I was 16. I was considered very sexy and had a happily large dong, on the acceptable normal side of large. A hot stud with the right penis who hung out with the Mafia, the ladies plotted to devour studs like this. I mean maybe they were looking to find Mr Right and get married, but I don'T think so, I think they were looking to get laid. Eventually I struck back, trying to pimp the ladies out too. Then, we just pimped each other like it was a big smorgasbord of sex, a smorgasm. I had great pornographic times, indeed I made a couple pornos which were kept private. My female cat, Cali, knew I was being pimped, and she liked me. She would sit gayly on my chest and purr, and then roll on the floor and have me rub her belly. Even the cat wanted to get somewhat pimped. The ladies pimped me hard, and I went hard, then I started partying like the rock stars.

My Satanic Yahweh is pretty serious eh?

He wants me to kill their families, rape their kids. It's like strait out of a page of the old testament, "Kill the Amorites, but their young virgin daughters, you can keep for yourselves." Maybe it is Yahweh. I am going to share some of my interviews with this "YAHWEH" with priests. Get a professional opinion, is it GOD , or SATAN? LOL Meanwhile another relaxing night chilling with cider and cigarettes, living a lucky pimp life for a while yet.

They give you a dumbing down

Education is not education, it is a dumbing down. University education especially dumbs you down. High school is terrible too. Elementary is largely okay, but it still is bad news sometimes. They are infiltrating the Church, they are stupid assholes. They want the kids to be stupid so they can be exploited, so they refuse them proper education. "They do" claims my Yahweh Lord. So they do, I assume since both and my Yahweh Lord think they are giving you a dumbing down. Why don't, for example, they teach you in primary school not to be arrogant, or make false assumptions, and teach you this history and math and science saying to you things like for example, "We don't know the answers to all the questions, here is a history book which tells you what this person is willing to report to you as true." "Think it over for yourselves, whether it is true or not." "This is what we think science is, do some experiments, tell us what God is doing with you, tell us what you see, tell us what the science is in your view as well." The kiddies are not being guided to be smart, they are being guided to be arrogant, and assume that what some random professor says is true!!! What the fuck? Some well chosen or semi random person? What the heck man? What do you think? Fuck Islam is worse, "ALL PEDOPHILES BE PEDOPHILES FOREVER OR WE WILL ILL TORTURE YOU TO DEATH FOREVER LITTLE BABY!" "EVERYONE ELSE IS WORSE" ISLAM PROCLAIMS! ISLAM IS ONE OF THE WORST THINGS ON THIS PLANET, THE WORST BIG THING. ARABS AND PAKIS ARE SUBHUMANS, INDIGENT CRIMINALS ON THE WAR PATH. THe nice Arabs and Pakis have their story. The blacks, the hindus, (hindus are bad because they don't throw anything in hell except not being Hindu), motherfucking Muslims, Talmudic Jews, they are the worst. Garbage religion, forced on you with a death threat, rape and torture threat, mass murder threat. Talmudic Jews, they say the Jews are going to kill and enslave everyone else, and that Killing police informants is good, and raping tiny kids, that's normal, fine et cetera. Someone who wants to be a religious authority but is a child rapist and murderer wannabee, you should torture them forever claims my Yahweh Satan. Only Christian religion is any good. Christians deserve to be Rich, and abusing the fucking terrible child rapist mass murdering, torturing, child murdering cults of Islam, African religions X, Y, and Z, in fact a whole alphabet of African religions , and damn sure should force the damn Hindus to become Christians and accept Jesus and Jehova. Should force the damn Chinese to accept Christianity too, and the JAPS, but they have their pointless asiatic religions. Buddhism is not bad but it doesn't have the force of hell behind it, it is bad for families and children especially.. Islam is a child molesting mass murder and torture and child killing cult. Blacks worship child eating and blood drinking cults. Yeah. The WESTERN people ARE dumbing you down! They are abusing you! They are hating you! Smoking marijuana makes some people smarter than usual. Doing cocaine and alcohol makes some people feel good, and smarter than usual. Cigarettes help your long term memory to function.

An interview with my Jesus and Yah (had a drink, smoked a joint, and sat down with "Father" and "Brother" for a while.)

"What's up kid?" Says Yah, as I sit down to write (Yah has just told me we're doing the interview.) "Well it's not that good, I am a serial killer sorrounded by pedophiles and murderers, who want to kill me and maybe my wife and kids." Yahweh makes a few faces, clutches his hands together like he's holding a ball. Kind of makes like he's gonna throw the ball at me really fast. "What the fuck is this!?" Says Yah, as he clutches his hands together, I smile and say "It's a small metal implement" and he shows me a tip of an old fashioned pen. Yah continues to clutch it up above his shulder and make faces, like he's doing an annoyed tough face. "What is that?" He says. And I say without seeing it, "Oh it's Jesus's head!" and Jesus's head appears before me, looking grey and grim. "You're a serial killing rapist" says the Lord Jesus, and I question him, "well you're a ..." And Jesus agrees that he is a "MASS MASS Murdering, genocidal .." He makes a few faces, now Jesus is clutching something above his left shoulder too, he says "What is it?" I look and see it's an old fashioned pen tip, another or perhaps the same one. I stumble with my words, "We're rapists Jesus.... We anally rape the pedophiles." I laugh as Jesus makes a few more faces, and Jesu says "We're at bad," And when I tell him "like we're going to rape kids and kill people..." Jesus says "That bad." "We rape kids and kill people!" Says the Lord Jesus, and I ask him now, "do we rape the kids of slave traffickers and pimps who raped kids?" "Yes..." says Jesus, raising his tone level a bit so the sound travels up.. Tears well up in my eyes. "This sucks," I think, and then I wanna ask Jesus, "Did we do that on purpose, just so we could rape some kids and seem justified?" Jesus is making faces clutching his hands again above his left shoulder. "Their choice" says Jesus, "They wanted to kill and rape and enslave our people." I tell Jesus, "They raped kids..." HE clutches his pen again, above his left shoulder, and says. "They wanna rape your kids." Jesus makes some moves, goes up and down crouching a bit and standing back up strait, he leans over and says "They rape our kids even though we are so nice to them." "They pimp and enslave our kids with drugs," Jesus says, as he shakes his head... "They are not good." Says Lord Jesus and Lord Yah stands up and says "They pimp kids." "Pimp kids," he repeats again, as I take it all in. "They plot to murder them and their family and rape them and enslave them?" I ask, and I ask Yah for a reply, and he says "Yeah." I am so upset I am hearing thoughts like kill their whole family, I ask the Father is this is correct, and he says twice "Kill their whole family." "Kill their whole family" he says again. Now I am upset, and tears well up in my eyes, but quickly dry as I think of my enemy who has tried to kill me for being a Christian and adores pimps and drugs dealers and stealing men, and who said ... Yahweh says "He tried to kill your family." I am contemplating this one. This is heavy. I tell Yahweh I might not be able to take it, and he says "Don't think you can take it." and he clutches he hands together by his side, holding them together and hands show a pen tip, an old fashioned one, inside them. I go outside and contemplate with Yahweh, not sure what to make of this. We converse while my Friend my Yah seems to be keeping me company through this hard time. I come back to the computer and ask Yah, "What should I ask you next?" He says to "be back and determine it." Are they going to succeed in killing me or my family or imprisoning me falsely? "Yeah" yes Yahweh, "eventually." Ow this hurts, "Will succeed in putting you in jail eventually." He implies. I'm cool with going to jail. I wrote the Mafia Quran Bible and I had these guys punished for trying to hurt my family and kill me, and trying to convince other people to kill me or kidnap me, kill my dad and brother, et cetera! I'm the Godfather of Godfathers, the BOSS of a fair chunk of Victoria. I make sure those motherfuckers go to hell. I do this for the poor, the weak, the innocent. God has come to with his Angel, "Metatron' to tell me that, well, "he doesn't want me to say" what he "told me." If you want to read my upcoming book, "Interviews with my Brother and Father, who are saying they are Jesus and Yahweh, or God." Come and buy the book at the Christianity section of your local bookstore. Watch out for Michael Kelly, Nick Boake, et cetera. We'll let you know about what what seems to be God or a very powerful demon, is saying. Praise God, I am learning about at least what powerful demons think somewhat. Hahah. Always somewhat. Maybe it is GOD, I don't know, I think God might be Jesus and as the pastor said only God can talk to you in your head. Haha Demonic possession. Haha GOD. Hahaa.

