Sunday, 29 April 2018

Okay now I'm a bit weirded out

Virgin brides and God impregnating a 12 year old...

So the Jews apparently used to marry girls off at 12 and most people claim Mary was 12 or 13 when she had Jesus. 

So God sends his holy spirit to impregnate (albeit, immaculately) a 12 year old girl in the West Bank 2000 years ago.

If God did that today what would humans say?

"Good one God, if there's grass on the field play ball!"

"God you sick fucking pedo, what are you doing!"


See it weirds me out that when you worship God, on this planet, it is always in some sort of pedophilia cult, but pedophilia is now illegal.  Are the pedophiles complaining that the BEAST (the cops) rules the world? 


To complicate matters further, we have the issue that the Jews claim Mary was a prostitute who had a baby by a Roman Soldier. 

So back in those days, soldiers were gangbanging 12 year old girls and impregnating them?

Nothing has changed.

I feel like I am some kind of alien, not from this universe, what with all not being a pedophile and stuff and all the religious groups I have thoroughly studied proclaiming Divine or Prophetic pedophilia. 

I mean I was genuinely weirded out by Islam, I was under the impression it was normal religion so I started hanging out with them and studying their stuff. I even prayed in the Islamic way for a while.

If you thought the Holy Ghost impregnating a 12 year old girl was bad, wait until you get into Islam.

Here the prophet, God's "favorite man in the universe,"  marries a 6 year old girl and humps her prodigiously until she is old enough to handle his massive member, which translates into 9 years old.

Not content to limit itself to this fairly excessive dose of pedophilia, the Muslims enjoin the enslavement and rape of non Muslim women, and in case you thought the pedophilia was only about girls, think again, Mohammmad claim the Muslims, sucked little boys tongues so they could enter heaven.

This the man Time Magazine not too long ago claimed was the "Greatest Man Who Ever Lived."


So what about Judaism, does they have pedophilia in their religion too?  Well, not to be outdone by it's cousins Christianity and Islam, Judaism has the Talmud, which according to a video I watched about it and some essay reading, claims that sex with "girls under the age of 3" is blessed with a "replenishing virginity."  Oh and having sex with young boys is "okay." 

In a world (today's world) where pedophilia is largely illegal, you have to wonder what the place of these ancient religious texts is. 

Are we really ruled by "Satan" the "devil" who opposes pedophilia against God's wishes?

Yeah sure guys, Satan makes it illegal so he can seduce people into the outlaw life, and oppress the people with strict prison sentences for their normal and even salutary behavior. 

I have to smile now, for it looks like the religious people are the devil and the non religious people are the angels.

Is this that story now about how people who accuse the faithful are the devil, and the atheists are perverts?

Right, the old story.  Well atheists, claim the religious people, would probably enslave and rape your baby if they could get away with that, because you, "talked to police." 

Sure sure, yeah religious people that is what you claim, that infidels are perverted and demonic? 

Well who is the person making it illegal to have sex with young boys and girls?

Are we supposed to think things have changed?  Well then why not change the religion?

Can we get a religious system that isn't slave trafficking and raping "infidel" girls and boys? 

One Christian said I was "weak" because I "punished people".  He said I was the "devil" for desiring strong punishment of sins. 

Ugh, right so is he going to go on about how Jews are the "chosen people" and sex with little boys is okay ? 

Girls under 3 have replenishing virginity? 

Oh or Muslim, as the Muslim translation of the Quran I read said, "the believers fight, and kill and are killed, in the cause of Allah."  ... "In the HEREAFTER (highlighted cause as the Muslim calls it "hereafter" and not "afterlife" it is some kind of plan for life on Earth) the believers will have mansions and many virgins with replenishing virginity."

Wait a minute the Muslim is claiming there is going to be a war and the believers will be rewarded with many girls under 3 to have sex with and live in mansions? 

HEY WAIT A MINUTE IS THAT A CRIME?  Is that conspiracy to commit murder, slave trafficking babies and rape babies? 

Then along comes the Christian and calls the police the "devil" and people who talk to police "rats/vermin." 

Okay okay, I get it humanity is a murderous outlaw rebel pedophile and slave trafficker. 

Just how murderous???   Well they are saying on facebook in some essays online that Christians have killled about 700 million to 1 billion people so far, and Muslims are clocked in at 500 million killings in 1400 years. 

Wow great, the most epic mass murdering serial killers ever who have to have sex with babies and get rich? 

Where do I sign up?

Yeah so that might be why I am a bit nervous to go to the Mosque and Church and Synagogue.

Now I could look into Hinduism, but I fear it is worse, than the Gods themselves come down and have sex with 9 year old girls and make out with little boys in India. 

At least Christianity doesn't have to agree with Muslims and Jews about replenishing virginity of young girls and doesn't deliberately say we have to have sex with kids to be God's "favorite person."

Muslims are so extremist, the Quran I read was basically an overt conspiracy to murder people who aren't in the cult, and enslave and rape their babies.


The Jewish Talmud, was like "the chosen one will lead the Jews to victory, enslaving and killing all the non Jews" and described child rape as "okay" and hints at the desirability of young girls under 3, suggesting that even when they are used up for sex, due to their replenishing virginity they can be sold at full price.  Great.

Brr..  That's ice cold.

Well, I guess I can see where some people feel we need to reject at least established religion on this planet.

I suppose I can see where some Christians feel animosity towards Muslims and Jews.

I mean literally I have that Quran in my house, and it seems (with insight into the Jews and what replenishing virginity means) to be an overt conspiracy to take over the world, kill billions of people and rape their babies and get rich.   The hereafter they call it, as in "here, afterwards."  going to be a baby rape paradise.   Wow. 

Now some religious guy is probably going to be like "oh yeah Nick Boake is the devil alright, he's the anti Christ, the Shaytan."

Yes I am the Beast, the 666, the heavenly policeman, here to put you in jail you baby rapist murdering slave trafficking cultists!

Hahahaha.  At least I think that we can argue that Islam and Judaism perhaps as well, must be stopped. 

I mean in Christianity God impregnates 12-14 year old girls, but he does so immaculately, with his Holy Ghost, it's like a medical operation.  Yeah sure, that is what Catholic Church is saying anyway.

So Chrisitanity though still killing plenty of people, not a pedophile, at least, anymore. 

Jews, well, what do Jews have to say about themselves?  Sex with little boys okay, sex with baby girls desirable?  Really?  As one Jew said to me, "I don't like the Talmud."  What about saying the Chosen One will enslave and kill all the non Jews?  Isn't that a tad bit racist? 

Islam, seriously, the believers are murderers who are going to get rich and rape babies in their mansions?  Do you really mean that?  And all non Muslims, so awful they need to get tortured forever, and oh those people claiming to be Muslim, who are hypocrites, sinners - (munafiqun in arabic)  well they are goign to a place worse than hell forever.  Yes the Muslim is insisting that you MUST BE A MURDERER on his way to RICHES, who is going to RAPE BABIES IN HIS MANSION.

Okay so it seems to me perhaps that Judaism is worse than Christianity, but Islam is by far the worst.  Literally saying you have to be a killer who has sex with babies and lusts after riches.

While the Jews claim it will be "the chosen one (messiah) " who brings the non Jews into death and slavery under the Jewish boot, the Muslims are actively conspiring to be so "messianic" right now, and openly declaring their intent to "murder the devil the accuser/critic" and  "enslave and rape the infidels" and is vowing to have "replenishing virginity" at it's disposal, which appears to be middle east code for girls under 3 years old.


Multiculturalism, what can we say. 

So now you know when a Muslim tells you you have to join Islam, he is saying 'join my cult or I will kill you and enslave and rape your babies." 

This is all legal, allowed, tolerated by the Western Government, United Nations et cetera.

Well, if only Muslims meant it as a joke, but as the Quran says "the believers are serious."

Great so, genocidal murdering madmen who want slaves riches and mansions and of course, virgins with replenishing virginity (tiny girls who bleed everytime they get raped.)...