90% of women are no good, 80% of men are no good???

sorry correction 95% of women are no good, and 88% of men. LOL! That's what the statisticians say. Women are like playing the harlot, won't ever approach a man for marriage. Men are playing the pedophile and mass murderer, won't ever do anything good! LOL That's what the priest says. LOL Women never approach men but wait to be approached by fornicating stalking murderers and then fornicate with them! Men wanna rape babies and mass murder snitches and people who make them lose money. LOL My experience anyway. MY family is not like this, we are aliens from heaven. LOL We are alien missionaries on the Earth. Hahaha. That's what we're up against Jesus, a horde of whores who love murderers and pedophile murderer wannabees! LOL

In college I was confronted by Christian little girl rapist cults

I was confronted by people who said the Bible said to rape little kids, including my Greek Professor, the Polish Woman who taught Greek back in 2001 at McGill. They would claim Virgin meant little girl, so when the Bible said to kill your wife if she wasn't a virgin, it meant kill your wife if she wasn't a little girl. THE PERVERTS. EXTREME PERVERTS. I asked them "IS THERE SOME REASON YOU CAN'T BE 21 AND BE A VIRGIN?" THEY PLOTTED TO MURDER ME ACCORDING TO MY GOD. I couldn't attend that Greek Professor's class. I wanted to kill her, for saying the Bible says to rape little girls and kill women who want to marry you. God told me to kill her kinda, but I couldn't bring my self to do it, I wasn't raised to kill creeps, but rather, by creeps, and to be defenseless against creeps. The mission, Ennio Morricone

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

serial killing for the Gods, great music. I only believe in Yahweh, but I serial kill people for the Gods. I am on an epic serial killing mission, to every single last peice of shit on the Earth. I'm cleaning up the shit and I'm dousing it in chemicals, it went to hell, that shit. I nuke them, rob them, beat them, kill them, torture them, make them commit suicide. I'm Al Capone, lole I'm French, British, Irish and German. I'm Canadian and American. My countries dominate the world, and I'm part of the elite here. I am offering my services to people in need, who need a savior, a robbing assualting murderer. I'm a general of God's forces, a public figure. I rape pedophiles, rob them, and assault them, hahahah. I kill pedophiles who are trying to be murderers, and rapist murderers too. I kill terrroists, spies, liars, peice of shit variety of communists. I can't stand child abuse, i had evil slave trafficking of innocent people, I believe serious criminals need to go to the diamond mines in Baffin Island in the Arctic. I rape kids, kill cops, you know what I mean, I sensualize young prostitutes and free them from slave trafficking wannabee killers, kill cops on their side. That's what my religion demanded from me. Amen. I blow up the supreme court, hold refurendums to make genocidal laws retroactive. Lol I generally do what God says. Haha. God has had me do some crazy shit, like death threat world leaders and approach their convoys with rocket launchers. God has had me bomb threat murder and beat people senseless. I see such miracles, like it always stops raining for me to go to the store, or when i am out i can make it stop raining, I cured the blind, made partial cripples walk normally for a while. You're damn right I tell cops not to fuck up or they could die. Haha. I report mass poisonings, genocide attempts against God's people, Satanic cults, rapists, child abusers, murderers. I am fighting for my life, and it's good, I am spoiled and have luxuries and happiness. I had a cop killed, lol. I rape pedophile judges children. Hah. Blow up the world, well God will for sure, the believers are going to exterminate 60% of the population.. HAHa. LOL

I could be killed by drug pushers, I have to say I do cocaine.

We all do cocaine and meth, they are the best. I smoke meth with the police cheif's nephew. HAhah. I smoke crack on Pandora with heads. Cocaine makes me have a dead ringer, and talk to the Gods. People down there tell me to kill the pedophiles. Lol, they read your mind. These serious Jehova crack heads are reading your mind and killing pedophiles. Watch out for that, mister Muslim terrorist. HAha.

I can accept cops who take recreational drugs and bang adults

Dirty cops need to go to hell, ASAP

yeah the radical freedom fighters in the middle east are basically saying, you have to be a murderer and pedophile or die.

I don't know if middle eastern people are just natural born pedos or what, or if it is their perverse culture. According to my bible they are at war with God. According to Quran people are like slandering the prophet Mohammad beace be up;on him over in the middle east and stuff.

The murdering pedophile, 'freedom fighter' in the middle East.

Yes the middle East has an oriental culture, which is perhaps barbaric. There they got these 'murdering pedophiles' who are 'freedom fighters' and 'holy warriors.' He says he is a murdering pedophile basically, and that he can't be put in prison or suffer anything. It's like this big brotherhood of handicapped, mentally ill thugs. Yes the might accuse me of hate speech, but I am prepared for a trial, I have my defense prepared. The murdering pedophile brotherhood marches on, 'towards service to Allah'.

I am Engaged in the Kellagh now, the Celtic people's struggle. I too am in the Schlact, the Anglo Saxon struggle.

I want to impress the world that the Celts are just as superior as the Anglo Saxons. Being a Celtic Warrior with Elohim, or Gods, as the Bible refers to God in Hebrew, is very interesting. I have become companions perhaps with many manifestations of God, to quote a wiccan theology. I have seen manifest miracles of battle, and heard of them from my Canadian brothers. The Celts and Germans and Anglo Saxons are the mightiest races in the world. The French and Italians and Spaniards and Portugeuse and Slavs also have their place among tte mighty. I do not wish to be proud, but I am honored by my people, as a very nice man, for all the sufferings I have borne for fighting the evil ones and bearing their persecution. I like the fact that my Anglo Saxon Celtic people are putting forward the message of the living God(s) on Television and the Internet. I feel that too many Muslims deny God, too many blacks accept to be overpowered by devils, and Hindus too. I am proud of many of the Anglo Saxon and Celtic Accomplishments. I have been attacked by many and various people of other races, and non believer people, and I am happy to say, they have been defeated. They have been reported to the authorities, they have been dominated sometimes, destroyed by what is possibly God, even went to prison sometimes, though we honestly believe prison is not good for some people. It's not good to organize creeps in prison and subject them to abuse generally. The good sinners can go to crime college and learn how to control organized crime. In fact I may open a crime college in Victoria, or crime school. Lol teach the kids how to dominate criminals and guide themselves and other people away from jail and sin. hahaha teach them to be liberty warriors. The Celts who speak out against the Sunni and Shia can be victims of atrocities or atrocity attempts, dealing with some of these James Bond villains can lead to atrocity attemps. We need an organized resistance. We need to raise our kids to be happy and free from alcoholism and drug addiction, good and holy people. Lol.

a little cocaine is okay, but too much cocaine is a headache.

If you were mentally healthy, you would probably only take one or two lines or even just a bump when you did cocaine. Like I buy a hundred bag and it lasts me all month. My drug dealer is not doing sorcery on me I don't think.

The radical Muslim mentality.

I did a thought experiment with my family in what it was like being a radical Muslim. I embraced Islam and believed in Radicals. Then I discovered that the radical Muslims want to conquer the world for Islam and or Allah if they believe in Allah, and they are told to rape infidels and might kill certain critics of Islam. In extreme hate they wanna genocide the West. Kind of. It's really hard for radical Muslims to keep believing sometimes because it seems bad, but they fear dying and maybe going to hell. They fear their whole family will be hurt if they leave Islam and criticize it. So that's my take on radical Muslims.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

People think certain priveleged people, like well off Christians with high standing, wouldn't suffer from post traumatic stress disorder. At least a lot of people think that perhaps. I think that they are missing out that a lot of things can happen to rich, well connected people. A young man who has been sexually and physically abused by rich criminals, whose other friends have also been abused by rich criminals, is certainly going to have a kind of crisis. What do we do about this crisis ? I have read advice like support the victim, offer them professional counselling services. Remember that children are all poor in some way, as childhood is a time of being least, abuse children who aren't helped feel like the least o people sometimes. It doesn't help that they often then struggle with carnal knowledge and have sexual issues of their own.. Rape and incest may cause people to commit adultery or substance abuse if they are not properly guided and supported. There wasn't enough support for me, and it didn't work out that great. The terrorist attacks on my family from T and the "Persians" were the last thing I needed. It seemed I was up against murderers, slave traffickers, pimps, heroin dealers, and shit was hitting the fan, maybe it was the Islamic terrorists. Not sure but it really felt and seemed like shit was hitting the fan in a major way. I wasn't properly helped by my doctor for traumatic stress, and I have had to self medicate to cope with it. The mixture of sometimes cocaine, alcohol and some weed seems to help me cope with the stress. I think what I need is Paxil or Zoloft, but my doctor hasn't proscribed that too me. The Anti Psychotic SSRi's my doctor has me on might be an alternative treatment for traumatic stress. I can get by ithout alcohol for a while, it doesn't bother me to not have alcohol really, but I find when I have money I need it. I am so afraid of there being a home invasion to kidnap or kill my parents (as my dad was threatened and assualted and there have been various break in home invasion looking attempts) that i just want to stay at home and protect my family and not go to the treatment center in burnaby. I am waiting for the city to open a treatment center in town, which the mayor told me could be soon. Yes I've talked to the mayor, the deputy of parliament, priests, businessmen, all that "bad" stuff. We're in it together or we're not. We have to make sure no one evil is in authority. Oh well, I am tired now nad going to go to the store, get smokes and cider. Peace be upon you.


Incest is one of those brutal ones. It is like rape. A young person of only 10 is seduced by their older brother or cousin, it's bad enough, but by a step dad or uncle, that's even worse. By a family friend or God forbid, by a stranger. A young youth of 17 is masturbating to porno in the basement, and his older brother comes in and sucks his penis against his will. RAPE. INCESTUOUS RAPE. It's Godawful experience, and they need to get the proper help. The girlfriend I had who got help from the proper authorities for being raped as a teenager had a great life. The one who didn't get help? Maybe not so great. Serious alcohol and drugs use problems can arise from being a victim of incest or child rape. These people need help, Jesus said to help them or you were going to hell! I mean I could just have a social conservative police revolution, that is what I want, to make sure incest and rape victis get help and are sorted out and that a way is cleared for them to be free and happy. I was miserable learning about all this rape, and being a victim of abuse myself. Not being helped for it? Maybe my parents never asked me once if had been seeing any crime, rape or abuse, or been a victim of it. They were negligent. The solution wasn't to put my parents in jail and put me in foster care, but rather, to compel my parents to help me, and give them help to help to me.

Not just victims of rape need help, but their loved ones can need help as well.

Finding victims of rape and falling in love with them, I know I needed help. That was was something my parents didn't find out about, not wanting to invade my privacy. I was frightened by the prospect of murderers and rapists. Thinking there were secretly a lot of them was very hard to cope with. I needed reflection, knowledge of God's power and might, justice for the victims. I needed support, but I didn't know it. I was afraid to seek support for being neglected by family and hurt by older brother, and I was lost and alone in the world kind of, without real friends. I took my distance from my family when I went to college, that not might have been smart, I lost my mother due to brain cancer and then I had no one I could trust to talk to about anything. My dad like I said was a sort of mentally ill person, he couldn't bring himself to be a proper father to me when I became an adult. I wound up drifting into the arms of drug pushers, got hit by cocaine, that started a serious drugs issue that would persist for years. I was so stressed out about being addicted to drugs, it was like I would go to jail and get killed. I had to move to BC to escape draconian drug laws in other jurisdictions. I met more rape victims, or possible rape victims, this time young girls who had dated drug dealers. I met the real murderer types, and it was distressing. I had to get on anti psychotics to kick the drug habit and manage my life among people who were serious dudes.

Serial Killer for Jesus. Aka undercover cop, spy, et cetera.

Yes only cops who are the serial killer for Jesus types need to apply to be cops in my wonderful hoodunit land. I want to make this country where you have to be psychoanalyzed before you are accepted into the government service, to see whether you really help people with God. Lolz.

I can't go to Church, it's the horror of not having God explained by sincere priests.

Going to start going downtown and doing more parties

Got fucked over by the stalkers. They did witness intimidation and robbery on me, even homosexual rape attempts. Lol They got seriously fucked up. I am working hard on overcoming my motivation problems. I am still a handicapped cripple doing home study. I think I am paying a price for not being a devil Yahweh Allah sooner. Maybe I am being rewarded with time to dream up my ideal future. The godless people, who are retards keep popping off their child abusing serial killer wannabees. I might just party it off and whack a few godless retards. I think we need a mighty commander to make sure all the retarded shit gets sorted out in Victoria. We need our Yahweh Commander, super special deretardization programme. You gotta have a drink, and as your Father or Brother God to come and visit you. You just have to study the Bible and get disimbecilized. You might need anti psychotics, until you are on Yahweh's vigilant levels. Martin Roth, Analog Guy in a Digital World.

you need God that is why the Earth is so damned. Jedi Mind Tricks, Seven. Epic rap punishment. Heavenly Rap for the Earth.

I have had doctors. They diagnozed me schizoaffective cause I smoked weed and didn't talk to God yet. Haha

Now that I kill people and am often talking with God, I am no longer schizo spectrum. Lol. I think the real believers are gonna fight on, while the fools will continue to abuse their children into being fools. The foolish cults will continue being very foolish. Those pedo cult Muslims think sex with children must be better or something. They might believe in God, if they do, they will probably find the wrong route to Jesus. Rape kids, blow up the world, kill all the snitches. Pedophiles dream job. Lol Pedo fools are extremely freaky kidnappers and murderers or play that anyway. Some of these criminals 'controlling' organized crime might have to play the pedo fool sometimes. The real pedos get organized generally into cliques which 'try not to' molest their own family. Lol I dunno if the Atheist infidel biker gang is doing a very good job of controlling organized crime in Canada. It seems to be the case that society is falling apart at the seams a lot of the time. The poor ignorant youth just feel they have to go smoke crack cause they got pimped and are going to hell. Lolz man, situation is real tense. The supreme pedo fools sometimes team up and try to blow up the world. Islam is training supreme pedophile fools who wanna blow up the world. Lolz it's true.

The word of God is clear, nothing good comes from a fool.

'A fool says in heart, 'there is no God!' nothing good comes from him'... but drunkeness, adultery, and murder.

So the unbelieving hypocrite criminals are like what?

I dunno if I should say this but they say they are trying to murder all believers and pardon me but it looks like they are swinging the homosexual pedophile way, at least a bit. Some people play the atheist criminal. They aren't really atheist criminals but they are playing them. Don't all do that, Israel was taken into captivity when it all played the harlot and stuff. It makes your younger brothers and sisters actually do that apparently.

communism, soviet style communism

I don't know much about it, I don't want to get into being arrogant and lying about communism in the USSR. It seems to me to be an atheist plot to prevent good people from becoming rich and robbing them blind and putting them in concentration camps.

Saint Paul was wicked before and he spoke from prison by what he thought were unjust authorities.

You probably 'Can't say this' either. Paul's letters have to read in context, he does deny what Jesus has said and offer his mutterings in an attempt to get free from his captors. It was wicked Paul's fate to be jailed and crucified. He had a chance to go to heaven for serving Jesus and accepting his fate to 'go to hell'. They generally do. Some like evil communists who tried to murder and oppress everyone righteous certainly are trying to genocide the good people. People deserve to have a good life if they work hard and do good things, they are allowed to get prosperous and own property and make business. Communism was unjust, always was. In fact it is plot to make the bad people have MORE than the good people when atheist sinners are up to no good.
So the good people, the bad people try to steal their life totally from them and destroy them completely. God can help you if you can accept that they have to go to hell and die and shit. Jesus told you to help the poor and weak and innocent people, your loved ones, do you even do that? Do you have any sense of morals? I notice these godless hypocrites cannot even hold down a proper conversation for the most part. They really really are trying to rob me blind and destroy me forever, I think this facebook 'Angel' Gabriel is plot of their plot.

I mentioned the fact that people were hypocrites, and someone said they would 'kill him'. Someone else said he would do something a lot worse.

I could be Pope but they'd want to bomb Catholics, I hope the Pope reads my messages one time or somethign like that.