God bless you Muslims, God bless the Jews, I guess the Christian are wrong.  Yeah Christian apparently is infidel and devil, dares to say sex with little boys and girls is wrong, even (the devils) made it illegal!   Oh that Jesus is the devil man!  Christian don't beleive in God!

Hahahaha. sorry that was meant ironically and sarcastically.

Oh man, well, I think I'd rather put my cards in with the Christians and go with the non baby rapist religion rather than the certified baby rapist cults.

I mean, honestly I would like the government to declare the Muslims and even Jews to be outlaws, criminals, and ban those cults.  At least reform Judaism to reject the Talmud in it's depravity, and seriously, either change the Quran or ban Islam altogether.

They might claim this is hate speech but can we honestly tolerate religious groups hell bent on violent world domination and baby rape and slave trafficking and robbing and murdering their critics?

Are those people religious or is that a cult run by a child rapist, slave trafficking, murdering gang of thugs? 

Seriously you have to wonder, is Islam a thug cult of murderering pedophiles?

Are the Jews dealing with a section of their people who want that kind of "religion" too?

I can understand why few people talk about this, most people fear they will be killed for addressing it so directly.

I am not as worried God has been protecting me from serious attacks so far and I know I have a chance to survive more attacks.

Muslims and Jews should think twice before attacking me, since I have seen how fate has turned against my enemies.

God does exist, and seems to bless the Christian belief more, with a touch of devil in it, perhaps we should be banning the bad Jewish ideas and ban the Muslim cult all together.

Think about it hate speech police, do you really want to be accused of being on the side of a baby rapist culture of murderous slave traffickers and pirates?

Maybe you do, and maybe I will wind up in court if I keep talking this way about other religious groups.

I am willing to go to court, as I have said, it is all proven in the documents of the Muslim religion that they are overtly planning to murder people and slave traffick and rape babies and young children.

I see that Western leaders have sought peace with the Islamic world, and have allowed Muslims to come here and practice their religion.  I think though that we are allowing an invader to come here and rape our children and enslave them, as we have seen in the breaking scandals in the United Kingdom in Rotherham (Rotherham sex abuse scandal) and now the new breaking scandal.

I suspect Muslim are capable of doing this because they devote so utterly to their religious brainwashing, praying with utter devotion 5 times a day or 6, and reading their holy books a mandatory twice a year or once a year.  They are brainwashed to attack people who criticize, accuse them, and to accept pedophilia as fitting of "God's favorite person in the world."

Jews have had problems with pedophilia in their community, Rabbi Nochum Roseberg spoke out in Brooklyn about young boy rape in the Jewish community, and abuse of girls too.  He was shot in the head but luckily survived (perhaps God saved him).  Apparently some Jews read the Talmud and it stokes them a bit further to molest children, since the Talmud teaches these Jewish pedophiles that the Jewish community accepts their pedophilia and rape of children, as legitimate.

Christians claim God immaculately impregnated a young teenager or 12 year old girl, in what is a kind of mystical medical proceedure apparently, if we go by the Catholic version.  And they might furthermore say that she was that young because at that time around the world girls were married off at such a young age.  It was an abomination, many Christians would agree, that girls were forced into marriage against their will at the age of 12.

While we may have governments who wish to be tolerant and respectful and peaceful with Muslims and Jews, the fact is the tide of world government is turning against pedophilia.  Now sex with people under 16 is forbidden in most of the world to adults.  The UN conventions on the rights of women and the rights of children protect the right of children not to be raped or otherwise abused (emotional, physical abuse, neglect)  and protect the right of women not to be forced into marriages against their will.

Indeed there is deep progress in the international community.

In this context it might be high time for reforms to be forced on the Jewish community, and it might be high time to outlaw or strictly regulate the Islamic community. 
Islam must not be manipulated into a murdering, slave trafficking child and baby rapist cult, while Judaism can be more easily reformed (by for example banning Rabbis and other religious authorities from teaching that the Talmud is the word of God nor any other books condoning murder and rape. ).