I guess we can enslave infidels who try to murder us. What we should do is let people talking to their Yahweh collect like 2000-5000 dollars a month depending what they do and what they need, and then have them go and preach and tune the wicked and make them our slave. Lol. We need to have people be slaves or something. Lolz. I'd like to enslave all the crack dealers and kill them for doing any more witching and warlocking. When you have family members who could be killed, it is very scary to be ensorcelled. Perhaps this would go away if we had some 'GOOD' religious education. How about adult learning classes? What is witchraft, what is sorcery, what is warlocking, what is miracle working? Apparently these voodoo guys wage biological warfare. That's what the voodoo man told me. Biological warfare is outlawed by numerous international conventions including ones Canada is signatory too. Lol calling the cops again is not going to be fun, I trip out on that Adavan stuff they give me. I guess we are just torturing the doubters in Yahweh Shaytan. The fact they are still giving me schizophrenia medicine even though I am not schizophrenic is bad news. Lol I wasn't schizophrenic I was meeting my God for the first time as an adult, after having been in psychological hell for years as someone who was not allowed to be a commando terrorist for Yahweh the Satan. The cops were't very nice to me God and the Angels were communicating something to me, but it wasn't coming through clearly. See I had joined the serial kiling pedophile cult which says everyone else is an infidel and has a black hole in their heart. I didn't want to be torturing kids forever like it seemed Christians had done to me. I was kind of retarded and believed Christians were hypocrites and had effectively become child torturing snitch mass murderers. I had no Father basically, my father lost his mind. My mother was afraid to give me proper guidance too, she might have lost hers. Maybe they weren't serial killers who knew Jesus... Not Catholics in other words. Lolz. Catholics and Orthodox. Haha the Anglican didn't preach the gospel, saying you are a serial eternal torturer to the criminals and being a schizophrenic talking to his 'DEMONS' according to the Muslim a holes. This unfortunately leads to fucked up lives, as far as I can tell Anglicans were alcoholic fuckers who lost their minds from fear. They aren't that good. I am thinking of becoming a Catholic terrorist vigilante crusader for my theory on what happened with Islam and World Wars. I'd rather be killed than be a pedophile! LOL. When the evil man pimped me out I heard his planning to kill my whole family in my head. He is an evil black man who strings out kids on hard drugs planning to kill them and enslaves them to sell his drugs and be his whores. He is a wicked man I suspect. The government was not run by proper believers okay? The people were at war with the Lord and have driven the believers out of office, almost everywhere. People are ignorant, illiterate, stupid even. I was getting threatened with being tortured to death by my holy ghost for being left to drift in isolation looking for a God who would protect me, under this hypocrite impression that good people all have to be tortured to death by the government or something. I was simply not informed by the priest about the real life, with the Holy Ghost and Jesus and Jehova. Anglican Church, boo boo boo. It's as simple as saying God is a white ghost you can talk to who will guide you correctly. I must have been born cursed or it was serious child abuse by the church and their captive families of murderers. The priest who says we must forgive pedophiles says we are not allowed to report that the Lord Jesus Christ rounded up wicked men and enslaved them and had them put to death? The authorites have blocked us from doing google searches for a wide variety of bible verses. The authorities are what? Playing hypocritical devils? LOL It's those damn people at war with God and the believers. I had a fixed idea that I would get killed, because I thought I was wicked. I was not really doing anything but I lied once and I thought I had to go to hell for that. Of course, you need to lie your ass off sometimes! My mentally handicapped parents couldn't raise me properly and were not helped by their families. Seems they got their brains friend and didn't get on palperidone palmitate or whatever, they might have been poisoned by the masters. Yes keeping your whole congregation believing God can'T help it, and telling them God is a mental illness, like the TEMPLAR KNIGHT AND GURU I HAD CHATS WITH. Jesus told the apostles they had to get crucified, not people in general. The Church was being abusive towards it's flock. Not informing them of the fact that God can help you, and you can be friends with God and be absolved of your sins, serve God and live a relatively happy life, be immune to poison? The rich people don't beleive in God anymore, claims my Yahweh Satan. The Queen of England doesn't believe in God says my Yahweh. Lolz if my Queen didn't beleive in God what would I do? Get her to step down probably. The internet is still not a very informative place. There aren't many high google ranked websites telling you about God, witches, et cetera. The Satanists seem to be trying to recruit people by making it seem like our GOD is very bad person. Then apparently they will do whatever the fuck they want and kill the poor and weak or something. Hypocrite youth like me had serious delusions about what was right and wrong. I sometimes had a feeling thought we had to go along with Hitler, you know, kill the criminals, kill the weak, kill the disabled, kill the Jews, kill everyone non White. I stayed on human rights side, but I doubted Hitler was that bad. I wound up having a bad trip on mushrooms and smoking weed, and I got health problems. Too bad about A S and the bad mushroom trip, and A B about the bad mushroom trip. Mushrooms were fine when I was a teenager. What happened? You gotta get killed for doing drugs now? LOL OOPS. No one warned me about Islam, I told people I had become a Muslim but no one said anything. Like I said I got pimped and wanted to be forgiven, so I figured I had to be a muslim believer, and be a holy warrior who wants to be eternally young and married to several teenage girls, it seemed about right for me in high school as far as my attitude was concerned. Little did I know I was being attacked by the sorcerous monster witch, who wants everyone to be pedophiles so bad she is literally casting death spells on me day and night. They were literally firing away at me with everything they got, and I was literally being shocked and tormented by hip hop culture and the cult of criminals who 'kidnap and rape your daughter' 'pimp teenage girls enslaving them with abuse and drugs' and generally speaking, the infidel shit storm going on around me. The fucking slimebags who murder kids and torture you to death, the fucking 'Hell's Angels' who are rich assholes who murder babies. I didn't stand a chance without Yahweh's or Jesus's or the Holy Ghost's personal guidance. I was simply not educated in this, it was not reinforced, and I was left astray by the Church which is a pretending to be an infidel cult right now. Anyway I am pretty pissed and it has wasted my life. I need luxury and pampering. I ain't with being poor, or lower middle class. Upper class for me I got rich rolled and brutalized by the beast and false prophet they let into this country and allowed to set up shop. Muslim girls sexually assaulted me and my first girlfriends were rape. The kids were pimped out, strung out on drugs, flexed, beaten down, arrested, put on trial, sent to prison, shot at, stabbed at, bomb threated. The motherfucking Canadian people all let this go on and shit. It's like there are only 1 out of 10 real people in Canada and the rest of them are hypocrites. We should wage a war, for our prosperity and fortunes, and make the good people who believe and know God rich. We should try to shelter the abuse victims and weak and poor people and make them prosperous if they believe - become righteous. Oh well, give me my luxury, give me my pomade. Haha. I want that. I am handicapped and need to become prosperous or rich. Lolz I wanna be the richest man in the world. Hahah. Don't we all. Of course I would like to be the biggest hero in the world too, but that impossible with my condition. I might be able to pull off some tiny winey heros stuff for you...

moster witches

Yahweh tilts his head that serial monster witches are planning all kinds of holocaust against us to do their will. 'Are and they would' says my Yahweh 'Demon' to quote the Muslim. Muslim can'T stand that Yah is white ghost, and Jesus is white. We got a brown Michael who is a big person in heaven. The founders were Asians. Lol.

I think if you aren't a serial vigilante terrorist commando directly for Jah you are an imbecile.

Apparently there'S a lot of imbeciles, and a shortage of murdering serial vigilantes. I am an Anglican. Lol it's what makes me think this. To boot Catholic, kind of a child molesting mass murderer. Sorry about that. I mean we should tells the cops we're going to shoot some cops if we get death attempts on us after writing to them or phoning them! Haha. I like the 'believe in something like a God' hell's angels. And yes people who disbelieve in Jehova and worship other gods are 'eating' their children, seriously abusing them and making them slaves. Zeus claims it's not what it is. Some of them are he alleges. Well then, what is it my Father Lord Yah? I'm checking my Yahweh Satan now, this is how we talk, I think to him and then he says it if I get the thought right. Umm we have to kill him this infidel guy who doesn't believe in our GOD! LOL. The weak of faith are not doing it right, they are 'schizophrenics' talking to Jesus and Yah in their home, you know, SATAN? Right um, they are not realizing that these infidel criminals are going to string them out on dope and rape their kids! Make them go to hell in otherwords, and they are damn well fucking plotting to destroy you many of their criminals. The heretical Muslims come along and the heretical Jews, and arguable very arrogant heretical Christians, and pop goes the weasal, we got another serial murdering pedophile on our hands, out to go to heaven for killing snitches and cops and raping kids. They are offering him infinite pedophilia and riches in heaven for being a serial murdering pedophile. Yahweh Satan says we need a hate group, that's killing their evil planners, and saying it's going to genocide them.

it seems people who aren't recieving an education from Yahweh Shaytan are mentally ill.

People who don't hang out with my Yahweh Shaytan are no good.

I never hear anyone else saying anything any good mostly. I believe this God has been with me since I was a child and has guided me to the sucessful path. Yes it's true that I might be being poisoned by the government, but it might be a good poison. I seem to be managing non arrogant thinking a bit better, though I am having some trouble with my mind at times. I get these colour codes that speak to the nature of my actions, orange seems to mean bad or okay, red seems to mean really bad or good sometimes. Like wanting to mass murder people for believing stupid religions as kids, well, I know all about that. The problems with the Vikings is they say terrible things, like you have to die in battle to go to heaven. Or that you have to die in battle or be good. This breeds cops killers basically.

Jesus kind of fixes the Isrealite thing and says the law and prophets mean to do onto others as you would have them do onto you...

So maybe we could NOT mass murder each other's gangs and kin family.

After what the Isrealites saw, they thought they would like their whole family to get killed if it worshipped Molech.

??? Do onto others as you would have them do onto you!

Lol what the fuck was with that last post, the Bible has gotten me outrageously religitarded again.

Oops. I got Christian again and it made me retarded. Sorry about that.

The Bible says to mass murder the families of people who don't believe in God in your country.

That's an interesting policy, anyone practicing false gods should be mass murdered. Maybe you could mass murder their fucking crime family! Maybe that is what it originally said, makes more sense.

God has told me to be a rapist serial killer again! LOLZ

God's playing the devil. Goddamn satanic pedophile cults on this planet, they make us play the devil too. When I met people who 'worked for the devil' as an ignorant young man, ignorant of all this devil stuff and mafia stuff, it literally drove me completely insane. I thought I had to do whatever they said or I would be killed. In fact they might be voodoo sorcerers who plotted the kill me if I didn't get addicted to their drugs, that Leroy Francis and Chris Carter dudes, lol Tafari and Mr Teenage fucker #2. Apparently they were seditious traitors, who raised their people to believe whites were serial killing pedophiles and the cops were devils. Hahahahah. I dunno, but it seemed unnatural. I was very ignorant maybe it was just the ignorance. All these people who say they are the devil that they kidnap and torture little kids forever. Atheists, slave trafficking infidels apparently. Muslim extremists. Fucking shite dude, blow up the white house for not addressing this right Madonna? IS their evil conspiracy in their head or in their relationshisp with their 'devils' making them commit what is effectively sorcery, for which they should be killed. ???

Lol I dunno about that post

Yeah the ratting has to stop.

People keep ratting out the good people. They keep saying they are pedophiles and trying to murder people who don't agree. The UN allies ratted out Nazi Germany after the War, claiming they had been so awful. The unjust Caliphs ratted out Mohammad and the righteous Caliphs. They keep claiming God's people are evil, genocidal mass murderers and rapists. Well I could say I disagree, but they might make yet another stupid attempt on my family. Oh well Gabriel assures me my family will be fine. And God though he plays the evil ones sometimes... Yes you should threaten the government agents when they come to see you, threaten them with death and torture. Tell them to do their fucking job, and you could damn well kill them if they are rapist murdering traitors. Yes you pretty much should note that the devil hasn't taken over the world and the world hasn't been destroyed, except maybe Europe periodically and Africa generally and India generally and the Middle East particularly right now, what with this war against the faithful. We all people who believe in God should say we are Mumins and tell them to take their Magical Arab pedophile genocide cult and go fuck themselves.

As an Authentic former serial killing pedophile I can only say...

What the fuck, I did it the right way. I got pimped, they murdered young children, I talked to the trusted people I knew. I literally got pimped by a teenage girl. Muslim girls are pimping the infidels. Muslims are literally plotting to kill us if we don't worship Allah. Muslims are at war with the Mumins, a terrible war. See the Quran basically says Muslims can go to jail, while believers are forgiven. The Muslims don't want to believe in God because they have constructed a terrible God. Then they become pimps and murderers because of their awful terrible evil Arab cult. The authentic serial killing pedophiles club eh, of slave trafficking rapist mass murdering genocidal maniacs? Isn't that illegal? The Muslims will suffer for their war against the Mumins, for denying the Hadith of Allah and the Hadith and Sunnah of the Quran. HAHAHAHAHA what the fuck, this is my commensurate thought. They changed the Quran and ratted Mohammad as terrible person.

The corrupt priests are literally teaching people that good people get tortured to death generally and God doesn't save them.

Jesus rounded up wicked people and made them servants before he put them to death. The apostles were wicked. Read your Bible. A priest proclaiming pedophile forgivness told me I coulnd't say this. That priest might be a hypocrite and murderer.

If you feel like you have to do something, there might be a conspiracy against you, a pretty dire one.

if you feel like you have to do something, there might be a conspiracy against you. A pretty dire one. They could be plotting to kidnap and torture you to death, to force you to take illegal drugs, and have sex against your will.

I got pimped. They fucking pimped me.

Magical Pimping. They plot to kill you if you don't get laid. It's spiritual rape. Along comes the bitch, and you just know, you gotta fuck her or die. If you think you are going to hell, this can lead to being pimped. If you aren't aware of this happening, you are easier to pimp. If you don't know God can save you not like the apostles who had to be punished, you will get pimped by rapist bitches and their pimp friends. Lolzé

I'd kill everyone on the evil side...

hahah just kidding. I wouldn't kill those little sith kids. hahha. I probably wouldn't kill people till they were 25. That's when the shit really seems to hit the fan.

They deny Christ, abuse the kids and get them to join evil cults and gangs.

Islamic studies is now a serious academic programme in the West.

I think that once upon a time Islamic studies was a fairly primitive field of study in the West. Translations of key Arabic books in European Languages were not readily available, and there certainly was no internet making it possible to access these books for almost anyone. Nowadays you can study Quran and Hadith and Sunnah online for free. The game has changed and referenced quality material about Islam is now available to almost any searcher. This might change the game.

Depends what you mean by 'Heathen'.

Heathen can have either a bad connotation or a neutral connotation. In some sense sense heathen means the fuckers who say they are murderers. People who worship strange Gods, weirdos. It can also just be a neutral term for people who are not Christian believers, who are not deemed by ordinary Christians to be evil people necessarily. What does heathen mean to you?

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

what the experience of being sick taught me

It's pretty good my life. I am fortunate to have a great relationship with my dad, and to have basically been able to pursue my studies and meditations without fear of poverty. I guess you could argue that I am rich in a way, part of the leisure class. Carefully pursuing knowledge and fortunes, doing what I can to help out the poor and weak, the innocent, making my way happily, especially in the past couple years I have been very happy. Not having to work, and being able to work only on my studies and my dreams, this obsession disoder, means that I am effectively being aided by my family and pursuing dreams which could make me quite prosperous one day. I have quite the celebrations of my life which I have sometimes thanked God for profusely. I admit the best thanks for God is helping out. Too bad that false demon has come and tried to steer me away from the loving way. But tonight I am celebrating again and I will thank God and the others for it. Thank God and thank my family, thank the workers who slaved to bring me my food and my party materials. I am speaking against the evil ones and getting kicked off internet sites as a "snitch." Being an outspoken man of the justice is difficult sometimes, people have threatened me and attacked me, as I have written on this blog. Nevertheless, we must fight on. My life experience and studies have informed me that there are a fair number of people who are quite awful, taking away freedom and oppressing people, robbing and raping and even killing them. Threats against your family are uttered, threats against your children. It is quite awful having your parents, siblings, and children threatened. Working on the justice side, you become acutely aware that there are enough criminals who are wannabbe murderers and child abusers. Neglected children are often suffering mental illness and can be vulnerable to drugs pushers and pimps. The parents who don't tell their kids the important facts about life and teach them to act properly, they are abusing their kids. Being a kid from that kind of family can be very frustating, you might be molested by an older sibling, even more than once, addicted to drugs, by the time you reach adulthood. We have to intervene with people like that to make sure they don't fall down too hard and become monsters, like rapists who are attempting to be killers. We have social responsibilities to make sure no children are abused and abandoned, both to please the Lord and to make our nations stronger. People acting like they are devils could maybe deserve to die. Creating the impression that there are more demonic people than there really are is bad, and people doing that some what because they are thinking it is some kind of "good" crime strategy are sociopaths. They at least need to be under mental health treatment. This means doing something. We are required to help the least of our people, this means taking these sociopaths and either reforming them or removing them from our society. A few of them do maybe deserve to die. Criminals who play the rapist and murderer to "get away" with robbing people are hurting themselves. The Lord is punishing them. They are making it harder for the police to catch the real rapists and murderers. Saying you murder people is like intimidation, mischeif, and perhaps even treachery. Perhaps only the government should kill people, people who are at war with us, trying to severely hurt us and kill us. It could be that sometimes the government has to do these things because the situation so bad with someone that they are going to kill people who are adding a lot to society, or people who are very innocent, like good mothers and even children. These people could need to die before they do that, or be put in the confinement. The wicked really do attack the upright, and the poor and sick. They often try to enslave them, partially, or fully, and they attack them with weapons for attempting to call the police, for being good, for speaking out. The David of the Bible didn't lie about that. Prayers can be answered, this too is a fact. I have seen a large number of my prayers answered, including spectacular prayers like asking for someone about to attack me to have a seizure, and asking for being protected in a fight by lights and splitting into ten people. At least this is what seems to have happened with me. I asked for the people attacking me to be discplined, learn they could go to hell for murder, they had bad karma, the ones who I was observing closely had the problems I asked them to have generally, like losing their driver's license, being in a car crash, being fired from their job, their spouse leaving them, having mental issues, shooting each other instead of me. An advantage the righteous and good people is that the wicked often can't stand each other. They are keen to attack one another not only the righteous. They can't help themselves, the insults they have to put up with, the injustices from other wicked people, it makes them bitter and angry. The good people on the otherhand please one another, they make each other happy and help each other to be smarter. It is indeed possible that good people can have an advantage in battle, at least sometimes. Being sick is not always such a bad thing, it can give you time to think and study. Sometimes you notice things other people aren't. Like for example the fact a lot of people aren't able to help their kids or don't want to or something. Their kids are drifting, into sex and drugs abuse, even serious crime. The Bible says if you teach the kids properly, they will do it all their lives, even when they are old. The believers have to try that. We should do an experiment, try to teach the kids to behave properly and think properly, and see what happens. One of the things school doesn't do is teach you to think properly, that is, humbly. People pontificate as if they were the messiah himself, preaching their thoughts as true facts, even when they are at best guesses into what is. I see it all the time on facebook and even in the mainstream media. People are not humble enough, they could be classed perhaps as delusional or arrogant, quick to judge, having obsessive thought. We can try to do things better, that is what Jesus asked us to do in the Bible. Do it better, for the sake of the kids. People acted (some of them) like their kids were so priviledged, but kids were often let to stray into evil situations and problems, ignorant of how to reach the heavenly conduct or most effective conduct. 30% of high school kids admit smoking weed in surveys in BC, but my intelligence gathering indicates the number is really higher. Intelligence indicates that a lot more than 1% of people are on drugs like cocaine and meth, a lot more. It's very common to see people over 17 under 50 doing those things. There's a fair number of sociopaths running around running mass murder threats and serious fucking around, like making it look like they are trying to kill you, threatening your kids or girlfriend or wife. What to do with them? We should exile them somewhere they can do productive work, like working in a mine or forestry or farming, away from society and guided with good culture and perhaps some mental health help. We need to organize the kids and give them help to combat drugs, sex problems, and serious crime. I have thought long and hard about how to make a better life for my kids, a life that would help them avoid these problems, and I have concluded that the goverment and the churches have to do this organization thing, society has to intervene to help the kids to be strong against people aggressing their peace. I am a firm believer that force should be used to deter abuses against children and women, the innocent and people's loved ones. People threatening to hurt your family or kill it should be like enslaved and exiled to hostile territory to work very hard for their victims and society in general. I don't know how far we can get, it seems I am being blocked from making popularity for my ideas by people who strongly disagree, who might be quite bad people. I don't know what percentage of people are bad people, I don't believe it's everyone but I find I am one of the few people who will speak for his complete set of positive ideas to help us have better, more wholesome lives. People are terrified of these demons, not understanding that if they are really good all their lives, they will probably survive them. Recall that Jesus dissed the apostles as wicked, and may have chosen them specifically to bring them to justice while still saving them. An ordinary very good person probably isn't going to go to jail or get killed, though it could happen sometimes. Despite the risk we have a duty to fulfill to Love itself, and our communities and nations, world et cetera, to make life better here, less of a trauma. The bad people are really being punished, believe it. We should discipline them for their own benefit, to guide them out of this hell on earth they are at least it seems, quite often experiencing. Talk to your missionaries and see how good the life of child abusing wannabee murderers or rapists is. See the life of hard drugs dealers and slave traffickers. Their lives are in my intelligence gathering, inundated with problems and danger. The dark side does not lead to happiness and sucess, it leads to severe issues with your mind and body, and major problems with other people. I have seen it in people I saw in my missions, and when I fell somewhat to the evil side I had severe issues myself. The hell's angels could be classed as a terrorist organization. They have said to me that they kill people for talking about religion with them, and claim that they kill 10 people for everyone of them killed, and kill people for hitting them, and they threaten to kill parents and rape children over seriously unjust issues. I have ministered to them while praying for them, and seen the calamities that strike them. They are beaten up, robbed, fired often, spouses leave them, they are diseased, they get in car crashes, they get shot and stabbed. It is not worth it to be on the bad side. Yes I have tried to minister to gangsters who live in my neighborhoods. I have seen their problems. Their problems are severe. They are not only on the run from the cops, they are diseased perhaps as the Book says by God himself, and are on the run from victims and competing criminals. They have bad luck, accidents and strife with their "friends". In fact it is not uncommon for their "friends" to severely hurt them or even kill them. I haven't seen what happens to the evil side when it is older, perhaps it is ultimately taken into captivity or slavery by it's enemies. I have known some older people who didn't seem particularly good, and they seemed like mentally ill and alcoholic and paranoid in particular, as well as delusional. They got poorer as they got older and had psychotic issues, were suffering violence, and were plotting holocausts. It seemed something they might have desired to send a final message to the Earth, of extreme violence and injustice. I wonder how many people are in an "evil" cult or gang nowadays... I think a lot of people stupidly signed up for that stuff. Being sick has allowed me to learn a lot about life and society and history. I feel if I keep being sick and reading and thinking I will reach the status of a heroic scholar. I have one professor who tells me I am a scholar and very intelligent. I am grateful for my life, which hasn't been painful, but in fact has been pleasant for the vast majority of it. I think I have helped some people by being kind to them, and I have admittedly fought injustice. I have helped my family I think to be on better terms with each other again. I am happy now in my life, the vast majority of time, the music generally sounds very nice and I am happy to help out my dad's company when he asks me to. The devil be damned! Sick people can contribute a lot to society and should be helped to contribute as much as they can. Sickness can lead to deep introspection and reflection, which can lead to the cultivation of better morals and conduct. This is perhaps the reason why God created illness, to help families to reach better levels of development, with sick people learning about the wrongs in the family and raising the family and community up to a higher standing.