For Islam it may be difficult to modernize, for the fact is the Quran itself suggests that believers must fight the infidels and are destined to "have sex with tiny girls" in their "mansions."  Some reform of Islam can be accomplished by mandating that Islamic clerics reject the decisions of past Islamic leaders and forbid the killing and enslaving and raping of non Muslims and sternly reject the claims of their ancestors that sex with young girls is normal and sex with boys might be "understandable." ..

I doubt it is a genetic difference between the people, but a cultural one, and with Islam, you have a cult that threatens to murder people who leave it and murder critics of it, so there you go, a great obstacle to progress.

If international law is to be respected though Islam will have to be reformed or abolished, and Judiasm reformed.

I don't know what other religious groups say about these topics, but I remain vigilant about being blindly roped into to any cult systems now.

When I was younger I was foolish and believed what the Islamic sympathizers said, that Islam was just another religion the same as Christianity, and I believed to some extent what Jewish sympathizers in the Church said about Jews being the chosen people.

The sad fact is, like I said, Islam is overtly brainwashing people to be killers and rapists and slave traffickers, adamantly proclaiming it's right to have sex with babies, and killing critics and accusers if it can.

Judaism is guilty of proclaiming as the word of God a "World Domination" book which condones child rape and murder and enslavement of non Jews.

These are uncomfortable facts for the Canadian Justice system and other Western Legal elites.  Do we dare to side with the child abuse slavery cults and damn those who criticize them to prison for hate speech?  Or do we side with our international agreements and support the rights of children and women not to be raped and slave trafficked?   Perhaps we may face an impass in the near future where it seems we have little choice but to enact stern reforms of Islam and Judaism, down to nit picking the translations of the books and what the imams and rabbis are allowed to say.

I believe I can survive a court case, and repel Muslim assassins and Jewish character assassins.  I do suspect some Jews will try to smear me as a racist and or otherwise a devil, perhaps trying to hurt me in other ways too.  I truly believe that I risk being attacked physically by Muslims, history shows that all the famous critics of Islam have had some kind of attack, and many of them have suffered assassination attempts or been killed even.

I am willing to do this because it is my duty, morally, for the fact is as long as religious groups speak against the rights of children and women, and abuse the other races and religious groups, there will be more impetus and motivation for child abuse and women abuse in the world.

We have an obligation, under our national laws and our international agreements, to fight child abuse and women abuse, slave trafficking, rape in all it's forms, murder in all it's forms.  I believe this necessity superceedes the right of Muslims or Jews to practice their religion as those religions stand, I believe our duty to fight abuse and murder far exceeds the Muslim or Jewish right to proclaim their religions.

Therefore I commit this essay to the world's eyes, for the world to see, that it be known that Nicholas Boake who was born in Toronto has said this....

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Facebook ban, again

Despite the clear fact that India and South Asia are the global capitol of homosexuality and pedophilia, facebook bans me for criticising them.
I read about two things in particular.
In Pakistan it was claimed 30% of men said sex with young boys was okay.
In India it was found 40% of children claimed to have been sexually assaulted.
Google has hidden these studies now.
But two years ago you could have looked up, "child abuse stats in India" and found that 40% of Indian children had claimed to be raped.
You could also have looked up "Pool: 30% of Pakistanis say sex with young boys okay."
Now the world has hidden these studies and denies the problem, and the great new world order club of facebook will ban you for talking about it possibly.
Never mind the fact that if you make friends with a bunch Random Pakistanis or Indians they wil solicit you for online sex and send you gay photos.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Facebook ban, again! Can't criticize Muslims, again!

Facebook treats it as an offense whenever we speak our minds about Islam in a critical way.
If any Muslim reports you, you will be busted and banned for 30 days!
Why is facebook on Islam's side?  Is that because Mark Zuckerberg is secretly Muslim?
Can't mention that Islam promotes the murder and rape and robbery and enslavement on non Muslims, if a Muslim sees this and reports you, you're toast.
Damn well, now that the corporate world wants to block us from debating Islam, and critiquing it, is the government next going to impose sharia law on us and ban us from criticism of Islam on pain of imprisonment?