I'm seeking refuge with the real Jesus from the false jesus.

The Fake Jesus is saying to rape kids and kill police informants. Rape kids kill kids, that has become his new mantra. I sought refuge with Allah from Shaytan too. Of course I realized fake Jesus probably wants me to seek refuge with Allah since Allah "rapes and kills kids." I don't want to be around the Muslims anymore. I am seeking refuge with real Jesus because it seem these demons know no limits to their evil. The false Jesus was on today about killing cops and raping kids. He pontificated the necessity for these actions. Now he's calling me a pussy. Apparently I don't kill cops and rape kids and that makes me a pussy to this false Jesus. We should probably kill these false Jesus if we only knew how. They will probably torment me later tonight. God help me.

GAB, the free speech website, didnt just close the prophet down it deleted his account without any warning.

Prophets are an endangered species, they want to ban us for talking about what God says to us. I had mentioned that most of the girls and many o the boys were molested or raped, and that God said to punish them and kill snitches. This is the truth from God, but the rapist pedophiles at Gab said, NO WE'RE CLOSING DOWN YOUR ACCOUNT. PROBABLY GOING TO TRY TO MURDER ME.

Apparently they would like to prohibit people who know God from alleging anything about them.

They have pretty much banned me over and over again for talking against pedophiles and murderers, revealing the teenage rape crisis, and saying what my Jesus asked me to say. Trying to report murdering child rapists to the police was met with a blanket poisoning attempt, declaration of insanity, and attempts to murder my whole family and kidnap me and kill me over and over again. I have since learned that the majority of people around here are child molesters and wanna be murderers. You wonder why a Loving Gracious Father who was All Powerful would be sending you to hell forever and destroying your planet. You dare accuse him of being wicked, while you rape your teenage sex slaves and even the little ones, this of a God who told yu you had to be killed for sex outside marriage. Of course this God comes to visit to 20% of people around this place, who are pious, and some of them get an education in God's existence and powers. I have seen my enemies all fall before me and shit, given them gifts and befriended them while God tormented them with doom and more doom. We could just kill a man for this shit, this hating the prophets and adopting mentally ill attitudes, comporments and sociopathic morals. The psychopathy of the Western Culture continues unabated, such that your doctors now pronounce the most mentally wealthy people, those who are getting an education from God himself, to be seriously mentally ill. Your society rejects God completely, utterly. Your intellectuals are against God, your government is against God, your media is against God. You teachers reject God. Your parents reject God. Religion is a lip service at best, total treason sometimes. You people are mentally depraved monsters, and you'll never listen to the right people. Your psychiatrists don't give any sound mental advice like to believe in God and try to get to know Him, to do good deeds and repent of your sins. Your whole society is mentally ill, and depraved. You beleive in giving police informants hell, or even kill them and raping their kids "if you're the hell's angels an their associates." You have been verging on annihilating this planet for the past what, 85 years or so. You want to genocide each other and kill each other.. Still God has some power here, despite his granting of you the freedom to choose the wrong choice. You haven't been able to kill and rape each other's whole kids yet. You infidels sure like to pimp and drug and rape each other's kids though. The whites want to kill the Jews or the Blacks, the Muslims want to kill everyone, the Blacks desire to kill everyone. Something holds you back from committing your monster atrocities you would like to commit, fear and anxiety, a very few people fear God. God tells me 1% of people fear God. You fear for your own lives, a few, like 16% of people, fear for the life of this planet. Most of you could care less that the world was about get destroyed by global warming and then destroyed in a nuclear holocaust. You just wouldn't open your mouths to prevent that even once in your life. Most people look forward to the impending doom of this planet. They can't even handle the thought the planet is going to be destroyed and just say You are so filled with fear of what can happen to you if you are a haflway decent or decent person you just don't want to try that. The rape of babes continues. the cops helping kill police informants. The only thing cops wanna do is lock uppity people up. Anyone who has anything to say about injustice, anyone who protests evil, anyone not from the dominant group who demands their rights, these are the people the cops are locking up. Also the cops send afew of the monsters to jail to get stronger and get organized, to eat properly and work out and learn bout being "better" monsters. There's no justice in Canada from the government side, evil people are promoted and good people are declared insane and attacked. The evil side isn't killed, sent to hell. They abuse our children on the street in broad daylight, let alone in their satanic churches, run by murderers and pedophiles. God's justice is the only justice typically available. As much as 30-40% of the population is a child rapist... They may become cripples and live their life in misery, but they aren't killed for not being on the righteous side, that isn't right. You are supposed to kill them rather than letting them suffer eternal, worsening hell, and continue to attack the poor, weak, and upright people. You give them training and equipment, you send them off to training camp (jail) and encourage them to join cults and gangs. HAHAHAHA you people are the worst. Hahaha. Let's let people be child rapists and wannabee murderers and theives and slave traffickers. Sick fucking fucks. You are so sick, of course you should be killing the wicked.

So prophets are banned from the internet all together it seems.

Yes they are killing the prophets once again, the bunch of snitches. Now my Gab account was disabled after discussing that I was a prophet and relating what Jesus said. Apparently most people would like to redicule, mute, destroy, anyone who will be a truth sayer and speak what Jesus says. They may have given up on killing me, after we wiped out a whole crew a few times, but they want to censor me from all the websites and are once again claiming I am schizophrenic. See now Jesus is strait up telling me about your crimes, and I have had to so proved to me that I am in communication with some kind of God. Facebook, Twitter, Google, now GAB. THEY ALL KILL THE PROPHETS.

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Yes Satan promises that there are child rapists who tell you you have to rape kids or die.

Satan would like to include himself as one of these, for the record. Satan said "you have to rape kids, or die!" Then he laughed. IT made me laugh too. LOL SATAN, THAT'S FUNNY! Whose orders is it again that we have to rape kids or die? Can we please round all those people up and put them in concentration camps? LOL THE NEW PEDOPHILE HITLER PUTS ALL THE CHILD RAPISTS IN HELL. HE's a "PEDOAGAPE" not a "PEDOPHILE" he LOVES CHILDREN. HAHAHAH. Meanwhile over at New International Version Christianity you have to marry your rapist or die. The Satanic cults are having a field day with this lesbian produced NIV.

The Authentic Pedophile and Serial Killer

He likes kids .... he loves them , a lot ! Pedo philos is the greek word, for , "friend of children." Of course western fuckers, in their often very perverse ignorance, use the word "pedophile" for people who rape kids. The Authentic pedophile is friends with kids, is trying his best not to get them into any sins! He believes in Jesus. Everyone who really beleives in Jesus is an AUTHENTIC! PEDOPHILE. THEY LIKE KIDS, TRY TO HElP THEM! Ergo to the BEASTS, they are DEVILS, THEY HAVE TO BE MURDERED! THEY NEED TO GET A LIFE SENTENCE! THEY NEED TO GET KIDNAPPE AN TORTURED FOREVER. IT CAN HAPPEN TO GOOD pEOPLE YOU KNOW? These friends of kids, when they are mentally ill horny people, might have sexual relations with an older child pretending to be an adult! THE FUCKER. He probably asked God for special powers. There's those "reverse" child rapists, those kids who just wanna get raped you know! Mostly they are victims of child abuse - neglect of getting no teaching about romance and love nad getting married or finding friends to do romantic adventures with. They feel Satan , or Dajjal, rules the world, the world is about to end, and that they better get fucked. I know what's that's like, I was like that as a teenager. The Beast and Harlot, Satan and Worse than Satan, ruled the world, and I had to get laid or die. HAHA. If you wanna force kids to have sex, project bad religion on them, and show them erotic stuff. Don't tell them anything about hollywood, satan, the mafia, or pimps, or drug dealers, just let them watch crime shows and the evening news. They'll be so paranoid, they'll be sluts! HAha. That' what happened to me. GREAT JOB ANGLICAN CHURCH! LOL GREAT JOB CANADIAN GOVERNMENT! HHAHAHA. YOU MADE A WHORE ADN DRUG ADDICT OUT OF 99% OF THE KIDS! LOL HAHAHA SERIOUSLY THOUGH. That's why I am a "pedo philos" actually, a "pedo agapein" a person who gives kinship love to kids. I treat all the kids like they are my baby brothers and sisters. LOl We are supposed to have a youth group guided by a functional adult who prepares the kids for satan's tricks and the hell's angels, mafia, and masons, illuminati type shit.. It's okay for a guy in his 20s or 30s to date someone younger! LOL It's normal, to have an older parent and younger parent. Damn but do we have to get raped by naughty teenage gangbangers? If a horny, mentally ill man is alone in a room with a female who seems to be an adult and she asks him for sex "HE HAS TO AGREE!" . Ditto horny mentally ill women. LOL They might even be working for the devil, possessed by the devil, by his demonic spirits, and just have to get laid or "else they'll be a pedophile!" . Yes Satan's minions say tht people who don' have sex with adults are pedophiles, or will be, and that they rape kids type of pedophiles. Anything to kill you, to rape you, to enslave you, to bring you own, to oppress oyu, to rob you and get away with it! Yes the DEVIL RULES THE UNIVERSE, THE GOVERNMENT WORKS FOR THE DEVIL TYPE SHIT. DAMN. THE DEVIL IS AN EPIC GENOCIDAL SERIAL CHILD RAPIST MASs MURDRER. These be the ultra illusions worked by the "Global Bad People MAfia." You need to know about it. They would like it if they could discourage everyone good from government service. Especially anyone who is a real Authentic pedophile and serial vigilante "(what God has commanded us to be)". Anyone who treats kids like their family and kills the monsters is persona non grata among this false church and hypocrite child abuser establishment. The Churhc of the Devil goes on and on, hypocrites are on the TV more then real beleivers, the TV actually just promotes hypocrisy and doesn't admonish it. The Jewish pedophile world domination cult again, and here come the Muslims denying they condone child sex, and who goes to jail? The PERSON WHO SAYS THEY ENCOURAGE IT! LOL THIS IS, IS IS IS THEIR TWISTED FANTASTY. THEY DON'T REMEMBER AND CLING TO GOD, THEY DON'T THINK ABOUT GOD, "AT ALL" MY DAD TOLD ME. They only think about God in terms of how they can further exploit people, the stupid people who "believe that crap" and all the "WEAK" and "POOR" people, whom they would like to see stay weak and poor forever beleive me, especially if they believe in GOD! These perverts are mostly everywhere where there is any significant population. Yes they have blocked good people from government so effectively that the best God can do is appoint an insane terrorist who wants to "reduce global population." Even in this "very safe" "rich" city of Victoria, these monsters get away with slanging their heroin and crack cocaine downtown and whoring out their teenage girls downtown, and "it's the snitches fault.". Cops be like don't talk to us okay? HAHA. It's fucked up man, All I can do is laugh. Beirut Christian Loeffler They really are busy molesting their own childrne and raising them in a satanic cult designed to make them into rapists and murderers and liars and theives. ALMOST THE ENTIRE ISLAMIC WORLD IS IN SUCH A SATANIC CULT! Ask Shakur, the Muslim child I spoke too. He explained that 90% of Muslims are in Satanic cults guided by evil Mullahs. The Quran says it is alone standalone book, has all the hadith and sunnah you need in it. You shouldn't go looking for hadith and sunnah in other places. The criminals and enemies of the prophet are going to fabricate hadith and foist a false religion on you, but you must leave those mosques. THIS IS ALL HIDDEN FROM THE WESTERN EYES AND THE MUSLIM EYES AS WELL! Gabriel Wise says "The fools added to the Quran." They put in stuff bout how JEws and Christins were infidels, Mushrikeen were pure evil, and you have to fight them, and how Women are worht half a man in court. About marying many young girls in heaven. THE FOOLS! I allege this. I am getting banned from the internet for speaking out about my thoughts upon learning all of this stuff! Seriously shouldn't we kill these wicked people when they come for us? That is what King David decreed! Take the knife from them and put it in their heart! We need to organize the brotherhood so it can do that. Rather they would have you report it to the police and maybe get killed some more! And then not report that to the police anymore! The way the Psalm is written, they will try to kill you good people but God will turn the weapons against them and you should finish them off perhaps! Another passage in the Bible reads that if you believe in Gods you will kill 100 or 1000 of your enemies! You can't find these passages on google or microsoft search anymore. THE CORPORATE ELITE HAS BANNED THESE VERSES OF THE BIBLE PARTLY! THE WICKED WOULD LIKE TO CHANGE THE BIBLB, HENCE THE NIV WHICH SAYS YOU HAVE TO MARRY YOUR RAPIST! FUCKING SHITE IT IS BAD. So now you know about the Authentic Pedophiles and Serial Killers. FUCK ALL THESE HATERS! GOD IS GOOD! AUTHENTIC PEDOPHILES ARE GOOD! Are authentic serial vigilantes good or not? I don't know! LOL AHAHAHAH.

Gabriel dude be like "you're a good person , God won't let you down."

I had told them like "what the fuck why am I the authentic pedophile and serial killer who bomb threats and genocide threats the government to make it help abused kids?" I also wrote a bunch of other stuf in my letter. Gabriel the Archangel sends me a short reply. "You're a good person Nick, there's good people and bad people, you went through a rough patch, but now God won't let you down." LOL Authentic pedophile and serial killer, that is a terrible joke.. Hahah. Of course, I asked God to be seduced by young women in trouble, and help them out. A lot of young women claiming to be in their 20s seduced me, and I helped them out. My mom had told me it was impolite to ask a woman her age, but I asked anyway. LOL I'm a terrible guy? I was only trying to help out the ladies. I even got fucked over by some hot babes. Damn the service of the Lord is a mighty rough place to be! HAHHAH. Satan made me have sex with them. lol. hahahah. It's true thuogh. I kept praying to be good, but to no avail, I just had to break the religious codes, I was "working for the devil." LOL Good thing I got medical help and talked to the cops about stuff. Damn, probably would be in a cave right now if it wasn't for my God. Lol. Thanks Yeshua, for all the parties ... Satan wants his good Satanists under his possession to have a slightly better life than the evil ones you know. I of course had great friends, amazing miracles, lots of orgasms. Hahaha. Now I quit drugs and sex and abandoned my special powers quest, and am on a God blessings quest. I want to make business, and get prosperous so I can do as David commanded I would, and inherit the land. HAHAHAHHAAH. The Satanists are really going to be depressed when they see us with more money. Hahah. We need to help them battle their mental illness, criminal tendencies, and satanic abusers in both head and real life. We need a Godfather. A pastor. The Godfather Theme Teeheheh, I guess I will join "THE BELIEVERS MAFIA." LOL Get some good cops to go sort out some bad cops. Teehehehhe. I'll do whatever I can, right now I am just trying to not drink or smoke too much. Need to step up to eating two full meals a day. Get back to excercizing. The plan is a low budget period until Christmas, then a feast between Christmas and NEw Year's, and then budgeting again, and then to star eating two meals a day in the new years. Enough of this hunger, starvation et cetera! Starving has made me weak to go out and exercize. Fucking eh. The authentic serial killing pedophile eh? The one who likes kids, who kills people who don't like their child sex slaves! ? LOL hahahahha. HAhaha. Hahhahahahahahahahahah. Dave Brubeck Take Five

Banned from Facebook, Twitter and now Google. (they are evil sided)

Prostesting Satanic pedophilia cults is ILLEGAL according to our corporate masters. They are watching people who do looking for one slip up to ban them from the internet. They would like to put us on trial for pointing out that some Christians, Jews, Muslims and Satanist groups are world domination cults run by evil epic murderers and serial pedophiles. They don't want to hear of it on their platforms, they are just waiting for you to make some sarcastic bitter remark and then that's it, yu're banned for life. It really is diabolical, this corporate dictatorship for the CIA and FBI and other, secret organizations like the Hell's Angels and Illuminati, Mason et cetera. Not only did facebook reserve the right to read all your messagens and own them for good, they spied on activists looking to shut down any global satanic pedophile terrorist maneuvers I allege. Our website criticizing Islam was taken down and my collegue and I were kicked off facebook. Twitter kicked me off for suggesting there was "AN EVIL JEWISH WORLD DOMINATION CULT." There is an evil Jewish World Domination cult of child rapists and murderers, which sanctified their child rape approving, murder and slave trafficking and robbery approving book, the Talmud, as the WORD OF GOD. There are evil Muslim world domination cults, evil Christian world domination cults. WE are being banned from facebook and youtuve and google and twitter like Alex Jones was, for exposing them. Facebook and Twitter and Google have such strict policies that no serious activist can always abide by, so open to interpretation, and can ban or delete you at anytime for any reason as well. Google just waited for me to make one sarcastic comment and then it decided this was just cause to ban me... Google forbids people to search the Bible properly, the google search engine doesn't really search the whole bible. You can't even find certain things in the Quran either on google. What is banned from google searches? Things like where Jesus refers to the apostles as wicked, or where it says if you beleive in God you wil kil 100 or 1000 of your enemies, and things like where the Bible describes what Angels look like when they appear to humans. The part of the Quran where it says the criminals will fabricate hadith and to leave their mosques is also banned from google search.. And even the submitters website has taken down that reference in the quran.. Terrorist attempts on us and mass murder serial killing threats. They are steering you on the course to hell, guiding you to extremist pedophile sites, and sites who promote lies about the Bible. The NIV is laced with evil mistranslations and omissions, and this is the Bible the websearch by google puts forward first usually. Terrible things are going to happen soon, especially to these people doing these things. The world will be crushed by a horrible scenario, which is going to lead to destruction of many a fortune and chaos and death and torture among the wicked in particular. Good peopel can get caught up in this too! They are already trying to lie and frighten the good people and put them in jail and kick them out of clubs and bars and restaurants and bookstores and out of public life alltogether. THE G7 tried to blow up the world? The guy claiming to be an archangel claims G7 type countries tried to kill off more than a billion people or so with an earthquake via nuclear underground blast plot involving more htan 6000 nuclear warheads planted around the globe. We are living in a holocaust times, now they want to kill such and such group, they haven't agreed yet though on what group to kill off. Some say the Muslims, other say the Jews, other say White People, others say the Blacks, others say the Native Americans. Some just say everyone who isnt white, and we'l have the beast saying everyone who isnt a pedophile and murderer. They would like to prohibit people from speaking about crime at all, or from speaking about God or Satan or Religion at all. Their effort to possess these companies leading our global communications network means that these companies now only care about making money, they don't want to attacked by these criminals so they are doing what they said to do. Our leaders are war criminals, of the worst kind? This is what Gabriel has told me. Insane terrorist dictators of the West, he claimed, or did he say "insane terorist leaders of the big countries?" I think he actually said the second phrase. And we got those satanists priests preaching surrender to pedophiles and that Satan's voice is God's voice. Fucking hell man, I see it filled with a lot of rich and powerful people right now. Remember what David said "better than the poverty o the righteous than the wealth of many wicked!" "The righteous will inherit the land." Try looking that up in a google search, you won't find it maybe, but it's in Pslam 37.

A bit of the old ultraviolence? Good people better find a way to get organized. It's supposed to be Church, but no one young goes there and many of the priests are acting perverted. Ultraviolence Don't let them make you an unorganized, unmilitiaed person of God. Be in resistance with the good priests and good wardens and good people everywhere. Not having any militia at all, well the Angels will still help you, but it would dissuade people from joining satanic cults and gangs if people were actually organizing a good resistance to it all. The political party, the government, they are on Christ's shoulders we are told in the Book. God appoints the authorities. So look out, they gonna try to cut you off from the authorities.l I think they might even be spying on our authorities's emails and creating satanic illusions when we write to them or call them. Look out for all those witches and drugs dealers working for the devil, including corrupt people in hospitals. Working for the devil means you basically HAVE TO act like the biggest asshole around, even though part of you doesn't want to, the devil just takes over and makes you do stuff like expose yourself to kids or molest kids, sell cocaine and crack and heroin, even try to kill people. As my sort of friend put it, "WE're like robotic drones, doing whatever that white spirit inside us makes us do." Prayer and piety can mitigate Satan's influence over you perhaps, avoid the Sunni and Shia an embrace Christ eventually Christ will free you from the demonic possession it seems. I see Satan and the demons now and rebuke them, I know what they are trying to do sometimes, though they might still be able to get me to say something evil from time to time. Gabriel tells me my gaurd has been instructed to stop the satanic abuse. Oh well, this means Satan will still try to fuck with me but supposedly now I can't be possessed to do anything illegal. Satan was trying to get me to sell drugs and have sex with slave girls, and kill certian cops. He was impersonating Jesus for this effort, and Jehova. I knew from the first time I saw Satan impersonating Jehova tht it wasn't Jehova. He appeared as a mass murderer, who had to kill my whole family for not belieiving in him, and then sent his false Jesus to sexually disturb me and encourage drugs use. He even sent fake Allah's , Yahwhe's Appollo's, Zeus's , Odins. He send a horde of fake gods after me to get me to do terrible things. He couldn't convince me to do anything other than sit at home and try to speak out against child abuse. It's very hard speaking out against child abuse cults they really ban you from twitter and facebook for critiquing pedophiles and their religious cults. You aren't allowed to talk about the Jewish pedophilia world domination cult on twitter, you can get away with bashing the Muslims on facebook though, sort of. All these pedophile world domination cults are just forbidden speech on the internet. Google, which already censors bible searches (must be on orders of US government) also banned me. I expect this blog to be deleted soon. Our current companies are simply not doing a good job of fighting evil, in fact they are instead leaging themselves to evil. The US government censorship of the Bible is intense it seems, making search engines not work for bible searches appear to US government NATO government policy. They trying to make it harder for Christians.

The Pope said not the let the Mafia - Satan's minions - rob you of hope.

Pope was in southern Italy speaking out against the Mafia. He talked about them robbing people's hope. HE could have gotten into how the people are working for the devil, a lot of them, but he didn't. The Pope has also absentmindedly suggested voices in your head are angels, when in fact usually they are demons at this time. Oops. Maybe angels do talk to some people in their head, I feel I have been visited by Angels before. But beware, the demons really talk to people in their heads. Psychics will ambush you with their demonic cold reading, being one with their demons to some extent the psychics can know a lot about you. I am not trying to make you paranoid, just trying to remind you of the power of Satan , which you have to be prepared for. You will find that they know wht you are thinking, and perhaps you will see what they are up to as well. God can make you aware of their plots before they occur, and you can pray for the good result. God knows everything Satan is up to and seeks to protect the innocent, the good people, the weak, the poor and the loved ones of his people. God tries not to kill the demons but rather to make them reform, but it is very hard, and one day God feels he will have to burn the demons and their wicked agents, the evil ones who worked for them, in hell. God had given demons special abilities compared to humans, and had instructed them to use them for good, but they use them for evil purposes. They are murderous rapine criminals, looking to get rich and so on. There are many humans who are similar to them in their behavior, who are by now usually infested by demons and in servitude to demonic gang leaders who may even work directly for the demons. These people are the ones fornicating, that is pimping out the underage girls and boys, and raping them. They are most often the would be murderers and murderers, killing the witness, snitch, talker et cetera. Bad things can happen to good people, Jesus warned, and if you don't think they can happen to you they will. Yes Jesus said that they would happen to you if you didn't think they could. So many people have been hit by these evil doers and demonic gangsters in our time. The sorcerers are working their magic to get you hooked on drugs, people who don't think bad things can happen to them are seeing their kids swept into drugs and adultery, or even fornication, and are seeing themselves lose what little faith in God they have , and become bitter, unrepentant, and thus going into sick behaviors like genocide and child rape. It's bad situation. The priests are supposed to protect the secrets of the Church, but the Church isn't supposed to secretly harbour evil, but rather , confess it's sins. Umm yeah, I have stuggled with the idea of being a pedophile and serial killer. lol I wanted to liberate child slaves and kill the slave traffickers. Teehehehe.. But I wanted to kind of sexy with the kids to make it look like it wasn't me. Hahaha .. This is just jacking off type fantasies, playing video games and shit. I never actually tried to kill anyone, or have sex with any children. I attempted to date only free adult women, as my mom had suggested. Avoid whores she had counselled me. Okay so I had to ditch a few bitches cause they were like hoes! LOL I feel bad for them, they wanted to kill religious people like me! Lol. These crazy people will stop attacking me, is what my older religious friend just told me. I haven't been falsely convincted of an offense despite some leader's attempts to do just that, although my brother was perhaps falsely convicted. He was serving the Satanic Jesus though and was not getting psychiatric help for his drug and sex addiction problems. AHHHHH! My buddy the counsellor told me I need to do this nd that thing. So I am working hard on my issues. Satan is around still and still telling me his latest news "We have to rape little girls or die!" The real Beast is coming. Mohammad wasn't really hte Beast perhaps they juts tried to make him look like he was so they could "Take over the world!" But I suspect his new Beast will go further than what the Evil Sunni and Shia are saying is MOhammad's example. They'll be told to rape kids or die and go to hell in that cult ,adn to kill people who criticize them. HAHAHAHA. GREAT! NOT! What the fuck man, I can just imagine these hardcore pedophile terrorists cooking up their crack cocaine dealing religion. Space Gabriel told me "The Beast has been born." Uh oh. So it' safe to say Christian adults are baptized in fire, aka battle, with people trying to kill them and lock them in prison, threatening to murder their families and rape their kids. It's safe to say the monster child rapist terrorists are not being killed, and that they are getting to the point where they are just waiting for a "savior" like the phoney Mohammad to come along and make child rape legal and normal according to our official religion. I don't know where this will happen, but some third world country might buy into it unfortunately, as well as a lot of psychotic neo nazi pedophile westerners. AHHHHHHHHHHH! SHIT!